10+ Tips for Running a Mile Without Stopping (For Beginners) (2024)

If you’re a new runner, completing that first mile can seem daunting. We’re here to help. Learn our top tips for running a mile without stopping from start to finish.

Before you know it, you’ll be lacing up your running shoes regularly and getting through a mile easily.

How to Learn to Run a Mile

First, practice makes perfect when you learn how to run a mile. All the study and preparation in the world won’t get you to the finish line when you lace up your shoes.

You’re going to have to get out there, have a good time, and let your body adapt.

The first time you try to run a mile, you might only make it a hundred yards before stopping to catch your breath—and that’s OK. The next time you get out and run, you might make it 200 hundred yards, and then 500 yards.

Running is all about progress and small adaptations. Try to do too much too early, and you risk burnout and overtraining. Your body can’t adapt to these stresses, and your progress will plateau.

How to Prepare for Running a Mile

Preparation is key. First, reading these tips is a great place to start—but there are other things you can do to set the stage for success:

  • Study: Learn what it takes to run a mile without stopping. You’re already doing that by reading this post, so you’re on your way to running a mile. Yay!
  • Sleep: You’re going to need energy to run a mile and recover from each build-up run, so give your body time to rest.
  • Eat: It takes fuel to run. Give your body the nutrients and calories it needs.
  • Hydrate: Drink enough water to fuel your run.
  • Relax: Don’t stress. Stressing about your mile will tense up your miles and make it harder to recover.
  • Commit: Make a plan and commit to action.
  • Be Patient: Let it come. Everybody is different and will take different times to adapt. Be patient with your body.

10 Tips for Running a Mile (Beginner-Friendly)

Take it one step at a time. Great runners didn’t get there overnight, so don’t expect to be blazing through a mile after just a day or two. Be patient with yourself, and you’ll be enjoying mile after mile with a little time and effort.

Here are a few of our tried-and-true tips for running a mile.

1. Get the Right Gear

One of my favorite things about running is that it doesn’t require a lot of equipment. You need a good pair of shoes, comfortable socks that wick away sweat, and weather-appropriate clothes. Visit a local running store and talk to an expert who can fit you in shoes that work for you and watch you run in them.

In the winter, wear leggings and light layers you can take off as you warm up. In warmer weather, opt for shorts with a built-in liner for comfort and a light t-shirt or tank top.

10+ Tips for Running a Mile Without Stopping (For Beginners) (1)

2. Warm Up

Don’t plan to just walk out the door and burst into a jog. You need to warm up your muscles to get them ready to move and prevent injury. It doesn’t have to take long–just don’t avoid it. Check out Coach Holly’s video about the right way to warm up for a run.

3. Alternate Walking & Running

If you’ve never run before, it will take a few weeks before you can run a mile without stopping–and that’s ok. Start out by running for a minute and then walking for a minute or two. Listen to your body and see how it feels. Gradually increase the amount of time you run and decrease the amount of time walking as your body feels ready.

How to Run a Mile Without Stopping

That’ll come soon, but don’t push it from the get-go. It takes a bit of training to teach your body how to run a mile without stopping, but when it comes (and it will come), you’ll begin to dramatically increase your endurance.

Don’t be ashamed of the run/walk strategy. Even professionals switch to this form when pushing their weekly volume or training for long-distance events.

Accept the fact that running isn’t just running. Sometimes, it’s just putting one foot in front of the other.

Focus on Consistency

Consistency is more valuable than intensity in the early stages of running. Aim to run regularly, whether it's three times a week or every other day, depending on your schedule and fitness level. Consistent training will help build your aerobic base, strengthen your muscles, and improve your running economy.

Listen to Your Body

Pay attention to how your body responds to training. Some discomfort is normal as you push your physical limits, but sharp pain or persistent issues are signs to ease back and possibly consult a professional. Rest days are as important as training days; they allow your body to recover and grow stronger.

Gradually Increase Distance

Once you start feeling more comfortable running short distances, gradually increase your running segments by a small amount each week—no more than 10% to avoid injury. This gradual increase helps your body adapt safely, reducing the risk of overuse injuries.

Celebrate Small Victories

Every step forward is progress. Celebrating small achievements along your journey to running a mile without stopping is essential for motivation. Whether it's running a bit longer than last time, feeling less out of breath, or simply getting out there when you didn't feel like it, these are all victories worth recognizing.

Mind Over Matter

Finally, cultivate a positive mindset. Running a mile without stopping is as much a mental challenge as it is physical. Encourage yourself, visualize your success, and remember why you started. Running is a journey, and every step brings you closer to your goal.

How Long to Run a Mile Without Stopping?

Good question. It depends.

Your pace and adaptation will determine how long it takes to run a mile without stopping. Your first mile might be at a 12:00-minute pace, but keep it up, and you’ll see your time continue to accelerate.

4. Incorporate Strength Training & Cross-Training

When you’re first starting out, you don’t need to be running every day. You risk burning out, so you need rest days and light activity days. On rest days, you can do a little strength training like yoga or pilates to keep your muscles limber and foster muscle strength. You can also do low impact cross-training like swimming, walking on a treadmill, or cycling on days you don’t run.

5. Discover Your Motivation

As a beginner runner, think about why you want to run in the first place? You might be focused on weight loss or have the ultimate goal to complete a half marathon. Running isn’t easy–especially at first, so keep your end goal at the top of your mind when things get tough. You can even consider getting a running coach to help you develop a training plan, improve your running form and keep you motivated.

6. Keep Your Brain Engaged When Running

Some people don’t like to listen to anything while they run, but I am personally not one of them! I’ve always enjoyed listening to music to help pass the time and keep me motivated on a run. Make a playlist of your favorite songs just for running or search for popular running playlists on an app like Spotify. Some runners also enjoy listening to podcasts while running–it’s up to you!

While you can distract yourself, it’s even better to engage mentally. This is where you focus on what is important to remember when running, like:

  • Form
  • How you’re feeling
  • Cadence
  • Distance
  • Time
  • Motivation

7. Fuel Your Body

Nutrition is a huge part of how good you’ll feel while running. Focus on a balanced diet filled with whole grains, lean protein, healthy fats, fruits, and vegetables. Remember, you don’t have a license to eat whatever you want or carb load because you started exercising, especially if you want to lose weight. Consider using an app like MyFitnessPal to monitor your diet.

8. Find a Running Group

Many beginner runners find it easier to get started running–and stick with it if they have a running buddy or join a running group. Search Facebook groups or Meetups in your community to find a group of new runners. It will also help keep you accountable when you know someone is expecting you to show up for a run!

10+ Tips for Running a Mile Without Stopping (For Beginners) (2)

9. Sign Up For a Running Program

Structure is important. There’s no shortage of running plans you can look up online, but following one designed by experts is helpful. At The Run Experience, we offer We offer flexible programs that you can align with your schedule and fitness level, with guided, follow-along workouts. What are you waiting for? Sign up for a free trial today.

1-Mile Run Trainer

Need help conquering that first mile? We can help. Our coaches and trainers have run-as-you-go programs to coach you from your warmup to your cooldown. We’ll help guide you to finishing that first mile with class, regardless of where you’re starting.

10. Remember to Cool Down

Cooling down after each workout is just as important and warming up beforehand. It doesn’t take a lot of effort, but it helps keep you injury-free and reduces soreness so you’re ready for your next run. Check out Coach Holly’s video about the proper way to cool down.

How to Prepare for a Run?

Preparing for a run involves both physical and mental preparation to ensure you have a comfortable and effective workout. Start by hydrating well throughout the day and consuming a light, carbohydrate-rich snack, such as a banana or a small granola bar, about 30 to 60 minutes before your run to fuel your body. Dress in comfortable, weather-appropriate clothing and good-quality running shoes to avoid discomfort and injuries.

  • Warm-up: Begin with a dynamic warm-up consisting of exercises like leg swings, arm circles, and gentle stretching to increase your heart rate and loosen up your muscles.
  • Set a Goal: Decide on the distance or duration of your run. Having a clear goal can help keep you focused and motivated.
  • Run/Walk Strategy: Especially for beginners, alternating between running and walking can help build endurance without overexertion.
  • Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to how you feel during your run. Adjust your pace or take breaks as needed to avoid pushing yourself too hard.

Remember, consistency is key to improvement. Regular runs, coupled with proper preparation and recovery, will enhance your performance and enjoyment of running.

Now Start Running That Mile

Follow these tips for running a mile to get started and working your way towards longer runs—maybe even getting ready for your first 5k. Finally, don’t forget to download our new mobile app for access to expert coaching advice, daily video workouts, injury prevention tips, and complete training programs that will help motivate and inspire your running on a regular basis.

10+ Tips for Running a Mile Without Stopping (For Beginners) (2024)


10+ Tips for Running a Mile Without Stopping (For Beginners)? ›

Start With a Flat Route

Find the flattest route possible until you are comfortable running a mile. Gradually add hills once you have the one-mile distance under your belt. Ease your pace as you approach the incline to ensure you don't exhaust yourself and start walking.

How do you run a mile without stopping for beginners? ›

Start With a Flat Route

Find the flattest route possible until you are comfortable running a mile. Gradually add hills once you have the one-mile distance under your belt. Ease your pace as you approach the incline to ensure you don't exhaust yourself and start walking.

What are some tips for running a mile? ›

  • 7 Strategies for Running a Faster Mile.
  • Know Where You're Starting. “How can you know where you're going if you don't know where you are?” Paulson says. ...
  • Kick Up Your Cadence. ...
  • Home in on Hills. ...
  • Take on Tabatas. ...
  • Add in Some Strength. ...
  • Go the Distance. ...
  • Pace Yourself but Push It.
Nov 12, 2021

How to run 1 mile without getting tired? ›

Breathe properly: Take a deep breath in through your nose and then slowly exhale through your mouth. A good combination of jogging and breathing rhythms will be very good; Drink enough water: When jogging, the body will lose water quickly. So before running, you should drink some water.

What's a good mile time for beginners? ›

You don't need to break into a run until you're going faster than 15 minutes per mile. A new runner can shoot for 12 to 13 minute pace per mile as a good range to start off with, with walk breaks structured in.

Can a beginner run 1 mile? ›

If you've never run before, it will take a few weeks before you can run a mile without stopping–and that's ok. Start out by running for a minute and then walking for a minute or two. Listen to your body and see how it feels.

How to breathe when running? ›

Runners should always breathe in and out of their mouth and nose, so keep your mouth open,” McConkey says, adding that no elite runner has ever raced with their mouth closed. “To run your best, you need to inhale as much oxygen and exhale as much carbon dioxide as quickly and in as large amounts as possible.”

What makes running a mile easier? ›

4. Warm up. This sounds so simple, but it's surprising how many runners skip the warm-up because they think they don't need it. "To make a run feel easier, every runner should start with a 5- to 15-minute dynamic warm-up,” says Fitzgerald.

How to not get tired when running? ›

How To Run Further Without Getting Tired
  1. Warm up. It's always tempting to just get out the door and go, but if you want to run effectively and far it's worth doing a warm up before you set off. ...
  2. 2. … And cool down. ...
  3. Start slowly. ...
  4. Check your form. ...
  5. Remember to breathe. ...
  6. Eat and drink well. ...
  7. Vary your training. ...
  8. Get the right kit.
Dec 7, 2023

How can I improve my 1 mile time? ›

  1. Run longer distances. Running longer than a mile will boost your endurance. ...
  2. Do hill sprints twice a week. ...
  3. Improve your lung capacity. ...
  4. Use proper form. ...
  5. Run a one-mile race every week. ...
  6. Rest for at least two days a week. ...
  7. Use the stairs if you can't find hills. ...
  8. Run with a frenemy.

How can I run a mile without losing my breath? ›

As you're running at a steady pace, try to match your inhales and exhales to each stride, breathing deeply into your diaphragm. You could try an inhale for two steps, and an exhale for two steps, or a similar pattern that works for your breath and pace. Try to maintain this steady rhythm through your run.

How to not gas out while running? ›

While gas medication might be a short-term solution, try the following steps to avoid exercise-induced gas and bloating before they start.
  1. Go Low Fiber. ...
  2. Swallow less air. ...
  3. Drink plenty of water with concentrated carbohydrates. ...
  4. Stay Cool. ...
  5. Train your gut. ...
  6. Reduce intake of high FODMAP foods.

What is the best strategy for running a mile? ›

I suggest the 4 P's: PUSH, PACE, POSITION, and POSITIVITY. This works really well if you are able to find a place where you can easily split up the mile into four sections, like a track or out and back on a street. You can mark this ahead of your race, or you can use a GPS watch as a guide to identifying the 400m mark.

How do I start running and not quit? ›

Going on your first run: 3 steps
  1. Don't overthink it. Just go. What's that saying we use at Nike? ...
  2. Don't stress about your pace. "Your effort should feel easy", says Coach. "Not fast or slow—easy". ...
  3. Stop before you need to. The point of this run is to finish it. "Your goal isn't to run a certain distance", says Coach.
Jun 25, 2024

How do I start running and not stop? ›

Start with two to three weeks of fitness walking for 30-45 minutes a day, with longer walks on the weekends. “That would slowly morph into a walk-run,” says Johnson, “and then eventually continuous running.” Your walk-run program should begin with short intervals of running followed by short intervals of walking.

How long should a beginner run without stopping? ›

Begin with a walk-jog or walk-run combination running for about 10 to 15 minutes to start. If you have been running occasionally, you can probably go slightly longer, for 20 to 30 minutes. The important thing is to listen to your body so you don't overdo it.

How to run a mile without getting out of breath? ›

As you're running at a steady pace, try to match your inhales and exhales to each stride, breathing deeply into your diaphragm. You could try an inhale for two steps, and an exhale for two steps, or a similar pattern that works for your breath and pace. Try to maintain this steady rhythm through your run.

How do I get my 1 mile time down? ›

  1. Run longer distances. Running longer than a mile will boost your endurance. ...
  2. Do hill sprints twice a week. ...
  3. Improve your lung capacity. ...
  4. Use proper form. ...
  5. Run a one-mile race every week. ...
  6. Rest for at least two days a week. ...
  7. Use the stairs if you can't find hills. ...
  8. Run with a frenemy.


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Name: Kieth Sipes

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Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.