The Burrton Graphic from Burrton, Kansas (2024)

"1- A II li rJ 14)1 0 And Burrton Tribune Consolidated Dec 9, 1914 BURRTON KANSAS, THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1917 Vohaan 40, Number 42 Plan to Pave High School Calendar Special Inducements Literary and Art Club Burrton Literary and Art Club Will Take Part Santa Fe Trail i Invitations have been received April 20 Harvey County Hieh for School Children Wheat Improved During Last Week The week ending April 17 wag the most favdVable crop growing week of the season in Kansaf, ac County Track Meet asking this County to send repre The management of the Hutch School Meet at Newton. April 27 Spring Musical Athletes from the Burrton bioh met with Florence Jones on March 30. In the absence of President Mrs. Myers, Mrs. Ruby Eales, Vice- santatives to Emporia April 25 to inson Spring Musical Festival have school will go to Newton tomorrow, May 4 Junior-Senior Banquet.

announced that all school children cording to the weekly crop bulletin Friday, to participate in th ail May 11 -Senior Play. president, presided. During the business session the will be admitted to the concert wsued by the weather bureau of County Track Meet. Teams from meet-with representatives from the six counties along: the New Santa Fe Trail from Edgerton to Kinsley, to work out a plan for May 13 Baccalaureate Sermon. Saturday afternoon for the small Topeka, which says that in the Walton, Sedgwick, Halstead.

Ntw- May 15 Commencement Ex admittance fee of twenty-five cents southwest part of the state the ton and Burrton will take Dart in erciees. hard surfacing the Trail between Saturday afternoon's entertain long drought was effectively broken sum of five dollars was voted to be given to Parent-Teachers Ass'n for help in purchase of seeds. Mrs. Eales handed in her resignation as she is leaving the city and May 18 and 19-Normal Train the meet and compett for the honors. these two points.

This section of ment will consist of a symphony ing Examinations at Newton. by. rains that totaled from three quarters of an inch to two inches. concert by the Minneapolis Sym This All-County meet is to be an May 18 History Pageant by phony Orchestra. The entire second annual affair and will be held each The report continues: "The eastern part of the state Mrs.

Kackley was elected to fill the vacancy. balcony of the Convention Hall at erad pupils. -May 18 School closes. year as near to April 20 ai possible. Hutchinson has been reserved for received enough rain for its present 1 he program calls for an afternoon The next meeting April 20th needs but in the northwest counties Passed the State the pupils of the various schools in the vicinity of Hutchinson for and evening meeting.

In the af ter noon the track meet will be held the trail will join the portion of the trail which is being paved o'ut of Kansas City, at Edgerton. This will make a hard surfaced road through to Kansas City. The dominent factor in theminds of the men pushing this good road work Is the value of the road during the winter and spring months t0 the farmer in marketing bis 7 produce and getting to and from the rain was light and inadequate. Board of Embalming will be with Mrs. Cha.

Gorvin and the program is: Ron Call Current Events Historical-First Magazines. Saturday afternoon's concert only Wheat improved noticeably in Athletic park. A loving cud will R- J. Jones, local furniture dealer It is likely that a number of the all parts except a few northwestern be given the team ranking the and undertaker was in Topeka, the pupils of the Burrton schooli will counties and in' the south central highest, but it must be won each fore part of the week, taking the attend the concert and that some and southwest counties many fields year for three consecutive years examination for Embalmer' of the teachers will accompany the that were considered dead are now to be held permanently by anv License held at that city. pupils to Hutchinson on that day team.

The following letter received this beginning to green up and show signs of making, a fairly good The meeting in the evening will Relative Merits of Old Time and Modern. Field of Serial and Short Stories, (a) First Serial Stories. (b) Complete Novels in Magazines. (c) Short Story as Magazine Feature. Mrs.

Sholl Leader of program. Preaching Monday Night crop." be devoted to orations, declsma. the towns. Tests have been made which show that it takes lees than one forth as much power to hall a load over a hard surfaced road as it does over a muddy road. For this reason farmers on all parts of the trail are behind the proposition Rev.

Sorey, pastor of the First morning by Mr. Jones from the secretary of the state board is self explanatory: Apr. 18, 1917 tiona, glee clubs, and debatee. Appropriate banners will-be elven' Christian church of Hutchinson will preach at the local Christian the winner in these contests. The weekly bulletin is made up from reports received frfm 125 weather stations in KansasThese reports indicated a large acreage for corn and that the ground was in excellent condition for plantine church on next Monday evening.

The Burrton high school will also April 23, at eight o'clock. be represented in the evening's Mr. R. J. Jones Dear At the examination for Embal-mer's License held at Topeka, Kansas, by the State Board of program.

Presbyterian Sparks The following from Burrton will and will be represented in Emporia to do their part in boosting the proposition. Mr. J. Frank Smith, President of the Kansas Good Roads Ass'n will attend the conference and assist The pastor went to McPherson, Oats is reported in good condition, alfalfa fair and the potato acreage lower than usual because of the Hall-Wilson Word was received in Burrton, this week, of the marrage of Miss Beulah Hall of Emporia and Bruce Wilson, also of Emporia, which occurred on Monday, April 16. Mr.

Wilson is the son of Mr. and Embalming, you passed a grade of take part in the track meet at' Newton, tomorrow afternoon: to attend the Emporia Presbytery 75 per cent or more which is and discharged his duties as retir scarcity of seed. 100-yard dash Armstrong. Mil. necessary to secure embalmef's ing Moderator.

ler. Sunday services were good all 50-yard dash Armstrong. Hale. The School Meeting R. E.

Jones, was elected as a license. R. M. Johnson Secretary in drawing up the plans and use his influence to make the work a success. -S Mr.

J. D. Nicholson who is the author of the present State Law Mrs. Dave Wilson of Burrton. He is now empoyed as a fireman for the way through.

Sunday School invites as many as possible to take the trip to Jerusalem. Safe journey assured; no baggage needed. Every scholar seems anxious to go, and we 220-yard race-Armstrong. 440 yard race-Durflinger. Half-mile-Friesen, Warner.

Mile Friesen, Warner. Broad jump Hale, Miller. Relay team member of the school board last Friday afternoon, to succeed F. A. Galloway.

No other business, other, than the deciding on the tax levy for the Santa Fe railway company with headquarters at. Emporia. The bride also has relatives residing near Burrton. 1 The young couple has manv will be in attendance to explain the legal features of the propo-ganda. The invitations which have been want you to go along.

Friesen, Hale. Edlund-McDermed A quiet home wedding took place last evening at eight o'clock at the country home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A.

McDermed when their daughter, Miss Gertrude, became the bride of Mr; Oscar Edlund of this city. The rooms were fragrant with spring blossoms in pink and white. The C. E. expects to send a large issued by the Emporia Commercial Club ask all good roads boosters The relay race does hot count In delegation to McPherson to the Women's Presbyterial for Satur the scoring for" cup, but a sDeciai friends here who will wish them a happy wedded life.

A Good Entertainment On account of the threateninir and those interested to ha in nt school was brought before the meeting, A comparatively small crowd was in attendance at the meeting. Clean-Up is in Progress Nearly everyone is observing day. tendance, because the club is prize will be given to the team-winning this event. The Fischer Musical was fine, anxious io nave every individual and In the evening, Armstrong will and was a good advertisem*nt for community on the Trail a Booster weather, the crowd in attendance at the concert, given at the opera represent the local high school in the school at Wichita. Credit i Just before the ceremony Miss Amelia Edlund sang, "I Love You Truly," accompanied by Miss GiadysHaunat the piano.

Rev. reading, and Kiddoo and Carmich- due Miss Marjorie Jones for get for this much needed improvement. Under the present laws, Kansas is in position to obtain government house Monday night, was not; very large. The concert was riven un ael will seek honors in debating. ting such a good house.

Procceeds clean-up week in Burrton to some extent, at least, and are cleaning up theix; places of The officials have made arrangements to have all refuse Horace Cole performed the cere goes towards the painting of the der the auspices of the Christian Endeavor Society of the Presbyterian church. mony in the presence of the im church. mediate families of the youne The Westminister Guild met with hauled out of town. It is necessary. People and a few very inflmate Miss Thomas Tuesday night and The entertainment was of a high order and was greatly enjoyed by aid in the construction of hard surfaced roads providing the road joins several counties, and since the New Santa Fe Trail does this the feeling among those interested is that the Trail should be one of the first in the State to get in position to secure this aid.

A special interurban car will be chartered to take the-the team and pupils of the high school to Newton for the occasion, Any persons, other than pupila of the school, may also engage passage in the special car. Geo, Neway transacted business friends. A dainty pink and white reports a good time. luncheon was served. Mr.

and however, that persons place tin cans and other garbage in the alleys adjoining their place so that it will be easily accessible for the teamsters. The executive committee of the Mrs. Edlund will be at home to Burrton District met with Mrs. W. those present: The C.

E. Society of the Presby-terian church wish to thank those who helped by, their attendance. their many friends at 831 Fourth P. Osborne and are arranging a S. S.

Convention for May 20. near Ness City, the fore part of avenue east. Today's Hutchinson Gazette. The bride is a niece of Mr. and Mrs.

A. J. Saltzman of Burrton Chas. Kirkpatrick the week. A ten-pound baby boy was born The proposition is too large for any county to handle individually and for that reason the six counties will form into an association with a secretary to look after their com bined interests in constructing this road and in securing the necessary H.

Gronniger transacted business to Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Myers, on Holmes-Smith Among the interesting weddings which are taking place in Wichita is the one of Miss Stella Holmes and Mr.

F. Andrew Smith, which occurred last night at 8 o'clock at Card of Thanks We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to our friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted us dur-ing the sickness and death of our daughter and sister. Mrs. E. J.

Paden, at Wichita, yesterday. Wednesday, April 18. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ware of and has many friends here.

Saturday Matinee At Picture Show On Saturday afternoon a matinee will be given at the picture show R. J. Jones transacted busineis Hutchinson were visitors at the funds for the work, and in this in Kansas City, a few days the first Chas. Zimmerman home, Sunday. the home of the Rev.

J. Arthur Wollam of Mentor avenue. Im vway the work will be carried on in of the week. jiK business like way to a successful F. W.

Armstrong and Arthur G. L. Day and (' conclusion mediately following the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Smith left for Kansas were in Halstead, Tuesday Mrs.

D. J. Davis, -Joe Paden, Lee Paden and family, Polk Paden and family, Mrs. Wofford, Thomas Murphy, returned home from Frankfort, Kansas, Friday" commencing at 2:30 odock. On that date, both matinee and evening, "Embers," a five act drama will be shown.

This feature Revival Meetings Will rs. Howard Austin and daugh Start April 29 having been called 'there by the serious illness of their mother. ter of Hutchinson spent the week Revival meetings will be held at end with Mrs. M. H.

Austin in City and St. Louis, where they will spend a short time before returning to Wichita. They will be at home for a time at 525 South Mil-wood avenue. Mrs. Smith attended Friends university, where she was especially well liked.

She had the faculty of making friends easily the Burrton Christian church com Mrs. Elinor Mrs. Murphy had a bad attack of heart trouble is a Mutual, Master Picture featuring Arthur Maude, the celebrated Broadway Star, and Constance Crowley. Burrton. James Paden.

Food Sale Classes 5 and 6 of the Presbyterian school will hold a food sale at the Heinrichs depart mencing Sunday, April 29. Mrs. Lydia Saylor and daughter Rev. Chas. S.

Early will be the and Brights disease, but is improv-at this time. of Halstead spent Sunday with Until further notice there will be no picture shows on Tuesday Evon Batachanka spent yester Mrs. Saylor's mother, Mrs. D. B.

Hollis. evangelist in charge of the meetings. At a meeting of the congrega "and keeping them. She has been nights. day visiting at the Dr.

F. H. ment store on Saturday, April 24, Notice Beaumont home, and renewinsr in the VanArsdale Osborne office for sometime. She is the daughter tion of this church held last Sunday morning, it was decided to call Rev. Frank Hill of Salina is spending a few days, this week; the guest of relatives in and near Burrton.

H. Laclerc shipped a car of cattle to the Kansas City market, the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. John Harr of Newton, spent Monday evening with S.

H. Barly to Burrton as pastor! Bring wheat to the mill for exchange for flour. This will make flour a whole lot cheaper than buying for cash. Thi8 high price makes of Mrs. Mary E.

Holmes. Mr. Smith ia sales manager for the Kansas Milling company and is among the very well thought of of the Christian church. Rev. Barly will come to Burrton shortly Mr.

and Mrs. Chas. Zimmerman. after the first of June. former acquaintances in Burrton.

Eatachanka will wrestle with Julius Rief at the Convention Hall at Hutchinson tonight. He was a favorite among wrestling fang in this section last winter and many Burrton people will attend the match tonight. A. J. Wood and son will hold a public sale, just south of town.

business men. Today's Wichita Eagle. the difference more than ever. Yours truly, Adv. 2t; Alta Milling Co.

At a Bargain two ice boxes for sale. --C, B. Heinricn'a store. Miss Conah Mae Ellis Sias return-edto Emporia after a visit with home folks'east of Burrton. W.

J. Collins and family have About forty persons have secured moved into the Tullis property. The groom formerly resided at Burrton. I He is a half-brother of Mrs. M.

Paine of this city. Notice Miss Pearl Mann and Lucille passage in the special interurban car to attend the county high school meet at Newton, tomorrow. Lot owners in the Burrton Millspaugh were shoppers in Hutch Miss Ellis is a student at the College of Erapotia. Mr. and Mrs, F.

C. TriDDle- were inson last Friday afternoon. The car will accommodate sixty' next Wednesday, and the family, Carl Davis Lowry Carl Davis Lowry, aged 17. died Ave persons and any one desiring will then move into Burrton. They Mr.

and Mrs C. A.Dandon and Cemetery are requested to- pay $1.00 to Mrs. M. Paine before May 1, in order that the cemetery may be cleaned priw to Decoration Day. AX? so to Newton in this car may do yesterday at the home of his Sunday dinner guests of Mr.

and Mrs. A. R. Ckallender. Chas.

McDonald of Wieh'ita was 'so. It will leave Burrton at 12:30 Lowry. of 17 o'clock, returning at about 10:30 Thirteenth avenue east, sarcoma being the cause of death. He had daughter, Miss Maude; Mr. and Mrs.

H. Knight and daughter and M'iss'Cjeorgia Davis departed for Great Falls.Montana.this week. Miss Forrest Johnson underwent an operation for appendicitis at The Wesleyan Aid will serve' Notice expect, when -weather conditicca become somewhat settled, to leave for New York their auto mobile, for an exteaied visit with relatives and old time acquantancei. Mt. Wood recently sold the'farra toJ.

M. Bealof near Hutchinsea and the latter mentioned gentletBsn kia suffered intermittently for the lunch at the Wood sale on Wednesday, 25th. Each lady of past two years. Funeral services There will be two per-cent aSded to all accounts of over thirty days renewing acquaintances, near Pax-ton, on Wednesday of this week. The Burrton drum corps is in Newton today furnishi eg music for the Loyalty Demonstijation being held there, the congregation is asked to bring her home near Mt.

Hope, Sunday will be held tomorrow and burial will be at Hutchinson Gaaette. standing. City Meat Market. two pies. night.

Her condition is eaid to be at this time. ni euun move the place..

The Burrton Graphic from Burrton, Kansas (2024)


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