In some states, including Kentucky, 1,000 feet is the distance that legislatures have chosen to determine how far sex offenders can live from schools, preschools, or child daycare facilities. In these cases, the distance is measured in a straight line from the nearest property line of the school to the nearest property line of the offender's residence. Walking or driving routes should not be used to calculate the distance. 
Louisville DUI Lawyer
How Far Is 1000 Feet Within a School Area in Miles? - Louisville DUI Lawyer
May 9, 2022 — In Kentucky and many other states,1,000 feet is the distance legislatures choos...
Lexington DUI Attorneys
How Far Is 1000 Feet Within a School Area in Miles?
May 18, 2022 — That is about one-quarter of a mile from the school. There are different ways ...
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"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How far away is 1000 feet in miles?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"
Feet to mile conversion table
Feet (ft)Mile (mi)Conversion of feet to mile (ft to mi)
700 feet to miles0.132576 miles700 feet is 0.132576 miles
800 feet to miles0.151515 miles800 feet is 0.151515 miles
900 feet to miles0.170455 miles900 feet is 0.170455 miles
1000 feet to miles0.189394 miles1000 feet is 0.189394 miles
37 more rows
"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How many miles is 1000 feet visually?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Thus on a clear day at 1,000 feet a person with normal vision can see 39 miles; at 10,000 feet, 123 miles; at 25,000 feet, 194 miles. With good visibility a pilot at 25,000 feet can see Germany from the English Channel; at the same altitude over Tunisia he can see the middle of Sicily."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How far of a walk is 1000 feet?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"The quick way to determine 1000 feet in miles can be calculated by dividing 1000 feet by the number of feet in a mile. This is 1000 over 5,280, which comes out to . 19 of a mile. To be safe, 1000 feet is usually just considered one-fifth of a mile."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What is the area of 1000 feet?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"1000 square feet is a unit of measurement commonly used to measure the area of a space . It is equal to a square with sides that are 31.62 feet long . This means that 1000 square feet is equivalent to a space that is 31.62 feet long and 31.62 feet wide ."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How far is 1000 feet when driving?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"To find out how much of one mile 1,000 feet represents, simply take 1,000 and divide it by 5,280. The resulting figure is 0.189 miles, which is less than a quarter-mile."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How much driving is 1,000 miles?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"It depends on your speed. If you are driving at a brisk pace of 100 MPH, it would take you 10 hours; if traveling at half the speed (50 MPH) it would take you twice as long. (20 hours)."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How long would it take to walk 1,000 miles?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Walk 1000 Miles. Did you know it takes less than an hour a day's walking to hit 1000 miles in 12 months? That doing so dramatically boosts your immunity and cuts your risk of diabetes, heart attack, obesity, stroke and depression?"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How many feet are in a mile exactly?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"One mile = 5,280 feet."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How many floors is 1000 feet?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"a 100-story building would be approximately 1,000 feet tall (100 stories x 10 feet per story = 1,000 feet)."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How long is 100 feet visually?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"
Some people visualize 100 feet as being the length of a blue whale, which is about 100 feet long. Other things that are roughly 100 feet long include:
  • A couple of football fields
  • The Eiffel Tower
  • A courtyard that's about 220 feet long and 100 feet wide 
    How do you envision 100 feet?
    Sep 7, 2013
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"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How many miles is 1,000 footsteps?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"
Walking and Running
StepsWalk (Shorter Stride)Fast Run (Very Long Stride)
1,0000.4 miles0.7 miles
12 more rows
Nov 8, 2023
"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How far is 1,000 meters to walk?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"
1,000 meters is equal to 0.62 miles or 3,281.5 feet. At a moderate pace, it takes 10 to 12 minutes to walk 1,000 meters. Walking paces can be categorized as:
  • Easy: 20 minutes per mile or 12.5 minutes per kilometer
  • Moderate: 15 minutes per mile or 9.4 minutes per kilometer
  • Fast: 11 minutes per mile or 7 minutes per kilometer 
    Verywell Fit
    Calculate Your Walking Time: From 1 Mile to a Marathon - Verywell Fit
    Jun 19, 2024 — Kilometer: A kilometer is 0.62 miles, 3,281.5 feet, or 1,000 meters. It takes ...
    Verywell Fit
    How Long Does It Take to Walk a Mile, 5 Miles, or More? - Verywell Fit
    Apr 20, 2024 — How Long It Takes to Walk a Mile. ... Easy walk pace: 20 minutes per mile or 1...
The prefix \"kilo-\" means 1,000, so 1,000 meters is equal to one kilometer. 
If you walked all three trails in one day, how far would ...
Measuring Distance: The abbreviations 'm' and 'km' stand for 'meter' and 'kilometer. ' The...
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"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How many walks is 1 mile?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"The general number of steps in a mile is about 2,000.

“The average stride length has been measured to be about 2.1 to 2.5 feet, which corresponds to roughly about 2,000 steps for most people to reach one mile,” Savage explains."}}]}}

How Far is 1000 Feet Within a School Area in Miles? (2024)

Los Angeles > Criminal Defense Blog > How Far is 1000 Feet Within a School Area in Miles?

by Ambrosio Rodriguez | Nov 30, 2021 | Sex Crimes

California sex offender restrictions are not as clear-cut as other states that have simple 1000 foot rules. The quick way to determine 1000 feet in miles can be calculated by dividing 1000 feet by the number of feet in a mile. This is 1000 over 5,280, which comes out to .19 of a mile. To be safe, 1000 feet is usually just considered one-fifth of a mile. However, in California, your residency restrictions are likely very different.

If you are subject to restrictions on how closely you can live to a school due to a sex crime, you need to proceed very cautiously. Following the restrictions is your duty, and failing to follow them could lead to your rearrest and new criminal charges.

Does California Have a 1000 Foot Restriction For Sex Offenders?

The State of California is very different than other states when it comes to the 1000-feet-from-a-school rule for sex offenders. In California, the rule was never 1000 feet. Rather, the law used to prohibit all registered sex offenders from living within 2000 feet of a school.

This was almost half a mile, much further than the 1/5 mile used in other states! The California Supreme Court overturned the 2,000-feet rule in 2015, which had applied to ALL sex offenders automatically. Instead, the California Supreme Court ordered that all residency restrictions must be determined on a case-by-case basis for each individual sex offender.

This means that your individual situation and living restrictions could be very different from other sex offenders. You should be informed of your residency restrictions by your parole officer or the court when you were paroled.

If you are unsure of where you can and can’t live, contact a criminal defense lawyer right away. We can help you find out where you can live legally.

How Can You Calculate Distance From a School in California?

If you already know your individual residency restrictions, you may be wondering how you can calculate 2,000 feet (or any distance) from a school zone to a house.

The easiest way to do this is with Google Maps. If you are worried your calculation is incorrect, you can consult with a criminal defense lawyer for help. The first step is to go to Next, click layers on the bottom left to see satellite images. Zoom in to the school closest to where you want to live. On the edge of the school zone, right-click, then select calculate distance.

Now move to the property line of where you may want to live. Right-click; then choose to calculate distance again. The map should now tell you the distance between the two points. As you can see, placing the two points in the right spot at the edge of the property boundaries is key to getting an accurate measurement and staying out of trouble.

We recommend working with your probation officer before picking a place to live. Alternatively, you can consult with a criminal defense attorney if you need to double-check where you already live. A criminal defense lawyer will know how to determine the distances between your desired residence and any schools or playgrounds. They will confirm if your potential residence meets the distance requirement given to you by the court.

To learn more, call our Los Angeles criminal defense law firm at 213-995-6767 or visit our contact us page to send us an email.

How Far is 1000 Feet Within a School Area in Miles? (2024)


How Far is 1000 Feet Within a School Area in Miles? ›

The resulting figure is 0.189 miles, which is less than a quarter-mile.

How far is 1000 feet from a school? ›

1,000 feet is less than a quarter-mile, or 0.189 miles, from a school. To calculate this, divide 1,000 by 5,280, the number of feet in a mile. 
Louisville DUI Lawyer
How Far Is 1000 Feet Within a School Area in Miles? - Louisville DUI Lawyer
May 9, 2022 — In Kentucky and many other states,1,000 feet is the distance legislatures choos...
The Rodriguez Law Group
How Far is 1000 Feet Within a School Area in Miles?
Nov 30, 2021 — The quick way to determine 1000 feet in miles can be calculated by dividing 10...
In some states, including Kentucky, 1,000 feet is the distance that legislatures have chosen to determine how far sex offenders can live from schools, preschools, or child daycare facilities. In these cases, the distance is measured in a straight line from the nearest property line of the school to the nearest property line of the offender's residence. Walking or driving routes should not be used to calculate the distance. 
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How far away is 1000 feet in miles? ›

Feet to mile conversion table
Feet (ft)Mile (mi)Conversion of feet to mile (ft to mi)
700 feet to miles0.132576 miles700 feet is 0.132576 miles
800 feet to miles0.151515 miles800 feet is 0.151515 miles
900 feet to miles0.170455 miles900 feet is 0.170455 miles
1000 feet to miles0.189394 miles1000 feet is 0.189394 miles
37 more rows

How many miles is 1000 feet visually? ›

Thus on a clear day at 1,000 feet a person with normal vision can see 39 miles; at 10,000 feet, 123 miles; at 25,000 feet, 194 miles. With good visibility a pilot at 25,000 feet can see Germany from the English Channel; at the same altitude over Tunisia he can see the middle of Sicily.

How far of a walk is 1000 feet? ›

The quick way to determine 1000 feet in miles can be calculated by dividing 1000 feet by the number of feet in a mile. This is 1000 over 5,280, which comes out to . 19 of a mile. To be safe, 1000 feet is usually just considered one-fifth of a mile.

What is the area of 1000 feet? ›

1000 square feet is a unit of measurement commonly used to measure the area of a space . It is equal to a square with sides that are 31.62 feet long . This means that 1000 square feet is equivalent to a space that is 31.62 feet long and 31.62 feet wide .

How far is 1000 feet when driving? ›

To find out how much of one mile 1,000 feet represents, simply take 1,000 and divide it by 5,280. The resulting figure is 0.189 miles, which is less than a quarter-mile.

How much driving is 1,000 miles? ›

It depends on your speed. If you are driving at a brisk pace of 100 MPH, it would take you 10 hours; if traveling at half the speed (50 MPH) it would take you twice as long. (20 hours).

How long would it take to walk 1,000 miles? ›

Walk 1000 Miles. Did you know it takes less than an hour a day's walking to hit 1000 miles in 12 months? That doing so dramatically boosts your immunity and cuts your risk of diabetes, heart attack, obesity, stroke and depression?

How many feet are in a mile exactly? ›

One mile = 5,280 feet.

How many floors is 1000 feet? ›

a 100-story building would be approximately 1,000 feet tall (100 stories x 10 feet per story = 1,000 feet).

How long is 100 feet visually? ›

Some people visualize 100 feet as being the length of a blue whale, which is about 100 feet long. Other things that are roughly 100 feet long include:
  • A couple of football fields
  • The Eiffel Tower
  • A courtyard that's about 220 feet long and 100 feet wide 
    How do you envision 100 feet?
    Sep 7, 2013
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How many miles is 1,000 footsteps? ›

Walking and Running
StepsWalk (Shorter Stride)Fast Run (Very Long Stride)
1,0000.4 miles0.7 miles
12 more rows
Nov 8, 2023

How far is 1,000 meters to walk? ›

1,000 meters is equal to 0.62 miles or 3,281.5 feet. At a moderate pace, it takes 10 to 12 minutes to walk 1,000 meters. Walking paces can be categorized as:
  • Easy: 20 minutes per mile or 12.5 minutes per kilometer
  • Moderate: 15 minutes per mile or 9.4 minutes per kilometer
  • Fast: 11 minutes per mile or 7 minutes per kilometer 
    Verywell Fit
    Calculate Your Walking Time: From 1 Mile to a Marathon - Verywell Fit
    Jun 19, 2024 — Kilometer: A kilometer is 0.62 miles, 3,281.5 feet, or 1,000 meters. It takes ...
    Verywell Fit
    How Long Does It Take to Walk a Mile, 5 Miles, or More? - Verywell Fit
    Apr 20, 2024 — How Long It Takes to Walk a Mile. ... Easy walk pace: 20 minutes per mile or 1...
The prefix "kilo-" means 1,000, so 1,000 meters is equal to one kilometer. 
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How many walks is 1 mile? ›

The general number of steps in a mile is about 2,000.

“The average stride length has been measured to be about 2.1 to 2.5 feet, which corresponds to roughly about 2,000 steps for most people to reach one mile,” Savage explains.

How many feet is a 3 mile walk? ›

Answer and Explanation:

There are 15,840 feet in 3 miles. To find this answer, you need to know that there are 5,280 feet in 1 mile. Therefore, to calculate the number of feet in 3 miles, multiple 5,280 by 3, which gives you 15,840. Another approach would be to calculate the following: 5,280 + 5,280 + 5,280 = 15,840.

How many floors is 1000ft? ›

a 100-story building would be approximately 1,000 feet tall (100 stories x 10 feet per story = 1,000 feet).

How long does it take to fall 1000 feet? ›

It takes roughly 10 seconds to fall the first 1,000 feet during a skydive, and then about 5 seconds for every additional 1,000 feet. This is because the plane is already moving forward when you exit the aircraft, so you aren't falling straight down. There's also wind blowing in different directions thousands of feet off the ground. 
Skydive Northwest
How fast do you fall? - Skydive Northwest
It takes very roughly 10 seconds to fall the first 1,000 feet and then about 5 seconds for...
Skydive Carolina
How To Calculate Time In Freefall During A Skydive
Apr 16, 2024 — Does terminal velocity start the second you leave the plane? Nope. Remember, t...
Chattanooga Skydiving Company
How Long Does a Skydive Last?
We calculate freefall time at 10 seconds for the first 1,000 feet and then 5 seconds for e...
For example, an experienced skydiver who falls 10,000 feet before deploying their parachute will have had roughly 60 seconds of freefall. 
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How many feet is a school? ›

However, to provide a general idea: - An elementary school building might have an average size ranging from 50,000 to 90,000 square feet (4,645 to 8,360 square meters). - Middle schools typically have larger buildings, with an average size ranging from 90,000 to 120,000 square feet (8,360 to 11,150 square meters.


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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.