Gossler Farms Nursery...3 GOSSLER FARMS NURSERY Open WEDNESDAY THROUGH SATURDAY Year Round or by appointment 9:00 to 4:00 IF COMING A DISTANCE, CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT DURING … - [PDF Document] (2024)

Gossler Farms Nursery...3 GOSSLER FARMS NURSERY Open WEDNESDAY THROUGH SATURDAY Year Round or by appointment 9:00 to 4:00 IF COMING A DISTANCE, CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT DURING … - [PDF Document] (1)


2020-2021Retail Catalog

Gossler Farms Nursery...3 GOSSLER FARMS NURSERY Open WEDNESDAY THROUGH SATURDAY Year Round or by appointment 9:00 to 4:00 IF COMING A DISTANCE, CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT DURING … - [PDF Document] (2)

Pinus ‘Chief Joseph’Magnolia ‘Wiesneri’

Photos by: Roger, Eric, Dawn & Marj Gossler Front Cover: Cotinus ‘Grace’

Cornus ‘Hearthrob’ Camellia ‘Night Rider’Ferns

Gladiolus ‘Boone’

Viburnum ‘Pink Sensation’Daphne ‘Eternal Fragrance’ Camellia ‘Donation’

Gossler Farms Nursery...3 GOSSLER FARMS NURSERY Open WEDNESDAY THROUGH SATURDAY Year Round or by appointment 9:00 to 4:00 IF COMING A DISTANCE, CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT DURING … - [PDF Document] (3)

Eric, Dawn and Friends new Raft on the McKenzie

Rhododendron ‘Elsie Frye’

Magnolia sargentiana ‘Blood Moon’

Davidia ‘Sonoma’ Benny

Magnolia ‘Elizabeth’

Acer P. ‘Hana Matoi’


Woodwardia unigemmata

Rhododendron williamsianum

Mahonia ‘Charity’

Callistemon ‘Woodlanders Red’

Gossler Farms Nursery...3 GOSSLER FARMS NURSERY Open WEDNESDAY THROUGH SATURDAY Year Round or by appointment 9:00 to 4:00 IF COMING A DISTANCE, CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT DURING … - [PDF Document] (4)

1200 Weaver RoadSpringfield, Oregon 97478•9691

541•746•3922 • Fax 541•744•7924www.gosslerfarms.com

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Magnolia ‘Iolanthe’ Camellia ‘Donation’

Gossler Farms Nursery...3 GOSSLER FARMS NURSERY Open WEDNESDAY THROUGH SATURDAY Year Round or by appointment 9:00 to 4:00 IF COMING A DISTANCE, CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT DURING … - [PDF Document] (5)



Well what else can we say but 2020 WOW!!!!!! I have been writing this introduction for over 25 years and there has always been something in the world to talk about. There was the year right while I was writing the introduction, Hurricane Katrina hit and destroyed the gulf; there was September 11, 2001 terrorist attack; and there was the 2008 banking collapse of the economy that threatened the country. All of these events took place right while I was writing the introduction. We have also have many personal challenges to the family over the years. With all that being said, 2020 may be the strangest yet. We have a global pandemic, race relations that are starting to rival 1968, and I fear we are coming up on a political struggle like the country has never seen before in November.

So let’s talk about how all of this affects us here at the nursery this coming year. When the pandemic hit we were having somewhat slow sales for the fall and early spring. Then when the stay at home orders hit our business actually really picked up. This increase helped us bridge the loss of 4-5 spring plant sales we would normally go to each spring that were all canceled. We also had to account for the loss of in-person sales here at the nursery. We want to thank all of you who placed orders this spring. Those orders really helped us get through the crazy spring. As for this coming year we would like to ask for your continued support because we fear the continued loss of in-person sales for the foreseeable future. We are open year round from 9-5 Wednesday through Saturday and what better place to socially distance than a walk around the garden and nursery.

Now for our personal catch up section. It has been a difficult spring for Marj. In April she fell and fractured her left shoulder, then on the 4th of July she fell and fractured her left femur. Both of these took place during the heat of the pandemic so we were not able to visit her in the hospital or in the rehabilitation facility. She is home now and we are hoping with some modifications to avoid another fall. Pierce is working at a treatment center for children with serious emotional and behavioral issues. He is working the graveyard shift and is past ready to switch to another shift. He is not enjoying being a creature of the night. He has just enrolled in school and is working toward a microbiology degree. Dawn has had a crazy year in education, trying to do speech therapy remotely or online is a difficult task. The plans for this school year are still in flux and so she has had to adjust on the fly for this year. Roger is doing well and we are restocked from the rush of orders this spring. Roger has been able to find some new and exciting plants to share with all of you. As for me, I am still making progress on the health problems from last year and have been able to resume everything I was able to do before getting sick. We purchased a new 16-foot whitewater raft in the last couple months and have been able to enjoy some great river trips. I am still assembling gear for the raft and look forward to many river camping trips in the future. We were able to purchase the raft because there has been no fishing trips to Alaska and no horse shows for Dawn this year.

We do have an exciting opportunity this coming February. We will be open February 20 and 27 in conjunction with Northwest Garden Nursery for their spring hellebore sale. We will both be open and we will have most of the same selections. Both display gardens will be open to tour as well. So if you want to avoid the crowd and not face the early sold out plants please consider visiting us.

Gossler Farms Nursery...3 GOSSLER FARMS NURSERY Open WEDNESDAY THROUGH SATURDAY Year Round or by appointment 9:00 to 4:00 IF COMING A DISTANCE, CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT DURING … - [PDF Document] (6)


We have ordered many more hellebores from Ernie and Marietta O’Byrne with their agreement that we should be open together to spread out the crowd during their open houses. So please visit both gardens and see the selections available. Please visit Northwest Garden Nursery’s website for photos. We have also expanded our selections of ferns, rhododendrons and hamamellis this year and are very excited about the new selections.

We have also been busy with our other new adventure. Some of you may know we are planting Hazelnut trees for nut production. We are in our 4th year and the first 14 acres are really starting to look like trees. We will plant the final 8 acres this fall bringing our total to 35 acres, roughly 4100 trees in total! That is a lot of pruning and maintenance. We are anticipating or first crop next year and hope to be in real production in 3-4 years. When complete we should produce between 100,000 and 125,000 pounds of nuts a year.

To close, we hope all of you are well and let’s hope that 2021 is a way better year for all of us! Please feel free to visit the nursery as we are here and open and we are set up for proper social distancing. We ask all of you to continue to support small businesses like ours. With your support we can continue to stay open and bring you the goods and services only small businesses can provide.

We can’t make this operation work without the help of some great people. Dianna Learner for proofing the catalog, Lisa Seabright for her help in the office and formatting the catalog. We would be lost without our constant helper and great neighbor Wayne Headlee.

P.S. Well when we thought 2020 had showed us it’s hand we got hit with another curve ball. If you are wondering why the catalog is a little later this year we were hit with the Holiday Farm Fire. We were warned that a once in a hundred year wind event was headed to western Oregon on September, 8. Upriver from us a power line sparked a fire with 50 mph down canyon winds and created a firestorm like nobody in this area ever even dreamed was possible. At one point the fire was advancing at 30 mph down the McKenzie River incinerating everything in its path. We were placed under evacuation order and had to be ready to leave. We lost power for 7 days and had to evacuate the horses just to be safe. As of today, around 750 homes above us on the river have been lost and the highway is severely damaged with no estimates of when it might open to the east of us. Another fire north of us in Marion County is even bigger and the estimate there is that 80-100 thousand trees will need to be removed to make the highway passable. We are anticipating similar results upriver from us. We are fine now, the fire never got near enough to directly threaten us. We are under severe smoke with the worst air quality in the world! We were operating on generators for seven days and were able to keep all the plants watered. Thank you for all the well wishes, we had almost a hundred emails waiting when we got the power to the office back. I know we shouldn’t make a political statement but climate change is very real especially for those of us living on a coast. The ocean is sick and the weather it is generating is getting more severe every year. Please take climate change seriously and help in your own way to address this challenge, the future depends on action now.

Eric Gossler Roger Gossler Marj Gossler

Gossler Farms Nursery...3 GOSSLER FARMS NURSERY Open WEDNESDAY THROUGH SATURDAY Year Round or by appointment 9:00 to 4:00 IF COMING A DISTANCE, CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT DURING … - [PDF Document] (7)



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Indicates new plants added this year ABIES A. ALBA ‘HEDGE’- is a very slow growing conifer that is wider than tall. The lighter green new needles turn a deep green. 1 gal. $ 60.00 A. BALSAMEA ‘NANA’- Even though the dwarf balsam fir has been around for decades. It’s still a superb conifer. This low growing plant has deep green needles. Older plants will thin out and the large limbs will create an excellent bonsai. 1 gal. $ 42.00 A. BALSAMEA ‘PICCOLO’- This low grower is more horizontal growing than vertical. Was found in Germany. This plant has deep green curled needles. Seems to be much smaller than A. balsamea ‘Nana’. 2 gal. $ 70.00 A. CONCOLOR ‘BLUE CLOAK’- is a moderate grower (10’) with a full-layered form. The blue needles are really attractive year round. Said to be semi pendular, but we have only seen plants that had horizontal branches. 1 gal. $ 58.00

A. CONCOLOR ‘HOSTA LA VISTA’- This plant will get 3-4’ tall in 10 years. Very hardy plant with blue needles on a bushy plant. 1 gal. $ 40.00

A. CONCOLOR ‘Z MARK’- This fir came as a witches broom and will get 2’x2’ in 10-15 years. Very cold tolerant. The bushy rounded plant has blue needles. 1 gal. $ 32.00 A. CONCOLOR ‘KING’S GAP’- is a pyramidal fir with attractive blue needles. Very slow growing and beautiful year round. 1 gal. $ 62.00 A. KOREANA‘ALPINE STAR’- Comes from Scotland and is deepest green. This healthy small conical plant will make a beautiful specimen plant year round. 2 gal. $ 85.00 welsh pot $ 35.00 (A welsh pot is shorter and smaller than a 1 gal.)

A. KOREANA ‘BLUE STANDARD’- Will get 6’-8’ tall and is an upright irregular grower. The blue purple cones are supposed to be darker than the species. 2 gal. $ 65.00 A. KOREANA ‘CIS’- is a flat topped deep green Korean fir. Should get 18”x 24” in many years. 1 gal. $ 58.00

A. KOREANA ‘GAIT’- We always want the gorgeous cones on Abies koreana and A. koreanea ‘Gait’ will produce them even on a young plant. This upright irregular plant and will get 5’-6’ tall in many years. Foliage is very dark green. 3 gal. $ 100.00 A. KOREANA ’ICE BREAKER’- This glorious dwarf conifer has curled needles similar to A. koreana’Silberlocke’. The plant has its needles turn totally around the stems creating a white and green effect. The one gallon plants are lovely. The 2 gallon plants are unbelievably beautiful. 1 gal. $ 52.00 2 gal. $ 75.00 3 gal. $ 90.00 A. KOREANA ‘OBERON’- Came to us from Stolwijk Nursery, Netherlands. This deep green foliaged plant has short needles. Slowly makes a leader, but will always be very small. 1 gal. $ 55.00 A. KOREANA ‘SILBERZWERG’- is a dwarf conifer with growth of 1½ inch per year. The medium green needles are small and closely packed on the stems. 1 gal. $ 35.00 A. KOREANA ‘TUNDRA’- Can eventually form a leader in many years. This very small Korean fir has deep green needles. The original was found as witches broom in Germany. 3 gal. $ 90.00 A. LASIOCARPA ‘GLACIER’ (Logan Pass)- is a really small blue-green needled alpine fir from the Rockies. The tiny needles are very attractive year round. 1 gal. $ 52.00 A. LASIOCARPA ‘GLAUCA COMPACTA’- is a beautiful conical alpine fir. The blue needles make a superb specimen plant. 1 gal. $ 52.00 A. NORDMANIANA ‘GOLDEN SPREADER’- I always see this plant in gardens and want to add it to our garden. (We already have a plant in a container). So, it’s always a challenge not to buy more plants. This prostrate grower gets 18”x36” and is glowing golden yellow, especially in the winter. 2 gal. $ 90.00 A. NORDMANIANA ‘ JAKOBSEN’- is a tiny compact fir that has lighter green new growth followed by deeper green needles. This really cute plant will make a handsome container plant. 1 gal. $ 52.00 ACER A. CAMPESTRE ‘CARNIVAL’- The English hedge maple makes a small shrubby tree with deep green leaves. A. campestre ‘Carnival’ is a small version (8-10’) over a long time. The foliage is white with a light green center. 1 gal. $ 52.00 3 gal. $ 95.00

Gossler Farms Nursery...3 GOSSLER FARMS NURSERY Open WEDNESDAY THROUGH SATURDAY Year Round or by appointment 9:00 to 4:00 IF COMING A DISTANCE, CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT DURING … - [PDF Document] (8)


A. CIRCINATUM ‘BURGUNDY JEWEL’- Our native vine maple is a large shrub or small tree with dark green leaves. In fall the foliage will turn brilliant red-yellow. A. c. ‘Burgundy Jewel’ has deep purple growth most of the summer. The plant seems more stout and upright than the species. A nice color accent for the shade garden. Larger plants available at nursery. 2 gal. $ 60.00 A. CIRCINATUM ‘PACIFIC FIRE’ - A vine maple with brilliant red stems all winter. This cultivar seems upright growing and the stems almost glow. The fall foliage is red and yellow. 2 gal. $ 65.00 A. CONSPICUUM 'PHOENIX'- This snake bark maple has fairly large green foliage turning yellow in fall. The bark is a striking red with white vertical stripes. 2 gal. $ 65.00 A. GRISEUM - Paperbark Maple - Perhaps the finest and most beautiful of all small trees. Leaves are trifoliate, beautifully colored with brilliant splashes of gold and red for autumn. The bark splits and peels to reveal a coppery smooth under surface. It is rather slow growing and just becomes more elegant with age. Native to China. We saw the stunning huge tree collected as seed by Ernest Wilson at Arnold Arboretum, Boston. The main trunk is 3' through. WOW! 2 gal. $ 40.00 A. JAPONICUM 'ACONITIFOLIUM'- One of our favorites. The ‘Fern leaf maple’ will eventually get 20’ tall. The split leaves are medium green all summer. In fall, the leaves turn the most beautiful red orange and yellow. 2 gal. $ 65.00

A. JAPONICUM ‘FAIRY LIGHTS’- Has cut leaves similar to A. japonicum ‘Aconitifolium’ (fernleaf maple) but they are much more cut. The bushy plant will be a smaller grower than A. japonicum ‘Aconitifolium’. Great fall color. 2 gal. $ 65.00 A. JAPONICUM ‘ GOSSAMER’- Has fine lace leaf foliage for an A. japonicum. The foliage is almost thread like. When I saw A. ‘Gossamer’ I thought it was an A. palmatum. Probably the smallest of the A. japonic*ms. 1 gal. $ 60.00

A. JAPONICUM ‘RUBY RED’- is an upright grower to 12’-15’ and has brilliant red new growth fading during summer. In fall, the foliage will turn bright red. 2 gal. $ 95.00 A. PALMATUM ’BENI KAWA’- This maple is similar looking to A. pal. ‘Sango-Kaku’. The great thing is A. pal. ‘Beni Kawa’ is dramatically hardier. A. pal. ‘Sango Kaku’ will regularly have winter damage or die even in western Oregon. The beautiful red stems through out the winter are preceded by green summer foliage and great yellow fall color. 1 gal. $ 70.00 A. PALMATUM ‘BENI HIME’- Difficult to propagate and slow. So rarely offered. Very dwarf with rosy purple new growth. 2 gal. $ 70.00 A. PALMATUM ‘BIHOU’- This plant looks like A. palmatum ‘Sango Kaku’. The foliage is similar and the form is similar. The difference is the bark is yellow orange in winter rather than red. This upright tree is very special all winter. 2 gal. $ 90.00

A. PALMATUM ‘BONFIRE’- The new foliage is vibrant pink. After several weeks, it changes to dark green. In fall, this 8’-10’ tree will change to bright red orange fall foliage. 1 gal. $ 55.00 A. PALMATUM ‘BUTTERFLY’- This plant has been available for many decades. Our plant is 40+ years old is 15’ tall and 6’-8’ wide. The pink-white variegated leaves are beautiful all summer. We do some minor pruning each summer to remove the reversions. 1 gal. $ 60.00 A. PALMATUM 'FAIRY HAIR' - One of Talon Buchholz selections. This is the narrowest foliaged of any Acer palmatum. Eventually a 10’-12’ lacy small tree. 1 gal. $ 60.00 2 gal. $ 90.00

A. PALMATUM ‘FIREGLOW’- Has rich red purple leaves similar to Acer palmatum ‘Bloodgood’ but the foliage stays bright purple most of the summer even in hot climates. 1 gal. $ 50.00 A. PALMATUM ‘HANA MATOI’- is a lace leaf maple with deep purple lovely foliage. The foliage has blotches of variegated rich pink. It’s interesting to see how the variegation occurs. 1 gal. $ 65.00

A. PALMATUM ‘ILARIAN’- Discovered by Talon Buchholz. This small upright tree will get 8’-10’ in many years. The foliage is pink, white and green all summer. Would make a stunning container plant for the patio. Needs shade to perform the best. 2 gal. $ 80.00

A. PALMATUM ‘JAPANESE PRINCESS’- Discovered by Talon Buchholz. This plant is like a smaller version of Acer pal. ‘Mikawa Yatasbusa’. The leaves are smaller and new growth is vibrant pink in spring. Grows to 2’ in 10 years. 1 gal. $ 70.00 A. PALMATUM ‘JEDDELOH ORANGE’- The new leaves are rusty orange. In summer it has an orange hue. The lace leaf will be handsome spring-fall. 2 gal. $ 55.00 A. PALMATUM ‘KURENAI JISHII’- is a compact (3-4’) Japanese maple with brilliant red purple new growth. The foliage changes to a copper purple red as the season progresses. 2 gal. $ 65.00 5 gal. $ 90.00 A. PALMATUM ‘LIL ANNE’S JEWEL’- Named by Del Louks. Del had a nursery for many years in north Eugene. This small upright tree has purple foliage with linear pink markings. This is a fun, interesting tree. 2 gal. $ 64.00

A. PALMATUM ‘MARLO’- is a shrubby maple with small leaves. The foliage is deep purple with pink margins. Will only get 4’-6’ in time. 2 gal. $ 90.00. A. PALMATUM ‘MIKAWA YATSUBUSA’- This shrubby sized maple has pretty yellow green new foliage turning dark green in summer. In fall, the foliage will turn orange yellow. The leaves are almost like shingles overlapping each other. 2 gal. $ 60.00 5 gal. $ 80.00

Gossler Farms Nursery...3 GOSSLER FARMS NURSERY Open WEDNESDAY THROUGH SATURDAY Year Round or by appointment 9:00 to 4:00 IF COMING A DISTANCE, CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT DURING … - [PDF Document] (9)


A. PALMATUM ‘MOONFIRE’- is a moderate growing (12’-14’) purple leafed tree. Named by Richard Wolff in the 1970’s. Very rich purple foliage and a great red, fall color. 2 gal. $ 55.00 A. PALMATUM ‘ORANGEOLA’- is a lace leaf that is purple foliaged all summer. The new growth has an orangish color through the summer. 2 gal. $ 55.00 A. PALMATUM ‘PEACHES AND CREAM’- is one of the clouded variegated maples. The foliage is pink with green veins and will change to mostly green later in summer. 2 gal. $ 105.00 A. PALMATUM ‘PEVE STARFISH’- We are thrilled to be able to offer a few of these maples this year. We first saw several plants at Talon Bucholz’s nursery. This lush deep purple foliaged maple has leaves that look like star fish with the margins crimped. Truly beautiful and exciting. 1 gal. $ 55.00 2 gal. $ 68.00 A. PALMATUM ‘RAINBOW’- We have had A. palmatum ‘Rainbow’ available for three years, but can’t keep enough. When customers see the plants in Spring-Fall they can’t help but buy. The deep purple leaves have patches of rich pink through the tree. Needs afternoon shade. 1 gal. $ 60.00 2 gal. $ 68.00 A. PALMATUM ‘RED DRAGON’- Has deep purple red foliage that holds its color better than any of the A. palmatum dissectum varieties. In fall, the foliage turns amazing red. Will grow 4’-6’ tall in time. 2 gal. $ 95.00 A. PALMATUM ‘RED FILLAGREE LACE’- is one of the finest textured of all lace leafed maples. Originally discovered by Bill Curtis it went through several hands before Iseli Nursery figured out to cut back large trees and graft; creating juvenile stems. A. palmatum‘Red Filagree Lace’ is slow growing and the beautiful lacy purple leaves are truly beautiful. 1 gal. $ 60.00 A. PALMATUM ‘RYUSEN’- is a weeping (not cascading) form of A. palmatum. Unless staked, it will grow flat on the ground. This plant needs to be staked and whenever it’s released it will weep. Deep green typical A. palmatum leaves that turn pretty red orange in the fall. 2 gal. $ 60.00 A. PALMATUM ‘SEIRYU’ – This is an upright green lace leaf maple. This plant has fine textured leaves that look like the lace leaves, but it is an upright tree to 15’. Great yellow fall color. 2 gal. $ 60.00 A. PALMATUM ‘SHAINA’- is a 6’x 2’ bushy shrub maple. The foliage is purple pink through the summer and turns flaming red in fall. Will grow in even the smallest garden. 1 gal. $ 55.00 2 gal. $ 95.00 A. PALMATUM ‘SHIRAZ’- Selected by Duncan & Davies Nursery in New Zealand. The new foliage is vibrant pink with a purple center to the leaves. In summer, the purple centers are consistent. But, the pink margins will change to cream. This should be a 15’-20’ tree.

1 gal. $ 60.00

A. PALMATUM ‘SHISHIGASHIRA’- (Lions Mane Maple) has small deep green leaves that are twisted and crimped at their margins. The leaves will form clumps on the plant making an artistic effect. In fall, the foliage turns deep yellow-orange. Our 40-year old plant is 15’ X 8’ without any pruning. 2 gal. $ 68.00 5 gal. $ 100.00 A. PALMATUM ‘SHISHI-YATSUBUSA’- is a slow growing maple with small densely packed leaves. The new foliage is rimmed with red. Very nice container plant. 2 gal. $ 65.00 A. PALMATUM ‘SUMMER GOLD’- Has vibrant yellow leaves all summer. The leaves don’t burn like many golden foliaged foliage shrubs. The plant looks similar to A. ‘Sango Kaku’ minus the red stems. 2 gal. $ 65.00 A. PALMATUM ‘ TAMUKEYAMA’- One of the darkest foliaged of any of the red lace leafs. This cascading lace leaf is a real showstopper summer and fall. This Japanese cultivar was listed in 1710, so tried and tested. 1 gal. $ 50.00 A. PALMATUM ‘TWOMBLY’S RED SENTINNIAL’- Not columnar, but narrow growing. This purple leafed Japanese maple will grow in small areas. 1 gal. $ 55.00 3 gal. $ 110.00 A. PALMATUM ‘UKIGUMO’- ‘Floating Clouds’ maple. As a young vigorous plant, the leaves will be green. As the plant matures there will be white spots and eventually the leaves will look like they are totally white. A wonderful 10’ tree for highlighting the shady garden. 1 gal. $ 60.00

A. PALMATUM ‘WINTER GOLD’- Has bright golden winter stems making a vibrant little tree all winter. The plant has pink highlights on its new growth and is an upright tree to perhaps 20 ft. 1 gal. $ 55.00

A. PENTAPHYLLUM- This is a tender maple from China. This small tree does well along the Oregon and California coasts. Late to leaf out in the spring, but worth the wait. 1 gal. $ 60.00

A. PLATANOIDES ‘REZAK’- is a columnar dwarf maple. From seedlings used for understock for Norway maples. A. p.. ‘Rezak’ is a genetic dwarf that occurs occasionally in seedlings. Our original plant is 12’x1.5 ’ after 30 years. The growth is perhaps 1”-2” per year. Very slow and difficult to propagate, hence the price.

1 gal. $ 75.00 A. PSEUDOPLATANUS 'ESK SUNSET’- (formerly

A. 'Eskimo Sunset') - This moderate 20' tree has simply stunning foliage. The maple leaves are dark purple underneath and are deep green splashed with white and pink above. In the sun the leaves absolutely glow with the purple and pink. An A. ‘Esk Sunset’ is always a conversation piece. 1 gal. $ 50.00 2 gal. $ 80.00 A. SHIRASAWANUM 'AUREUM'- This gorgeous maple has golden foliage all summer. In the fall the leaf is even more beautiful having yellow leaves with red margins. 2 gal. $ 60.00

Gossler Farms Nursery...3 GOSSLER FARMS NURSERY Open WEDNESDAY THROUGH SATURDAY Year Round or by appointment 9:00 to 4:00 IF COMING A DISTANCE, CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT DURING … - [PDF Document] (10)


A. SHIRASAWANUM ‘JORDAN’- This full moon maple can take partial to full sun. The foliage is golden all summer. Should only get 12’-15’ tall and 6’ wide. Great orange fall color. 1 gal. $ 65.00

A. SHIRASAWANUM ‘SUNNY’- This selection comes from Crispin Silva. It leafs out with purple pink and slowly changes to golden chartreuse yellow. The plant is quicker and more robust than A. shirasawanum ‘Aureum’. Said to not burn in summer in the northwest. 1 gal. $ 55.00 NOTE: FOR LOCAL CUSTOMERS, WE HAVE A FEW LARGER JAPANESE MAPLES AVAILABLE. ACTEA A. ‘HILLSIDE BLACK BEAUTY’- This perennial has deep purple foliage to 18” tall all summer. In August, the flowering stems will grow to 60” tall and look like a pinkish/white candelabra.Very fragrant flowers. 1 gal. $ 18.00

A. ‘BRUNETTE’- Has deep purple leaves that will get 18” x 18” during summer. In late August, thin stems tower to 4’-5’ with fluffy upright flower stalks. The fragrance of the flowers is very nice. 1 gal. $ 18.00 A. ‘PINK SPIRE’- This bugbane has dark purple foliage to 18” all summer. Late summer, the flowering stems will grow to 4’ with pink sweetly scented flowers. 1 gal. $ 22.00 AESCULUS A. NEGLECTA ‘ERYTHROBLASTOS’- This chestnut has brilliant pink-white new foliage in Spring. Seems to be a small grower to perhaps 15’ in many ears. Rarley offered and we only have 10 plants this year. 1 gal. $ 65.00 AGAPANTHUS

A. ‘BLACK PANTHA’- Has violet blue flower on 18” stems. The foliage is narrower than A.‘Storm Cloud’. Flowers are much darker than A. Storm Cloud.

1 gal. $ 16.00 A. ‘POLAR ICE’- is a lower growing agapanthus. The

12”-16” stems carry pure white flowers in August. All the agapanthus we grow will die down in late fall, but are hardy and will reappear in spring. 1 gal. $ 21.00 A. 'STORM CLOUD’- This agapanthus has rich blue flowers in July-August. Our plants have survived 0°F. A. ‘Storm Cloud’ is deciduous, so completely disappears in winter. Spring comes with narrow deep green leaves followed by clusters of blue flower to 18”. 1 gal. $ 16.00 AMSONIA

A. HUBRECHTII- is a Native American wildflower. In spring, the 18” plant is covered with small blue flowers. The needle -shaped leaves are attractive green all summer. In fall, the foliage turns beautiful golden tones.

1 gal. $ 16.00 A. ‘BLUE ICE’- Has broader foliage than A. hubrechti.

The plant is smaller and bushier than A. hubrechtii. The blue flowers appear in late spring. 1 gal. $ 18.00

ARAUCARIA A. ARAUCANA- Monkey puzzle tree. This southern

Chilean conifer has the hardest sharpest needles imaginable. You will either like this plant or really not like it. Mature trees were planted in many ports along the Pacific coast and are now 70’-80’ tall for 100 years plus. 1 gal. $ 30.00 ARCTOSTAPHLOS

A. ‘UVA-URSI’ WOOD’S COMPACT- This full bushy form of bearberry will get 6”x 18”. The evergreen leaves are deep green. The plant will have small pink white flowers in spring. In fall, there will be red fruit.

1 gal. $ 16.00 ARISAEMA A. FLAVUM - This little charmer has tiny (1/2”) rich yellow flowers in late spring. The seedpods flower all summer and will make a nice patch. 1 gal. $ 20.00

A. RINGENS- This jack in the pulpit has fairly large spathes that hang down over the flower. Large, deep green glossy foliage. 1 gal. $ 20.00

A. TAIWANENSE- This 18” tall plant has deep green palm like leaves with long tips to the leaves. The flowers are hooded and are chocolate purple in spring. Seeds heavily with pretty red seeds in late summer. 1 gal. $ 20.00 ASTILBE A. ‘CHOCOLATE SHOGUN’- This astilbe has rich chocolate purple foliage all season. The flowers are inconsequential. It’s all about the rich foliage. 1 gal. $ 21.00 A. ‘PERKEO’- is a 6”astilbe with deep green leaves and rich pink narrow flowers in May-June.

1 gal. $ 14.00 AUCUBA A. HIMALAICA- is a deep, green narrow foliaged aucuba. The leaves are 6” long and 1” wide on a 6’ plant. This evergreen shrub is one of “the” plants for dry, deep shade. 1 gal. $ 22.00 A. 'ROZANNIE'- This evergreen shrub is the plant for that dark spot in your garden. Aucuba 'Rozannie' has glossy dark green foliage. The fruits are large and bright red. We heartily recommend this great evergreen. 1 gal. $ 22.00 AZARA A. MICROPHYLLA - box leaf azara - Has tiny glossy dark evergreen leaves. This large shrub or small tree has a pretty form as it gets older. A microphylla has been hardy through all winters for 30 years. 2 gal. $ 28.00 BEESIA B. DELTOPHYLLA- is an evergreen perennial that will get up to 12” tall. The heart shaped leaves are deep green. The flowers are little puffs on 12”stems. A great plant to grow with ferns, hostas, etc. 1 gal. $ 15.00 BERBERIS B. ‘APRICOT QUEEN’- is a loose growing evergreen to 6’-8’ tall. The deep green glossy foliage is a nice backdrop to the vibrant orange flowers in April. 1 gal. $ 20.00

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B. CALLIANTHA - This evergreen barberry has dark green foliage with silvery indumentum. The flowers are yellow and look like small daffodils. Hardy to 0° F. 2 gal. $ 20.00 B. DELAVAYI- This great evergreen was grown in the 50’s and 60’s. We had a huge freeze in 1972 (-12°F), which seemed to have doomed the plant. The small holly like leaves are deep green year round. The small flowers are brilliant orange and literally cover the plant in March. Has been hardy ever since ’72. 1 gal. $ 22.00

B. JAMSIANA- The Rodals of Sauvie Island, Portland discovered this plant. The 2” thorns are wicked but worth dealing with. The fruit start out creamy white and continue to change to translucent pink. The 2”-3” strands of fruit are glorious on a 10’-12’ shrub. Very limited. 1 gal. $ 30.00 B. REPLICATA - People always see this barberry and ask what it is and want it. Berberis replicata has narrow dark evergreen foliage. The new foliage is rich purple as a highlight all summer over the green mature leaves. Our plant is 10’x 9' after 20 years, has been hardy to 0° F. and survived a flood of 3' in 1996. A really tough plant. 1 gal. $ 20.00 B. THUNBERGII 'BAGATELLE'- A purple cushion of foliage. The foliage is bright purple and turns flaming scarlet in fall. The plant will get 2' X 2' in many years. B. 'Bagatelle' is one of the smallest of the barberries. Takes bright full sun. 1 gal. $ 20.00 BETULA B. ALBOSINENSIS ‘SEPTENTRONALIS’ - This birch is simply glorious. Our mature plant is 35 years old and 20’x 15’. The flesh, pink, cream colored bark truly is alive during the winter. I see our plant outside my kitchen every day and it’s always lovely. Yellow fall foliage follows deep green summer leaves. 1 gal. $ 50.00 BLETILLA B. HYACINTHINA - This ground orchid will make large clumps in semi shade. We have literally dozens of flowering stems every spring (June). The flowers are bright purple pink orchids along the stems. 1 gal. $ 16.00 B. HYACINTHINA ‘ALBA’- is a pure white form of the hardy orchid. These plants will get 12”-18” tall and bloom in early summer. Need filtered shade to be happy. Perhaps the easiest of all hardy orchids. 4” pot $ 16.00

B. HYACINTHA ‘KATE’- is a soft 4” pink hardy orchid. This easy plant will slowly spread to make a pretty group of flowers in July. 4” pot $ 16.00 BRUNNERA

B. ‘ALEXANDER’S GIANT’- is a larger form of brunnera with blue flowers. The foliage is just much larger than B.‘Jack Frost’. 1 gal. $ 18.00

B. ‘LOOKING GLASS’- is a solid silver Siberian bugloss. The foliage comes up in March with the rich blue forget me not flowers. All summer the silver heart shaped leaves really show up against other woodlanders. 1 gal. $ 18.00

BUXUS B. ‘DEE RUNK’- is a darker green narrow columnar boxwood. The plant will get 5’-6’x 1’ wide. Slower growing than B. ‘Graham Blandy’ 1 gal. $ 15.00 B. ‘GRAHAM BLANDY’- Columnar boxwood. Our largest plants are 8’x 1’ (with once yearly selective pruning). This evergreen makes a handsome upright column. 1 gal. $ 28.00 B. SEMPERVIRENS ‘AUREO PENDULA’ - is a weeping variegated boxwood. The splashed creamy yellow foliage is distinctively different than any other boxwood. Our plant is 3-4’ tall after 35 years. Makes a pretty and interesting plant for a container. 1 gal. $ 20.00 B. SEMPERVIRENS ‘ KINGSVILLE DWARF’- Our 50 year old plant is 12”x18”. This ultimate dwarf shrub has tiny medium green leaves. Our plant grows in semi-shade. 1 gal $ 24.00 B. SEMPERVIRENS 'VARIEGATA’- Eventually this boxwood gets to 8' to 10' tall. We use this variegated foliage for flower arrangements year round. Grows well in full shade and full sun, a super adaptable plant.

1 gal. $ 18.00 2 gal. $ 20.00 B. ‘WATERFALL’- A small green leafed boxwood. Our largest plant in a container is 4’ tall and has an interesting slightly weeping form. Slow growing.

1 gal. $ 16.00 CALLICARPA C. 'PROFUSION' - The green foliage appears in April followed in July by purple flowers. By October the berries turn purple and the foliage turns yellow. The lustrous purple fruit hold on all winter (until March). Best planted with a light backdrop such as a weathered fence. Wonderful when used as an informal hedge. 1 gal. $ 25.00 C. ‘PURPLE GIANT’- is covered with thousands of vibrant purple fruit. Makes a superb cut flower/fruit. The fall foliage is stunningly vibrant purple. The combination of foliage and fruit is striking! 1 gal. $ 25.00 CALLISTEMON C. ‘WOODLANDER’S RED’- Has been in the Northwest for many years. The plant dies down if frozen, but comes back quickly. This loose shrub has deep evergreen leaves that are needle like. The powder puff red flowers appear along the stem. 1 gal. $ 25.00 CALYCANTHUS C. ‘ATHENS’- is a light yellow flowering sweet shrub. C. ‘Athens’ was found and named by Michael Dirr. This is an easy grower with lots of flowers that have the scent of cantaloupe. 2 gal. $ 35.00 C. ' HARTLAGE WINE'- Richard Hartlage hybridized Calycanthus (then sinocalycanthus) chinensis with C. floridus and created a real winner. The rich purple flowers are 2" across beginning in April and blooming until August here. Must be pruned to make a bushier grower. If pruned it will become a 10' shrub with purple Magnolia stellata - looking flowers for a long period in summer.

1 gal. $ 35.00

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CAMELLIA C. ‘BLACK MAGIC’- We discovered the plant we have been calling C.‘Black Opel’ is actually C. ‘Black Magic’. Our source had mislabeled the original plant. The flowers are single and deepest maroon. 2 gal. $ 36.00 C. ‘BRIGADOON’- Has larger flowers than C. Donation. These single pink flowers are also darker than C. Donation. The plant seems to be more restrained and smaller than Donation. The deep green foliage is a lovely background to the flowers. 1 gal. $ 36.00 C. ‘BUTTERMINT’- The small creamy yellow C. Kisii hybrid is upright growing and flowers heavily with slightly double yellow flowers. 1 gal. $ 30.00 C. 'DONATION' - The finest of all the camellias we grow. The shrub has rich green foliage and an upright habit. The flowers start late February and continue till mid May. The flowers are soft pink with slightly darker veins. Can grow in almost full sun here. This is a superb plant for the garden. 2 gal. $ 32.00 C. ‘HIGH FRAGRANCE’- Has a sweet fragrance and ruffled white to light pink flowers. 1 gal. $ 28.00 C. JAPONICA 'UNRYU' - This camellia grows upright to possibly 8'. The foliage is typical C. japonica and the flowers are light red in early spring. However the main reason to grow C. j. 'Unryu' is for the contorted stems. The stems twist at 45° angles, which makes an interesting form. 1 gal. $ 32.00 C. JAPONICA ‘VARIEGATA’- This red flowered camellia has small flowers. The main reason for growing C. j. ‘Variegata’ is its glossy deep green and yellow leaves. Our original plant is 3-4’ tall after many years. Well worth growing for foliage alone. 1 gal. $ 42.00

C. ‘KOREAN FIRE’- Has a fairly small single vibrant red flower in March. The stamens are bright yellow. 1 gal. $ 30.00 C. ‘KUJAKU TSUBAKI’- The peaco*ck or weeping camellia is a really fun plant. Our 6’ plant is 25 + years old. The narrow foliage is 6” long and ½” wide. The stems weep and have red tubular flowers in spring. C. “Kujaku Tsubaki’ makes a superb container plant. 2 gal. $ 38.00

C. ‘MARY CHRISTIAN’- One of our dumb moves. This plant is a pretty rich pink camellia that we have had for years. We always think we should take cuttings in March and April but forget to each summer. Well we finally did it and have some available. 1 gal. $ 30.00

C. ‘NIGHT RIDER’- Only a few small plants this year. This slow growing camellia is wonderful. Every part of the plant is maroon. The new growth is dark purple. The small flowers are dark maroon and even the roots are deep purple. Our original plant is 30+ years old and about 5’-6’ . We only have about 25 plants available. Three years ago we had 200 plants and they all sold out. 1 gal. $ 30.00

C. ‘NUCCIO’S PEARL’- is a formal double C. japonica that has rose pink margins on the petals. The base of the petals are white. The petals have an attractive point to them. Very pretty. 3 gal. $ 60.00

C. SASANQUA ‘WINTER’S SNOWMAN’- This hardy Ackerman hybrid blooms in November. Single white flowers cover the plant and makes an upright hedge or single plant. 1 gal. $ 30.00

C. ‘WATERLILY’- Our upright plant is 10’x4’. The dark evergreen leaves are a wonderful backdrop for the rich pink flowers. The 3” flowers have center petals that enclose the stamens. C. ‘Waterlily’ doesn’t have as many flowers a C.’Donation’ but they are perfection.

1 gal. $ 30.00 C. ‘YULE TIDE’- This standard of the fall blooming camellias is very upright. The dark green leaves make a wonderful background to the bright red flowers. The flowers appear in October-December. A great precursor to Christmas, hence the name. 1 gal. $ 28.00 CAREX C. ‘BOWLE’S GOLDEN’- This arching sedge has been available for many years. But, still makes a pretty plant. The 18” plant has golden narrow arching leaves all summer. Evergreen, but best cut back in early spring. 1 gal. $ 15.00 CARPINUS B. ‘COLUMNARIS NANA’- We had this tree for years and sold the last one (a mistake) as it took years to find again. Anyway, this 10’-15’ tightly branched plant makes a great focal point. The foliage is light green in summer followed by yellow fall color. Makes an interesting plant even when there aren’t any leaves. 1 gal. $ 50.00 CATALPA

C. BIGNONIOIDES ‘AUREA’- The usual catalpa can be a large park tree. But, this species can be kept small by hard pruning in spring. Our plant gets to 15’each fall. The bright golden leaves get large because of the hard prune. Quite a show-stopper each summer. 1 gal. $ 32.00 CEDRUS C. ATLANTICA ‘HILLIER’S HB’- is a flat topped Atlantic cedar that will stay very small. The stems slightly weep and make an attractive small shrub. 1 gal. $ 38.00 C. ATLANTICA ‘SAPPHIRE NYMPH’ - is a moderate size 6’-8’ blue atlas cedar. This irregular branching small tree has a lovely wind swept form. The blue needles are beautiful. 1 gal. $ 44.00

C. DEODORA ‘PYGMEA’- is a very dwarf (1’x1’) irregular ball. This is one of the smallest deodora cedars. 1 gal. $ 50.00 C. LIBANI ‘GREEN PRINCE’- is an irregular dwarf cedar of Lebanon. Will eventually get 4’-5’ tall. The plant was introduced by Wells Nursery in northwest Washington state. 1 gal. $ 38.00 CERCIDIPHYLLUM C. ‘HERONSWOOD GLOBE’- Originally thought of a dwarf. This katsura tree is perhaps smaller than the species. Our 12’ tree is 25 years old. The yellow fall color is lovely. 1 gal. $ 46.00

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C. J. ‘BOYD’S DWARF’- Our plant from Jim Fox is 12’x 4’ after 15+ years. Our plant grows 6”-12” per season. This seems to be a shrubby form of C. japonicum. It’s great fun to see such a small plant of the amazing species. 1 gal. $ 46.00

C. J. ‘PENDULA’- Sort of a large haystack of foliage in summer. Our original tree from Hollandia Nursery came to us in the 70’s and is now 25’x30’ and never forms a leader. So makes a glorious show year round. 1 gal. $ 46.00

C. MAGNIFICUM- This Chinese species is probably my favorite tree in our garden, which says something. Our 40+ year old tree is 40’x 20’ and is ultimate in grace. The tree is wonderful in winter. But, in spring the purple new growth turns green and in fall, turning yellow pink color. Very limited availability. 1 gal. $ 50.00 C. ‘MAGNIFICUM ’PENDULA’ (Marioka Weeping) Our original tree is 40’x15’. There are several vertical leaders with all the rest of the growth cascading. Looks like a large fountain. One of the glories of our garden. 1 gal. $ 50.00 C. ‘ROTFUCHS’- (Red Fox) has deep purple new growth in the spring. Our plant holds the color until July. The rest of the summer it is deep green. In fall, C. ’Rotfuchs’ turns glorious yellow and pink. 2 gal. $ 55.00 CHAENOMELES. C. ‘HOLLANDIA’- We have had this great quince for years. The 2” flowers are as pretty deep red color. We seem to be able to root plants only every 2-3 years. So we don’t always have plants available. 1 gal. $ 30.00 CHAMAECYPARIS C. LAWSONIANA ‘WISSELS SAGUARO’ - This beautiful conifer looks like a dark green saguaro cactus. It will grow outside the desert and be a real showstopper in the garden. These plants are grafted so are more expensive than cuttings, but are resistant to phytophera root rot. 1 gal. $ 70.00 3 gal. $ 95.00 C. NOOTKATENSIS ‘SPARKLING ARROW’ - This plant looks like C. n. ‘Van Den Akker’ but has blotches of creamy white in the deep green weeping foliage. The color holds in full sun and semi shade. 1 gal. $ 40.00 C. OBTUSA ‘BUTTERBALL’- is a dwarf (6 -8” in five years) cypress. The golden foliage is very attractive year round. We find our plants need semi-shade or afternoon shade. 1 gal. $ 36.00 C. OBTUSA ‘GOLD DROP’- This American selection will make a flat topped arching plant with pretty fan shaped, dark green leaves. 1 gal. $ 35.00 C. OBTUSA ‘GOLD POST’- is a very upright growing hinoki cypress. The golden fans of foliage are attractively twisted on this small plant. 1 gal. $ 30.00 C. OBTUSA ‘HAGE’ - Has fan shaped deep green foliage on a small shrubby form. May get 2’ in 20+ years. Makes a pretty shrub for the semi shade either in the soil or container 1 gal. $ 25.00 C. OBTUSA ‘LEPERCHAUN’ - A very dwarf mounding conifer. Makes a great container plant as well as a background for the light green new foliage. 1 gal. $ 25.00

C. OBTUSA ‘LITTLE MARKY’- is an irregular upright pillar shaped hinoki cypress. The fern like sprays of foliage are golden. 1 gal. $ 25.00 C. OBTUSA ‘MAUREEN’- is a low growing conifer with deep green fan shaped needles. Our plant is 5-6 years old and 6” x 12”. This is a spectacular plant. 1 gal. $ 32.00 C. OBTUSA ‘MELODY’ - A soft lacy open evergreen. The muted green and yellow foliage is very attractive all year. Should get 8’-10’ tall and make a pretty addition to anyone’s garden. Can grow in full sun and maintain the golden color. 1 gal. $ 25.00

C. OBTUSA ‘MINIMA’- A seedling of the tiny tennis ball cypress. This variety is teeny tiny. Grows about ¼” per year. A great collector’s plant for the rock garden or container. Limited 1 gal. $ 35.00 C. OBTUSA ‘MOONSHINE’- This Talon Buchholz selection is an upright growing small shrub. The foliage has dark green needles with splashes of creamy white. 1 gal. $ 40.00

C. OBTUSA ‘NANA’- Our plant of C. obtuse ‘Nana’ is 50 years old and is a pyramidal form 18”x18” tall. The lovely twisted fans of foliage are deep green year round. 1 gal. $ 25.00 C. OBTUSA ‘NANA GRACILIS’ - Dwarf Hinoki Cypress. Our 40+ year old plant is 8' tall and has been pruned out to display its structure as well as the lovely evergreen foliage. 1 gal. $ 25.00 C. OBTUSA 'RAINBOW' - This small growing chamaecyparis has an irregular growth habit to 2'-3' over many years. The foliage is a mixture of green and chartreuse, making a rainbow effect. 1 gal. $ 25.00 C. OBTUSA ‘REZEK’- Our plant is 25 years old and is 24”x12”. The beautiful deep green needles grow in fan shape whirls. Rarely offered as it is very slow, but incredibly beautiful. 1 gal. $ 45.00 2 gal. $ 100.00 C. OBTUSA ‘SNOWKIST’- Very limited number available. Needs plenty of light to get the variegation to show up. The plant will be slow growing with deep green needles and splashes of white variegation. 1 gal. $ 40.00 C. OBTUSA ‘SPIRALIS’- Has swirling deep green needles on somewhat twisted stems. This upright grower will get 4’ tall and 2’ wide. 1 gal. $ 25.00 C. OBTUSA ‘SPIRITED’- is an upright golden foliaged C. obtusa variety. Will get 3’- 4’ in time. 2 gal. $ 45.00 C. OBTUSA ‘STONEHAM’ - A low growing mound, ½’ to 1’ in 15 years. The sprays of needles are deep forest green with light green new growth each spring – early summer. This is a superb container plant. Which is how we grow all of our smaller conifers. In our garden, their bigger neighbor will swamp these small plants. 1 gal. $ 25.00

C. PISIFERA ‘BABY BLUE ICE’- Our upright plant is 6’x2’ after 10 years. I see the plant every day as I come down my steps. The blue foliage is soft to the touch and is fluffy looking. 2 gal. $ 55.00

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CHIMONANTHUS C. ‘PREACOX’- Wintersweet. Can’t believe we have

these again! Most wholesalers are deleting plants that don’t sell hundreds (thousands) per year. This is obviously not a huge seller but the scent in January-February is fabulous. The flowers are small (1/2”) yellow with the center petals purple. Needs light to bloom heavily. I saw a plant last spring with thousands of flowers. Delicious fragrance. 1 gal. $ 28.00 CHIONANTHUS C. VIRGINICUS- The fringe tree is a beautiful native shrubby tree. We find this plant is far superior to the Chinese native C. retusus, which doesn’t bloom for us. C. virginicus covers itself in June with thousands of shredded silk looking white flowers. 1 gal. $ 28.00 CHOISYA C. 'AZTEC PEARL'- This has dark green, maple like leaves year round. The plants get 4' tall and have white, citrus scented flowers during winter months. Hardy to perhaps 0° F. Grows very nicely along the west coast and coastal SE U.S. 1 gal. $ 24.00 C. ‘BLUE STONE’- is a new Mexican orange that has needle like deep green leaves. Much thinner leaves than C. ‘Aztec Pearl’ will have fragrant citrus scented white flowers in the spring. 1 gal. $ 24.00 C. TERNATA 'SUNDANCE' - C. 'Sundance' grows to 6' tall and has golden yellow leaves year round. The flowers are a sweet citrus scent in early spring. Needs some shade in afternoon. Superb with Cornus 'Midwinter Fire'’ 1 gal. $ 26.00 CHUSQUEA

C. GIGANTEA- is a South American bamboo that is truly graceful. Our clump had been growing 30 years and was 10’-12’ across when it bloomed and died. We were lucky it produced seed, so we have a few plants available. Said to be tender, but we have had the clump for many years, non-running. Rare 1 gal. $ 30.00 CLEMATIS

C. ‘AVALANCHE’- is a cut leafed clematis from New Zealand. The evergreen foliage makes an interesting backdrop for the hundreds of small white flowers in early spring. 2 gal. $ 30.00 CLETHRA C. ALNIFOLIA ‘HUMMINGBIRD’ - is a 18” tall shrub with very fragrant white flowers in July-August. C. Hummingbird is a bushy plant that turns lovely golden yellow in October. 1 gal. $ 22.00 C. ALNIFOLIA ‘RUBY SPICE’- A summer sweet with rich pink flowers in August. The narrow plumes of flowers are sweetly scented. This 4’-5’ shrub is attractive spring – fall. The yellow fall foliage makes a great finale after the summer flowers. 1 gal. $ 22.00 CLERODENDRUM C. ‘CARNIVAL’- We have had a plant of this variegated shrub for years but haven’t been able to propagate it. We found these plants as rooted cuttings. The heart- shaped leaves are pretty yellow and green all summer.

1 gal. $ 28.00

COROKIA C. COTONEASTER- The wire netting shrub comes from New Zealand. It’s an excellent plant for containers. The zig- zag stems are dark; almost black. The gray green leaves are tiny. Small, bright yellow flowers cover the plant in spring. 1 gal. $ 20.00 CORNUS C. ALTERNIFOLIA 'ARGENTEA'- This small shrubby dogwood grows to 12' x 10 ' and has small white margined green leaves. The overall effect is of a white wedding cake. The foliage grows in tiers. Flowers and fruit are in small clusters. 1 gal. $ 65.00

C. ‘CANADENSIS’- The bunchberry is native to our Northwest woods. This groundcover wants to grow in rotting wood or forest duff. The 6 inch plant makes a small scale ground cover with green leaves and white brachts in late spring. Rarely offered. Nice plants in containers. 1 gal. $ 20.00 C. CONTROVERSA 'VARIEGATA'- The wedding cake dogwood is one our most beautiful trees. Our original tree is 35-40’. We brought our plant from Holland in the late 70’s. The layers of white and green foliage is amazing. The more shade, the more the plant becomes layered. 1 gal. $ 65.00

C. KOUSA ‘GREEN SLEEVES’- is a white brachted form of C. kousa. It is supposed to grow faster and be bushier at maturity. 2 gal. $ 62.00 C. KOUSA 'HEARTHROB'- One of our favorite C. kousa varieties. We have a 10’x 12’ specimen in front of Eric and Dawn’s house. The plant literally weeps with so many flowers. The rich pink brachts are wonderful. 1 gal. $ 70.00

C. KOUSA ‘MILKY WAY’- This variety is actually a group of similar white flowering C. kousas. Wayside Gardens of Mentor, OH back in the 30’s named grafts they took from several plants C. kousa ‘Milky Way’. Whatever this plant is a good standard heavy blooming C. kousa. Great fall foliage and as the tree matures it gets a beautiful flaking bark. 2 gal. $ 62.00 C. KOUSA ‘SCARLET FIRE’- is supposed to be the brightest red (pink) flowering C. kousa available. Haven’t seen a plant blooming but pictures are beautiful. 5 gal. $ 110.00

C. KOUSA ‘STELLAR PINK’- This Rutger’s University hybrid of C. kousa x C. florida has rounded brachts like C. florida but is later in the spring. The brachts are light pink on a fast upright growing tree. 5 gal. $ 110.00 C. KOUSA 'SUMMER FUN’- Introduced by nursery man/plantsman Talon Buchholz from Gaston, OR. This excellent variegated plant has broad white margins on light green leaves. Will really brighten any shady part of the garden. 1 gal. $ 62.00 C. KOUSA ‘SUMMERGOLD’- This variety has brilliant yellow margins all summer. In fall, the center (green) of the leaf turns brilliant purple red and the yellow margin turns bright pink. Flowers are white, but it’s all about the foliage. 2 gal. $ 60.00

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C. KOUSA ‘WOLF EYES’- is a smaller growing form of C. kousa with broad light green leaves with great white margins. Seems to like plenty of shade. So really stands out all season. 2 gal. $ 70.00 C. SANGUINEA 'COMPRESSA'- According to Paul Cappiello and Don Shadow's Dogwood book, this is a "Bizarre little upright plant”. Without a doubt this is a plant geeks plant." I'm glad I'm a plant geek! The upright growth to 6'-8' will be at most 1' wide. We use our plants as an exclamation point to add height to the border. The leaves literally grow one on top of the other. 2 gal. $ 32.00 C. SANGUINEA ‘ MIDWINTER FIRE’ - We listed C. ‘Midwinter Fire’ last year and totally under estimated the demand. This year we have quite a few in one and two gallon sizes. Any way, this great plant has glorious orange, red and yellow stems all winter. We grow our plants in the ground for a year then prune hard each year to promote the brightest stems. Nice yellow fall foliage color.

1 gal. $ 22.00 2 gal. $ 30.00

C. SERICEA ‘HEDGEROWS GOLD’- Was found in the Willamette Valley of Oregon. This dogwood grows along creeks and rivers. Someone found this plant in the valley and took it to Hedgerows Nursery. They propagated it and sold the variegated gold and green foliaged plant. Can get 15’-20’ but we prune hard in March and it gets 5’-6’. 1 gal. $ 20.00 C. ‘VENUS’- Marietta and Ernie Obyrne (see hellebores) have been recommending this plant to us for a while. We have been seeing many plants in our area recently. The large flowers look much like our native C. nuttallii. This fast grower will be covered with these large white brachts. 2 gal. $ 70.00 Larger plants at the nursery CORYLOPSIS

C ‘GOTANA’- is one of the larger shrubs of the corylopsis group. This 8’-10’ shrub has pretty dark green oval leaves all summer. The yellow flowers appear in March. 1 gal. $ 24.00 C. ‘LONGWOOD CHIMES’- From Longwood Gardens, PA. This larger grower blooms with light yellow flowers. The plants flower 2 weeks later than most corylopsis. 1 gal. $ 24.00 C. PAUCIFLORA - One of the finest of all shrubs we grow, it has a grace about it year round. In winter the branches form a lacy effect with dark colored swollen flower buds. In March the light yellow racemes cover the plant. 1 gal $ 20.00 2 gal. $ 26.00

C. SPICTA- One of the plants Jane Platt introduced to us in the early 70’s. The 8’x 8’ plant will cover itself with 2” soft yellow pendant flowers in March. A great plant to grow with magnolias as the color combines well. 1 gal. $ 24.00 C. SPICATA ‘AUREA’- The golden spike winter hazel. This lovely early spring flowering shrub is covered with 2” yellow racemes. Following the flowers there are glorious golden yellow pleated leaves. The two seasons of blooms and foliage make a nice addition to the woodland garden. 1 gal. $ 25.00

C. CORYLOPSIS WILLMOTTIAE ‘SPRING PURPLE’- We got our original plant from Hillers (England) in the 80’s. The yellow pendant flowers cover the 10’ shrub. The new foliage is rich purple and the leaves will be purple through a good part of summer. Seems more tender than other coryplopsis. 1 gal. $ 25.00 CORYLUS C. ‘BURGUNDY LACE’-This fairly new cultivar has deep purple, deeply serrated foliage. This moderate sized tree could be used as a cut back plant, so it doesn’t get too large. 1 gal. $ 20.00

C. ‘RED DRAGON’- This fun hazelnut is contorted and twisted (weird). The C. avellana ‘Contorta’ has twisted branches with contorted green leaves, C. ‘Red Dragon’ has purple leaves in spring and early summer. Makes a show stopping container plant. 5 gal. $ 100.00 COTINUS C. 'GRACE'- is one of our best discoveries. We first listed C. 'Grace' in 1993, and are still impressed with how great this shrub can be. We got this Hillier named hybrid in the mid 1980's as a one-foot cutting. Our original plant is cut back hard each spring to 6' and by the end of the season is 12-14' high. The large mid purple leaves are pretty all summer, and by fall they turn the most amazing pink, red, orange and purple. As a cut back plant we get only a few flowers (no great loss) but the foliage is superb. 2 gal. $ 42.00 C. ‘GOLDEN SPIRIT’- This beautiful moderate size smoke tree has the most glorious golden foliage all summer. In the fall it turns bright yellow. The flowers have a purple tint making a pretty show through much of the summer. 1 gal. $ 38.00 C. ‘OBOVATUS’- This American native smoke bush can eventually become a tree. I remember seeing a plant many years ago at Jane Platt’s garden that was literally a showstopper. In fall, the green leaves turn an unbelievable pink-yellow. 1 gal. $ 36.00 CRINODENDRON

C. HOOKERIANUM- is a large tender (California coast) evergreen shrub. The narrow leaves make a handsome backdrop to the red strawberry looking flowers. Rarely offered but when happy can be stunning with literally thousands of red flowers. Plants are small but better to plant this size. 1 gal. $ 28.00 CROCOSMIA C. ‘FIREBIRD’- This rich orange flowering bulb for the late summer garden is indispensable. Our clump is growing under the edge of Cornus kousa ‘Gold Cup’ and consistently gives a great show. 1 gal. $ 15.00 C. ‘HELLFIRE’- We got this stunner from Far Reaches Nursery several years ago. C. ‘Hellfire’ is a tall grower (3’) with red flowers in late July. Rather than the typical burnt orange flowers, these flowers are an interesting red color. 1 gal. $ 15.00 C. ‘SOLFATARE’- Chocolate foliage on 2’ plants. The iris like foliage makes a nice foil for the yellow flowers. We like to grow C. ‘Solfatare’ with geranium‘Rozannie’ growing. 1 gal. $ 18.00

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C. 'STAR OF THE EAST’- Interesting golden yellow flowers 2” across. The flat flowers have a distinctive white center. A very pretty bulb for August-September. 1 gal. $ 15.00 CRYPTOMERIA C. ‘BLACK DRAGON’- is an Islei Nursery selection that should get to 6’x3’ in 10 years. The new growth is light green and will turn very dark green as the season progresses. A great plant for the garden or container. 1 gal. $ 32.00 C. ‘SPIRALIS’- (Granny’s ringlets) This conifer has dark green small curled needles. The needles curve around the stem making an interesting look. Don’t know ultimate size (8’-10’?) But, C. spiralis makes an excellent container plant. 1 gal. $ 30.00 CUPRESSUS C. ‘GREENSTEAD MAGNIFICENT’- is a low growing cypress that has lovely light gray green needles. This fine conifer is rarely seen in gardens. We only find it available every few years. 2 gal. $ 70.00 C. SEMPERVIRENS - (Italian Cypress) This columnar conifer is grown through the Mediterranean regions all over the world. It’s amazing that it is hardy here. There are old plants in Eugene that have survived -12°. These small plants will grow fast and very full and bushy. 2 gal. $ 35.00 CYCALAMEN C. COUM. ‘SILVER LEAF FORM’- This handsome corm is dormant during spring and summer. In fall, the foliage reemerges with green and silver markings. Worth growing for the foliage let alone having vibrant pink-white flowers all winter. 4” pot $ 12.00

C. ‘PURPURASCENS’- A pretty late summer blooming hardy cycalamen. Our plants have been blooming since mid July. Rich pink purple flowers appear as the new leaves appear. 4” pot $ 12.00 CYTISUS C. BATTANDIERI- Our sources dried up for the pineapple broom over the years. All of a sudden we remembered that our original plant was grafted on Laburnum (golden chain). Anyway, this large shrub has gray green hairy leaves and short golden chains. The flowers have a pineapple scent in late spring. Has been hardy here to -12°. 1 gal. $ 35.00 DAPHNE D. ‘CAROL MACKIE’- This deciduous shrub will get 4’x4’ with variegated foliage. The fragrant white, pink flowers cover the plant each spring. Very hardy and beautiful plant. 1 gal. $ 30.00 D. 'ETERNAL FRAGRANCE'- (D. caucasica x D. collina.) According to Robin White this plant is probably the same cross as D.'Jim's Pride.' The plant will flower in April and May with white flowers with some pink color on the perianth tube. Our plants bloom sporadically after that through summer and into fall. The plant will grow to 2' and make a great plant in sun and good drainage.

1 gal. $ 28.00 2 gal. $ 35.00

D. GENKWA ‘HACKENBERRY GROUP’- Rarely offered, this lovely deciduous shrub covers itself with lovely lavender flowers in April. Called the ‘lilac daphne’. This plant is a showstopper each spring. 1 gal. $ 40.00 D. ‘JIM’S PRIDE’- This Daphne is the longest blooming plant in our garden. The flowers start in March and still flowers in November. The 3’ plant has gray green small leaves and white fragrant flowers. Very hardy and sun tolerant. 1 gal. $ 25.00 limited 5 gal. $ 60.00

D. ODORA ‘ALBA’- We have had this pretty daphne for many years and occasionally have it available. The snow white flowers show up in February-March. Typical wonderful scent on a 2’x2’ shrub. 1 gal. $ 28.00 D. ODORA 'AUREOMARGINATA' - To most people the best fragrance of any shrub. The small purple and white flowers appear in February - April and the scent can be noticed 20 feet away. Makes an evergreen shrub with golden margins on the foliage. Can be kept in a large container. 2 gal. $ 35.00 D. ODORA 'ZUIKO NISHIKI’- The deep pink flower buds open to pure white inside the flowers. We have read that D. 'Zuiko Nishiki' is hardier than other forms of D. odora. Any clones of D. odora have an unbelievable scent to the flowers. 1 gal. $ 30.00

D. ‘PERFUME PRINCESS’- Blooms its heart out from January-April. Because of the D. bhoula x D. odora cross it blooms for an amazing amount of time. Probably not fully hardy here as we can’t grow D. bhoula outside. Wonderful fragrance. Limited 2 gal. $ 50.00 D. ‘SUMMER ICE’- Named by Bob Tichnor, of Aurora, Oregon. This long blooming deciduous daphne has golden variegated leaves. D ‘Summer Ice’ is the same hybrid as D. ‘Jims Pride’. But, is variegated and blooms for a shorter time. 2 gal. $ 35.00

D. TANGUTICA- This evergreen daphne is a great garden plant much more tolerant of sun than the D. odoras. The leaves are small deep green. In April-May the plant will be covered with purple flowers with white centers. The fragrance is different than others but is still wonderful on the 2 x 2 ft. shrub. 2 gal. $ 45.00 DAPHNIPHYLLUM D. MACROPODIM- We hope to have enough of this fabulous evergreen tree. We sold out every plant we had last year. We once saw a 40’x 40’ specimen in Villa Taranto, Italy. It looked like a huge rhododendron arboreum. This Japanese native is an upright evergreen tree. This is a great tree for the southeast U.S. Our tree is 15’x 6’ after 30 years. 2 gal. $ 75.00 DAVIDIA D. INVOLUCRATA ‘AYA NISHIKI’- is a variegated dove tree that has stunning new growth that is gold and green. As the season goes on the color fades but is still attractive until fall. 2 gal. $ 150.00 D. INVOLUCRATA ‘LADY SUNSHINE’- This stunning foliage plant has green centers to the leaves with creamy yellow broad margins. We find the plant grows best in filtered shade all day. We haven’t seen bracts yet but the foliage is beautiful so who cares? 2 gal. $ 150.00

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D. INVOLUCRATA 'SONOMA'- This flowering dove tree came from Sonoma Horticultural Nursery. The original tree had exceptional bracts and luckily the owners got it out into the nursery business. Bracts are 8’-10" long and the grafted plants will bloom at 18 inches tall. Any of the plants we are selling can bloom next May. Because of the grafting and scarcity, these plants are limited and high priced. 1 gal. $ 100.00 2 gal $ 120.00 DESFONTAINIA

D. SPINOSA- is an interesting strange plant that looks like a holly with spiny dark green leaves. This Chilean native blooms in July with 1 ½” tubes of orange with yellow tips. Makes a fun container plant as its probably more Oregon coast hardy. 1 gal. $ 35.00 DEUTZIA

D. ‘MAGICIAN’- We try to have plants with all season interest. D. magician is a one season plant. But, is so amazing that it’s worth the space. The 8’x 8’ plant literally weighs itself down with beautiful deep pink flowers. The plant even drops its flowers so it doesn’t have an ugly time after bloom. 1 gal. $ 24.00 D. ‘MOUNT ROSE’- This 6’-8’ Deutzia has soft pink clusters of flowers in May-June. The flowers cover the plant and are beautiful in season. 1 gal. $ 20.0 DIERAMA D. PULCHERRIMUM- Angel’s fishing rod. This South African bulb has 2’ grass like foliage year round. The flower stems get 6’-7’ tall but arch over at 3’-4’. In late June-July the white pink or purple flowers dangle from these stems. We have had plants damaged at 0° but re-bloom. The year 2020 was a showstopper for the dieramas. Wow! 1 gal $ 12.00 DIOSPYROS D. KAKI ‘FUYU’- We have enjoyed seeing persimmons in gardens the last several years. We finally planted one in our garden as an ornamental last year. The deep green leaves are glossy all summer. In fall, the large orange fruit are glorious. Makes an interesting fruit tree as well as an ornamental. 1 gal. $ 40.00 DISANTHUS D. CERCIDIFOLIUS ‘ENA NISHIKI’-This variegated leafed Disanthus can be truly striking. The foliage is medium green with irregular white margins. In fall, the green center turns deep purple and the margin turns pink. The 10’-12’ shrub is an interesting change from D. cercidifolius. 1 gal. $ 38.00 DISPORUM D. ‘GREEN GIANT’- Larger than D. ‘Night Heron’. Makes an upright perennial for the woodland garden. 1 gal. $ 20.00 D. LONGISTYLUM ‘NIGHT HERON’- Similar to D. ‘Green Giant’ but smaller growing. The dark purple new growth turns deep green by summer. The greenish white flowers are small bells. 1 gal. $ 20.00

DISTYLIUM D. MYRICOIDES - An evergreen witch hazel with deep green narrow leaves. The 3'-4' tall plant makes an arching shrub that will bloom with red puffs of flowers in early spring. Can be kept pruned to 18" and will make an attractive shrub for the woodland garden. 1 gal. $ 24.00 DRIMYS D. ‘LANCEOLATA’ - This Chilean native has small lance-shaped dark evergreen leaves. The dark foliage is high lighted by the purple-red stems. Plants we've seen are only 6’-8' tall, but may get bigger. We grow as handsome container plants. Plants in Eugene have survived in the ground for many years in a more protected area than our garden. The flowers are small and white but makes a nice show on the plants. 1 gal. $ 25.00 EDGEWORTHIA E. CHRYSANTHA- This Daphne relative is a 4’x 4’deciduous shrub. The leaves are large and look somewhat tropical all summer. In February-March the plant will be covered with Daphne looking flowers. The golden yellow flowers are lightly lemon scented. Nice plants. Most should bloom next spring. 1 gal. $ 45.00 ELEAGNUS

E. ‘GILT EDGE’- is a broad leafed evergreen. The deep green leaves have a broad yellow margin. The new growth is a pretty coppery cinnamon in spring and early summer. 1 gal. $ 25.00 E. PUNGENS ‘CLEMSON VARIEGATED’- is a more subtle form of variegated Eleagnus than E. ‘Gilt Edge’. This tough adaptable evergreen will create a show year round. 1 gal. $ 24.00 E. PUNGENS ‘HOSOBA f*ckURIN’- Has narrow variegated (creamy white) evergreen leafs. This tough plant will thrive in full sun or dry shade. The foliage makes a great plant for cut stems for flower arrangements. 1 gal. $ 24.00

E. PUNGENS ‘MACULATA’- Has deep green margins on the leaves with bright golden centers to each leaf. Very tough. Our plant gets little water in sandy soil and is very happy. Great for cut foliage for flower arrangements. 1 gal. $ 24.00 ELEUTHROCOCCUS E. SIEB. VARIEGATUS- One of J.C. Raulston’s ‘care’ packages in the 80’s. This plant is almost indestructible. Our largest plant is 6’x6’and has small variegated leaves. The plant will grow in full sun to deep shade. The overall shrub effect is creamy white. There are several cultivars called variegatus but this has the best foliage of all. 1 gal. $ 34.00 ENKIANTHUS E. CAMPANULATUS ‘SUMMER HILL’- is an upright growing enkianthus. The flowers are fairly small but the fall color is superb. From Summer Hill Nursery. 1 gal. $ 32.00 E. SERRULATUS - We got a care package from J.C. Raulston in the late ‘80’s and a cutting of E. serrulatlus was enclosed. We planted the plant and it has slowly grown to 5’-6’ with large leaves (bigger than E. campanulatus). The flowers are white urns like E. perulatus, but are huge in comparison. Great red- orange fall color. We haven’t seen any other offering in the U.S. 2 gal. $ 32.00

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E. SIKOKIANUS- is a large size E. campanulatus variety. The leaves are a little larger but the plant seems to be faster and bolder tan the typical E. campanulatus. The fall color is stunning red and the flowers are cream with red stripes. Giving a dark pink red look. 1 gal. $ 30.00

E. ‘WINK’S PINK’- From Gary Van Winkle (from Seattle area). This variety has a more pink flower overall. The stripes that are usually prominent in most E. campanulatus are much more muted. Attractive pink flowers in April and great red fall foliage. 1 gal. $ 32.00 EPIMEDIUM Please note all epicedium's are full plants in 1 gal.

E. ‘AFTER MIDNIGHT’- Diana Reeck (former Collectors Nursery) named this pretty plant years ago. The chocolate margins on the foliage make a nice early show. Thee fairly small flowers are white in March. 1 gal. $ 20.00 E. ‘AKEBONO’ - Has white flowers in March on a small 4” growing perennial. 1 gal. $ 16.00 E. ‘AMBER QUEEN’- This handsome plant gets about 12” tall and is covered with amber colored flowers in March. When they bloomed, the plants sold out in just days. 1 gal. $ 20.00

E. ‘BANDIT’- is a sweet little barronwort with small leaves and white flowers. 1 gal. $ 20.00 E. ‘CHERRY TART’- Has vibrant bright pink flowers in March. This barronwort is a real showstopper. Limited numbers available. 1 gal. $ 18.00 E. ‘DOMINO’- Flowers are white and purple are held above beautiful mottled foliage. This evergreen perennial will make a beautiful plant for the woodland garden. 1 gal. $ 20.00 E. ECALCARATUM - A low growing evergreen epimedium. The flowers are found as yellow sprays making a pretty small space ground cover for the woodland garden. 1 gal. $ 16.00 E. ‘ENCHANTRESS’ - This Elizabeth Strangman hybrid has silvery pink flowers above the narrow evergreen leaves. 1 gal. $ 16.00 E. X PERRALCHICUM ‘FROHNLEITEN’ - Brilliant golden yellow flowers on stems up to 12" tall. The evergreen foliage holds up well during most winters, but we take hedge shears to the plants in January-February. One of the most vigorous growers in the garden. 1 gal. $ 12.00

E. ‘GOLDEN TREASURE’- This Xera Nursery selection has shiny evergreen leaves and bright yellow, graceful flowers in March. 1 gal. $ 22.00 E. GRANDIFLORUM ‘LILAFEE’ - Has soft lavender flowers on 6-8” plants. 1 gal. $ 16.00 E. ‘JOHN GALLAGHER’ - Has pretty pink flowers in March – April. Our plant is fairly slow to spread. 1 gal. $ 16.00 E. LITTLE SHRIMP - This low growing (6” or less) epimedium has light pink flowers just above the foliage in spring. Makes a nice small growing ground cover in semi- shade or full sun (not south facing) 1 gal. $ 16.00

E. MYRIANTHUM ‘MOTTLED MADNESS’- Has great purple spots on the foliage especially in spring. The flowers are small and white. It’s all about the foliage, which is spectacular. 1 gal. $ 20.00 E. OGISUI- Has lovely white flowers with bronze new growth. This species was introduced in 1993 from China. 1 gal. $ 20.00 E. ‘OKUDA’S WHITE’- Back and available. We got this epimedium many years ago from WE-DU Nursery in North Carolina. The low growing plant is covered with large white flowers in spring. 1 gal. $ 18.00 E. ‘ORANGE QUEEN’- Has orange and yellow flowers. The evergreen foliage will persist all winter, but as with all our Epimediums, we cut them back in January to have beautiful new growth with the flowers. 1 gal. $ 18.00 E. ‘ORION’- We got this beautiful plant from WE-DU Nursery over 25 years ago. The large foliage is slightly shorter than the dark purple red flowers. A robust plant that forms beautiful clumps. 1 gal. $ 18.00

E. ‘PINK CONSTELLATION’- Has pinkish lavender petals that are very thin. This plant is very graceful with these small light flowers above the foliage. 1 gal. $ 18.00 E. ‘RED QUEEN’- is a form of E. grandiflorum with rich red flowers. Said to be magnificent in several descriptions. So must be nice. 1 gal. $ 22.00 E. ‘RUBRUM’ - Has soft reddish pink flowers on a 12” plant. This variety is really easy to grow and is adaptable. 1 gal. $ 16.00 E. ‘SANDY CLAWS’- is a slowly spreading evergreen barron wort. The flowers are white, but not exciting. However, the foliage is spiny, long and deep green in summer-fall. The new growth is chocolate colored. A very beautiful foliage plant. 1 gal. $ 20.00 E. STELLATUM ‘LONG LEAF FORM’- As the name implies, the foliage is glossy and comes out purple in spring. The leaves make a very attractive backdrop for the white flowers in spring. 1 gal. $ 20.00

E. ‘SUPER MOTTLE’- Has gorgeous purple spots on the leaves. Flowers are an added bonus in spring and are plum and cream. Named by Xera Plants, Portland. 1 gal. $ 24.00 E. ‘SWALLOWTAIL’- Has burgundy margins on the new foliage. Flowers are lavender pink with long spires on the flowers. 1 gal. $ 20.00

E. ‘THE GIANT’- When we first saw this plant listed they were $500. We traded plants for a division. Thanks Dave and Pat. The plant can get 3’-4’ tall in really rich soil. Flowers are small but its fun to have an epimedium 4’ tall. 1 gal. $35.00 E. ‘THUNDERBOLT’- Has bright yellow flowers in March followed by large leaves with purple blotches. ‘Thunderbolt’ looks beautiful for its fall foliage alone. 1 gal. $ 20.00 E. VERSICOLOR ‘SULPHUREUM’- Has soft creamy yellow flowers on a 6”-12” plant. The foliage is best cut down late winter so the flowers can show their best. 1 gal. $ 15.00

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E. WARLEYENSE ‘ORANGE KING’- Has brilliant orange flowers in March-April. this easy woodland perennial makes a splash of color each spring. 1 gal. $ 18.00 E. YOUNGIANUM ‘VIOLICUM’ - Has lovely small flowers of light purple-violet. The foliage is dark green. 1 gal. $ 18.00 EUCOMUS E. ‘SPARKLING BURGUNDY’- This interesting bulb dies down each fall. In spring, the deep purple leaves emerge and are vibrant purple. The flowers are small pineapple looking on 2’ stalks. 1 gal. $ 15.00 EUONYMUS E. LATIFOLIUS - Our 10’ tree has big, pink fruit in August-October. Out of the deep pink fruit, spill orange seeds. The fall foliage will turn yellow-pink. 2 gal. $ 25.00 FFffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff FERNS We have expanded our selection of ferns dramatically. We have put them all together as a category. These easy beautiful plants are a must for any garden. We can't ever put too many ferns in our garden so hurry and buy these plants from us so we don't get carried away. Please check out Sue Olsen’s “Garden Ferns’. It’s a masterpiece! * Please Note: We use the Latin names on the ferns as there are so many confusing common, similar names. We try to also give the common name.

ADIANTUM ALEUTICUM ‘IMBRICATUM’- This lovely low growing maiden hair fern will have over lapping pinules (leaflets). Not offered very often. 1 gal. $ 20.00 ADIANTUM TRACEYI- Will get 12” tall with filmy deep green fronds. The black stems make a great contrast. 1 gal. $ 12.00 ADIANTUM VENUSTUM - This superb ground covering fern has small round leaflets. The light green to bronze new growth grows over the top of the darker green mature foliage. This fern makes a lovely ground cover at the foot of rhododendrons. 1 gal. $ 12.00 ASPLENIUM SCOLOPENDRIUM- Heart’s tongue fern. This fern has single fronds without any leaflets. This vase shaped plant has glossy green leaves up to 12” tall. 1 gal. $ 20.00 ATHYRIUM A. NIPPONICUM ‘GODZILLA’- a large growing painted fern, which can get to 18” and has lovely purple and silver fronds. This pretty plant will make a small thicket of leaves. 1 gal. $ 20.00

A. FELIX FEMINA ‘DRE’S DAGGER’- The fronds have filmy leaflets that cross each other to form an unusual texture in the garden. 1 gal. $ 18.00

A. OTOPHORUM- Eared Lady Fern- Has medium green fronds with darker stems. A pretty subtle deciduous fern for the woodland garden. 1 gal. $ 16.00

A.‘PEARLY WHITE’- New to us this year. The fronds are silver white and seem to be fairly low growing. Very pretty painted fern. 1 gal. $ 20.00 BLECHNUM B. CHILIENSE- A southern Chilean native that will have large evergreen leaves with large rounded leaflets. This 2’-3’ fern is for milder climates. Our plant has been here for 15 years and survived 5°-10° F. 1 gal. $ 22.00 B. PENNA MARINA- A (4”) spreading deer fern. Plants are slow spreading and make a pretty evergreen ground cover. We made a planting between a fence and a wall in Eugene and its made a wonderful show. 1 gal. $ 12.00 B. SPICANT - Our northwestern deer fern grows in the Cascades and Coast Range. This evergreen has new fronds that are vertical and the older fronds are horizontal on the ground. This wonderful fern has black stems with deep green foliage. Beautiful plants. 1 gal. $ 16.00

CONIOGRAMME EMEIENIS ‘GOLDEN ZEBRA’- This upright fern has green leaves with yellow splashes. An unusual fern with variegation. Limited numbers available. 1 gal. $ 22.00 CYRTOMIUM FORTUNEI- is an evergreen vase shaped plant. The fronds are deep green and have broad leaflets. 1 gal. $ 15.00

DOODIA MEDIA- Grows in Australia, New Zealand, Fiji and New Guinea. Said to be zone 7-10. The rasp fern is a pretty smallish evergreen fern with reddish new fronds really late in the season. We only have a few plants. 1 gal. $ 20.00 DRYOPTERIS D. AFFINS CRISPA GRACILIS- is a fun little fern that gets 6”-10” tall and wide. The evergreen fronds are deep green and very ruffled. 1 gal. $ 17.00

D. CRISPA ‘CONGESTA’- is a small (6”) evergreen fern with deep green fronds that are short and bushy! It looks like many of the large cultivars except its tiny. 1 gal. $ 14.00 D. CYCADIANA- Shaggy Shield wood fern- This Asian fern is an evergreen upright vase shaped plant. The plants will get to 18” tall. 1 gal. $ 16.00 D. ERYTHROSORA ‘BRILLIANCE’- is an evergreen fern with dark green mature fronds. The new growth is bronze color through the growing season. 1 gal. . $ 18.00

D. FELIX MAS. ‘PARSLEY’- This male fern is deciduous and makes an 18”-24” fern with crested foliage. A pretty fern all summer and nice yellow fall color. 1 gal. $ 22.00 D. LEPIDOPODA- Sunset Fern- Is a handsome evergreen fern with lovely coppery bronze new fronds. One of our favorite ferns, but very hard to find. The big growers don’t propagate. So, listen propagators, get to growing. 1 gal. $ 20.00

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D. TOKYOENSIS- is a 24” deciduous vase shaped upright fern. The medium green fronds can be 6” across in summer and explode from a dormant stem in spring. 1 gal. $ 16.00 D. WALLICHIANA- Wallichs Wood Fern-In our garden, plants get 2’x2’ and are deep green and vase shaped. One of our favorite ferns. Very beautiful. 1 gal. $ 20.00

MATTEUCCIA STRUTHIOPTERIS ‘JUMBO’- is a larger plant than the species. This bold plant is lovely especially in spring when the upright vase shaped fronds appear. 1 gal, $ 20.00 OSMUNDA O. CINNAMOMEA - The cinnamon fern has a vase shape. The 2’ fronds arch out to 18”. The light green fronds don’t have spores. The center fruiting stems get 2’ tall and are cinnamon colored. This deciduous fern has beautiful yellow fall color. 1 gal. $ 15.00 O. REGALIS - The royal fern is a wow! Our 15 year old plant is 8'x8' and has a 2' trunk almost like a tree fern. Every year this deciduous fern gets larger foliage as the plant gets larger. Can grow in really wet soil or well drained soil. 1 gal. $ 15.00

POLYPODIUM SCOULERI- is a fern growing close to the Pacific Ocean on tree limbs or the forest floor. The glossy deep green leaves are rounded making an attractive small ground over in woodland conditions.Our first offering of this pretty native. 1 gal. $ 18.00 POLYSTICHUM P. ARCOSTICHOIDES- Christmas fern. Has bronze new growth in spring. This 1-2 ft. spreading evergreen does well in numerous climates. Sue Olsen in her superb book ’Garden Ferns’ says P. arcrostichoides doesn’t do well in the Northwest, but does well in colder or hotter climates. 1 gal. $ 15.00 P. MAKINOI- This wildly occurring plant comes from Japan to eastern India. A hardy lustrous vase shaped fern. Very hardy and easy growing. 1 gal. $ 16.00 P. MUNITUM- Our native sword fern grows from Alaska to southern California. The plant is common in the woods, but is still a very handsome garden plant. The vase shaped plant will get 2’x 2’ and is evergreen, but best cut back in February. 1 gal. $ 15.00 P. NEOLOBATUM - Asian Saber Fern- Is a hardy glossy evergreen fern. The narrow foliage is deep green and narrow. This plant is very tough and easy to grow in the woodland garden. 1 gal. $ 15.00 P. POLYBLEPHARUM- The tassel fern has a pretty glossy deep green frond on a plant 12"-18" tall. The unfolding croziers are interesting to watch each spring. 1 gal. $ 15.00 P. SETIFERUM- (Alaska Fern) - But is actually very British. The soft fronds are lacy and open showing the fine leaflets. Grow anywhere except brilliant sun. We have plants through our garden and always enjoy this elegant evergreen. 1 gal. $ 15.00

P. SETIFERUM ‘BEVIS’- This plant is so fabulous that fern experts say when you see it, buy it. You may not see P. setiferum ‘Bevis’ again. This lovely evergreen fern has thin fronds that are curved at the apex. 1 gal. $ 24.00

P. SETIFERMUM ‘ HERREHAUSEN’- Has glorious fronds that have curly- cues on the tips. The German selection is very handsome year round. 1 gal. $ 24.00

P. SETIFERUM MULTI-DIVISILOBUM- Our own layers of this superb fern. The fronds form fluffy layers of foliage. Some of our older plants are 18”x 18”. This is one of the finest ferns we grow. Not regularly available as it doesn’t grow from spores. It must be grown from layers. 1 gal. $ 15.00 P. SETIFERUM ROTUNDATUM ‘CRISTATUM’- We did cuttings from our friend Diana’s garden. The fronds will get 18” tall and will divide multiple times making a pretty evergreen. This plant has broader leaflets, so it’s not like P. set. divislobum.. 1 gal. $ 15.00 WOODSIA

W. POLYSTICHOIDES- Holly fern. Comes from northeast Asia, so is very hardy. Can thrive in rock garden conditions. This moderates size plant will give a different texture in the garden. 1 gal. $ 16.00 WOODWARDIA W. UNIGEMMATA- This fern has been hardy in our garden at 5 degrees but is said to be zone 8. The evergreen foliage appears in spring through summer and is rich rusty red. By fall the large tropical looking fronds will get 18” long. Spectacular plants. Will grow fast. 1 gal. $ 16.00 ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff FATSIA F. JAPONICA- A remarkable plant for our gardens. F. japonica can be a house plant and our plant withstood -12 F. This woodland plant can take full deep shade to morning sun. The large evergreen maple looking leaves are attractive all year. 2 gal. $ 28.00

F. JAPONICA ‘VARIEGATA’- This large foliaged evergreen has maple like leaves. The deep green leaves have broad cream margins. This is a super plant that can be a houseplant and our plant has survived 0°F. 2 gal. $ 32.00 FICUS

F. ‘AFGANICA’- This fun fig seems to be hardy and easy to grow. The leaves are deeply lobed and are dark green. Don’t know about the fruit, but the foliage is very attractive. 1 gal. $ 20.00 FOTHERGILLA F. GARDENII ‘BLUE MIST’- We thought F. ‘Blue Shadow’ superseded F.’ Blue Mist’. F. ‘Blue Shadow’ appeared several years ago and most people stopped growing F. ‘Blue Mist’. We, however, noticed that F. ‘Blue Mist’is a much better blue foliage plant for shade. Our plants are 2’x 3’ and have lovely blue foliage all summer.

1 gal. $ 34.00

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F. GARDENII ‘JANE PLATT’- Our introduction from Mrs. Platt’s garden. This small grower (18”x 24”) has white flowers in April. In late fall (November), the leaves turn amazing orange, red and yellow. 1 gal. $ 34.00 F. GARDENII 'MT. AIRY'- This form of fothergilla was named by Michael Dirr who says it's the brightest fall foliage of all the F. gardenii. The plant should get 6-8’ tall. From Mt. Airy Cemetery in Cincinnati. Has been hardy to -25°F. 2 gal. $ 36.00 GARDENIA G. ‘FROST PROOF’- This double flowering gardenia covers itself with white fragrant flowers. Said to be hardier that G. ‘Kleim’s Hardy’ and also grows larger. 1 gal. $ 35.00 GARRYA

G. ELLIPTICA ‘EVIE’- This garrya is said to have even longer catkins than G.‘James Roof’. The foliage is deep green and wavy. When windy, the leaves make a nice rustling sound. 1 gal. $ 34.00 G. ELLIPTICA 'JAMES ROOF' - We've grown only the finest of our natives and this is one of the best. Garrya elliptica is a native from the Oregon coast south to Central California. The Saratoga Horticultural Foundation named this excellent cultivar for its tassels that are up to 12" long. The evergreen foliage is wavy and rustles in the wind. Garrya 'James Roof' climaxes its season in February-March when the tassels hang like icicles. 1 gal. $ 34.00 GERANIUM G. ‘BLUE SUNRISE’- Has cut leaves all summer. The leaves are soft golden color and the flowers are pretty lavender purple. 1 gal. $ 18.00

G. PHAEUM ‘SAMOBOR’- The mourning geranium has very subtle small purple flowers in June. The main reason to grow are the dark purple spots on the dark green leaves. We grow from division not seed. Our original plant came from our friend Robin Parer, Geraniaceae 30+ years ago. 1 gal. $ 18 .00 G. ‘ROZANNIE’- Probably the best geranium of all. This plant blooms from May-late October (when frozen). The deep green foliage will get 18” x 24”” and is covered for months with glowing light purple flowers with white centers. 1 gal. $ 16.00 GINKGO

G. BILOBA ‘LILA’- This hardy ginkgo has multi lobed leaves forming a ruffled outline to the leaves. Will be a small shrubby tree. Great for containers. 1 gal. $ 55.00

G. ‘CRISPIN’S JADED JESTER’- is a variegated (stable) selection of G. ‘Jagged Jester’, so has a thick leaf that looks pleated. 1 gal. $ 65.00 G. ‘JAGGED JADE’- Has pretty sculpted deep green leaves. The leaves have a distinctive jagged edge. Found and named by Crispin Silva. 1 gal. $ 55.00 G. ‘MAJESTIC BUTTERFLY’- is an upright grower from Talon Buchholz. The foliage has varying degrees of variegation. In 10 years, it will get to 6’ tall. 1 gal. $ 55.00

G. ‘MARIKEN’- Is a small growing ginkgo that will get 4’X4’ in many years. The growth is only 2”-3” per year. A great container plant. Also, for the smaller garden. 2 gal. $ 60.00 G. ‘MUNCHKIN’- is a small grower to maybe 3-4’ tall in many years. This tight small grower is wonderful for container or garden planting. 1 gal. $ 55.00 G. PEVE MARIBO’- This new plant comes from Vergeldt Nursery in Holland. The variegated small foliage is dark green with yellow streaks. Makes a dwarf flat topped plant in time. 1 gal. $ 60.00 G. ‘SUNSTREAM’- is said to be an upright ginkgo. The variegated foliage is deep green and yellow in spring. By summer, the yellow will change to cream. Doesn’t revert like some of the variegated ginkgos. 1 gal. $ 60.00 G. ‘TROLL’-is very small ginkgo with closely packed leaves and heavy branches. One of the smallest ginkgos. Dark green foliage all summer and great yellow fall color. 1 gal. $ 60.00 GLADIOLUS G. ‘BOONE’- One of our favorite bulbs. We received our original plant from Holbrook Farm Nursery 20+ years ago. The 18” upright glad will have yellow flowers with orange peach centers. G. ‘Boone’ stays upright without staking. Our plants have withstood 0° F. on occasion. 1 gal. $ 16.00 GREVILLIA

G. ‘MURRAY VALLEY QUEEN’- This winter bloomer has weird (one description I found was a psychedelic spiders). Its so nice to have a 6’-8’ evergreen shrub blooming in winter. 1 gal. $ 22.00

G. ‘SUNSET’- is an attractive evergreen foliaged plant with coppery colored flowers. This makes a good plant for Oregon, California or western Washington. 1 gal. $ 20.00 GUNNERA

G. CHILENSIS- One of the giants of the plant world. Called dinosaur food or prickly rhubarb. Our biggest plant is 12’x12’ in full sun. We always grew our plants in shade, but we put out a plant in full sun with lots of water. Makes a spectacular plant. Our plants have been to -12°F with a covering of compost. 1 gal. $ 18.00 G. PERPENSA - We got our plant from Heronswood back in the 90’s. Our plant is now a thicket 6’ across. The foliage is oval and has curvy margins. We mulch with leaves in winter and grow with plants of Fuschia megellanica 1 gal. $ 18.00 HAKONECHLOA H. MACRA 'ALL GOLD'- The typical Japanese forest grass is a green plant 12" tall. We have had several variegated forms for years including the fabulous H. macra 'Aureola'. Now comes this beautiful all gold form. The plant still gets 12" tall, but has fully golden narrow grassy leaves. An excellent addition to the woodland garden. 1 gal. $ 12.00

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H. MACRA 'AUREOLA' - This popular grass is one of our best woodland plants. The dark green leaves have broad yellow stripes going vertically. The overall effect is of a golden arching grass. Great for containers in the spring-fall. 1 gal. $ 14.00 gosslerfarms.com 541-746-3922 HAMAMELIS - All hamamelis listed are hardy to at least -12° here, and all are grafted plants. These are alphabetized by name, with: "i" = intermedia, "j"= japonica, "m"= mollis, "v" = vernalis H. i. 'ALLGOLD' - Deep yellow flowers with red calyx. Many flowers on an upright shrub. 2 gal. $ 50.00 H. v. ‘AMETHYST’ - Has a bright purple flower in January-February. This plant has a much richer fall color than H. vernalis ‘Purpurea’. Best with light behind the plant to highlight the flowers. 1 gal. $ 48.00 H. i. ‘AMMON’ - This Dutch hybrid has bright yellow flowers similar to H. ‘Pallida’. Not as fragrant as H. ‘Pallida’. But, said to be an improvement. 1 gal. $ 48.00 H. i. 'ANGELLY’- The absolutely latest to bloom. Last year it stopped flowering just before our magnolias started. The heavy blooming plant has golden flowers even on young plants. It was discovered and named in 1985, by J.H.H. Van Heijningen in Holland. 1 gal. $ 45.00 H. i. 'ARNOLD PROMISE’- Bright yellow flowering blooms profusely. For year round color this is one of the best. In January - February the yellow flowers appear. During spring-summer, the foliage is dark green. In fall the leaves turn brilliant yellow, orange and red. 1 gal. $ 44.00

H. ‘BASMA’- Has vibrant orange flowers in January- February. This is a lovely new hybrid to us. 1 gal. $ 60.00 H. v. ‘BLUE MOON’- The parent plant was discovered by Jorg Kohout in Germany. This violet purple selection of H. vernalis is a very rich glowing purple. 1 gal. $45.00 H. i.‘BONNYBROOK’- From the Bonnybrook Nursery in Kirkland, Washington. We don’t know when the nursery was in business (long ago, we assume). This golden flowering form of Hamamelis intermedia is nicely fragrant. Our plant came from Brian Mulligan who lived in Kirkland. 1 gal. $ 45.00 H. i. ‘BOSKOOP’- You can tell named in Boskoop, Holland. This intense golden yellow witch hazel has a heavy bloom in January-February. Said to have larger leaves than other witch hazels. 1 gal. $ 48.00 H. i. 'BRANDIS'- Introduced in 1985 by Helmers Nursery and named for the house in which Heinrich Bruns lived. Flowers are golden yellow and purple at the base. No scent but lovely yellow flowers. 3 gal. $ 42.00 H. i. 'CARMINE RED'- This medium reddish pink hamamelis forms a large shrub 15’-18' tall. The fall foliage is beautiful golden yellow. 1 gal. $ 42.00

H. ‘CHANTAL’- This new bright red hamamelis has been blooming for 2 years for us and seems to have larger flowers than H.’Diane’ and H. ‘Rubin’. Nice red fall foliage. 1 gal. $ 60.00

H. v.’CHRISTMAS CHEER’- Has small orange yellow flowers around Christmas time. 1 gal. $ 48.00

H. ‘CYRILLE’- This De Belder selection is new to us. The flowers have a bi-color effect. The base is strawberry color fading to light yellow. 1 gal. $ 60.00 H. ‘DANNY’ - Has vibrant red flowers in January. Said to be H. intermedia x H. vernalis. This plant will be covered with red flowers for an extended period in winter. 1 gal. $ 50.00 H. i. ‘DIANE'- We have had this excellent plant for 40 plus years and still enjoy the red purple flowers in winter. We ran out of plants last year. So have grown lots of plants to keep up with demand. The fall foliage is deep red purple. 1 gal. $ 46.00 H. i. ‘DISHI’ - One of the De Belder hybrids with great scent. The flowers are yellow orange. Fall color is orange red. Worth growing for the scent and fall foliage color. 1 gal. $ 46.00 H. 'FIRE CHARM'- (Feuerzauber) has soft red flowers. This hamamelis looks somewhat like H. 'Ruby Glow' but has a round leaf and lighter colored flowers. Nice red-orange fall foliage color. 1 gal. $ 46.00

H. ‘FREDERIC’- is a rounded shrub De Belder hybrid. The flowers are large and are a light orangish. Said to have great fall color as well as pretty flowers in winter. 1 gal. $ 60.00

H. ‘GIMBORN’S PERFUME’- is a vibrant yellow witch hazel that is amazingly fragrant in January. We have grown H. ‘Gimborn’s Perfume’ for years and still enjoy it every year. 1 gal. $ 45.00

H. i.’ GINGERBREAD’- Has deep orange flowers with purple bases. Very rich coloring of the flowers are followed by purple new growth. The fall foliage is golden yellow. 1 gal. $ 48.00 H. i. 'GLOWING EMBERS'- Was discovered by Wada at Hakoneya Nursery, Japan. The flowers are golden yellow at the tip of the flower and deep red at the base. The overall effect is orange-coppery in late winter. 1 gal. $ 45.00 H. i. ‘HEINRICH BRUNS’- is bright orange in January. The deep red base of the flowers makes the orange even more striking. No fragrance to the flowers. 1 gal. $ 42.00 H. i. ‘HILTINGBURY’- Has reddish flower color in January. The fall color is rich, glowing red. Said to be one of the best H. intermedia cultivars for the fall color. 1 gal. $ 45.00

H. JAPONICA ‘PENDULA’- We had lots of plants 2 years ago and last season sold out. The strongly weeping witch hazel makes a nice irregular container plant. Doesn’t have very many flowers, but its fun to have a weeping witchazel. 1 gal. $ 45.00 H. i. 'JELENA'- Actually one of the best plants of any plants we grow. The flowers are coppery-orange. This is one of the best of all hamamelis. 1 gal. $ 45.00

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H. ‘JOHN’- Has large orange yellow flowers in January. Said to not be in the trade as of 2005. Very pretty flowers on a vigorous plant. 1 gal. $ 60.00 H. v. ‘LITTLE SUZY’- Has light yellow flowers in September and October. The six foot plant will be covered with flowers, but you will smell the fragrance from yards away as the leaves will still be on the plant. 1 gal. $ 50.00 H. v. 'LOMBART'S WEEPING'- It is so unusual it's almost never offered in catalogs. This plant is so strongly weeping it doesn't form a shrub but more like a mound. Grow on a mound or over a rock wall so it can spill over. The flowers are sweetly scented in winter.

1 gal. $ 44.00 H. i. 'LUNA'- Has some of the lightest colored flowers of any hamamelis. Our plants produce very light yellow flowers in mid January. 1 gal. $ 42.00 H. v. ‘MEXICANA’- This Mexican native blooms in October with many small light yellow flowers. Many times the foliage is still on the plant. The fragrance carries for yards. 1 gal. $ 45.00

H. v. ‘MOHAWK RED’- Has small red flowers covering the stems each winter. One of the best named forms of H. vernalis. 1 gal. $ 42.00 H. MOLLIS - The species is always wonderful with its golden yellow flowers each spring. 1 gal. $ 46.00 H. i. 'MOONLIGHT'- Has soft yellow flowers in January. The flowers are among the lightest of any of hamamelis. 2 gal. $ 45.00 H. v. ‘ORANGE SUNRISE’-This smaller grower (10’) will be covered with small orange flowers in early spring. 1 gal. $ 45.00 H. i. 'PALLIDA' - We have grown this plant for 40 years. Still one of the standards of the witch hazels. We see this plant in retail nurseries occasionally. The brilliant yellow flowers cover the plant in January-February. 1 gal. $ 46.00 H. i. ‘PARASOL’- is a fun plant as the tips of the branches weep. The flowers are light yellow in January. This is one of the more unusual hamamelis cultivars. 2 gal. $ 50.00 H. i. 'PRIMAVERA'- Broad, light yellow petals on this variety from Belgium. Heavy flowering. One of the very best hamamelis. 1 gal. $ 45.00 H. v. 'PURPUREA'- The typical H. vernalis has yellow flowers and yellow fall foliage. This variety has bright purple flowers. The shrub is worth growing for the flowers let alone the rich purple fall color. 1 gal. $ 45.00 H. v. ‘QUASIMODO’ - Our plant is 6’-7’ tall after 20 years. Our original plant came from Peter Zwjnenburg , Boskoop Holland its originator. This small hamamelis has a lovely spicy fragrance in winter. 2 gal. $ 48.00 H. v. 'RED IMP'- Named by Peter Dummer and Roy Lancaster at Hilliers Nursery, England in 1996. This plant has red crimped and twisted flowers in midwinter. 1 gal. $ 45.00

H. i. ‘ROCHESTER’- Wow! What fragrance! H. Rochester' has small orange-yellow flowers in January. The flowers aren't very exciting but the fragrance is probably the best of any hamamelis we've sniffed.

1 gal. $ 48.00 H. v. 'SANDRA '- One of our favorite fall coloring shrubs. H.v. 'Sandra' has purple new growth in spring and early summer. In the fall, the foliage turns glowing red and will have color for three weeks. We understand that there isn't a fall color on H. ‘Sandra’ in the southeast. But in our part of the country it is superb. 1 gal. $ 45.00 H. i. ‘SPANISH SPIDER’- This Kalmthout hybrid has long spidery flowers that are strawberry-yellow bi-color. The flowers are an attractive color, but have very little scent. We only have a few available. 1 gal. $ 50.00

H. ‘STRAWBERRIES AND CREAM’- is a bi-colored hamamelis. The petals are red-purple at the base with yellow tips. Last time we had this plant it sold out immediately. This time we have many more 1 gal. $ 55.00 H. i. 'SUNBURST'- Has the brightest yellow flowers of any hamamelis yet. The brilliant flowers are borne in heavy clusters. Like H. 'Primavera' but much brighter yellow flowers. H. 'Arnold Promise' is a very nice plant, but is positively dull when compared to H. ‘Sunburst’. 1 gal. $ 45.00 H. m. ‘SUPERBA’- Our plant is in hot sun all afternoon and is thriving. The golden yellow flowers cover the plant in January. The plant is very fragrant when in bloom. 1 gal. $ 45.00 H. i.‘WESTERSTEDE’- Has medium golden yellow flowers in January. The fall foliage is a nice yellow. An older hybrid, but still a good plant. 2 gal. $ 50.00 H. m. ‘WISLEY SUPREME’- Several experts have commented what a superior clone this is. The bright golden flowers are large and heavily clustered on the stems. 1 gal. $ 45.00 H. j. 'ZUCCARINIANA'- Flowers are light yellow and have very twisted petals in February in our garden. 2 gal. $ 42.00 HELLEBORUS WINTER JEWELS ®® These come from Northwest Garden Nursery, Eugene. OR. Marietta and Ernie O’Byrne have the most exiting hybrids of any we’ve seen. All of these hybrids are vibrant colors and it’s exciting to see what new seedlings are produced each spring. Northwest Garden Nursery doesn’t ship their hybrids so it’s your chance to get some of these beautiful perennials from our catalog. Please see their web site for pictures. (www.northwestgardennursery.com). All the named hellebores come directly as plants from Ernie and Marietta. It’s really difficult to sell any of these gorgeous plants; they are so beautiful, we want to keep all of them. ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff Northwest Garden Nursery and Gossler Farms Nursery will be open for viewing and selling these great plants on February 20th and February 27th. If you haven’t gone to Ernie and Marietta’s Northwest Garden Nursery it’s a great treat to see the best hellebores. All of our plants are from their wonderful hybridizing. ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff

Gossler Farms Nursery...3 GOSSLER FARMS NURSERY Open WEDNESDAY THROUGH SATURDAY Year Round or by appointment 9:00 to 4:00 IF COMING A DISTANCE, CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT DURING … - [PDF Document] (24)


H. ‘APRICOT BLUSH’ - Has soft yellow pink flowers that are just as pretty on the outside of the flowers as the inside. 1 gal. $ 20.00 H. ‘BERRY SWIRL’- Pinky purple flowers that are beautiful doubles. 1 gal. $ 20.00 H. ‘BLACK DIAMOND’ - This lovely deep black purple flowers in spring. These single hellebores are superb with cyclamen coum, galianthus, etc. 1 gal. $ 20.00 H. ‘BLUE DIAMOND’- Has deep blue -black flowers in January-March. The single flowers are quite striking. 1 gal. $ 20.00 H. ‘CHERRY BLOSSOM’ - Has single rich pink flowers that have lovely centers, like extra tiny petals. 1 gal. $ 20.00 H. ‘COTTON CANDY’- Has the most beautiful soft pink double flowers. This hellebore has glorious color and form. 1 gal. $ 20.00 H. ‘DOUBLE PAINTED’- Has white petals with great amounts of purple spots in the center of the flower. The double flowers are really striking in February and March. 1 gal. $ 20.00 H. ‘DOUBLE SLATE’ - This is the darkest black blue of the O’Byrne’s hellebore hybrids. The flowers are double and create quite a display. 1 gal. $ 20.00 H. ‘FIRE AND ICE’- is a double white with rich red margins. When people see the plant they can’t help but buy it. 1 gal. $ 20.00 H. ‘GOLDEN LOTUS’- Are wonderful deep golden yellow double hellebores that will mostly be unspotted. 1 gal. $ 20.00 H. ‘GOLDEN SUNRISE’ - Single golden yellow flowers. Some of the plants will have purple spots or streaks. 1 gal. $ 20.00

H. ‘JADE TIGER’- Has rich green flowers with some purple markings. 1 gal. $ 20.00 H. ‘ONYX ODYSSEY’- Very deep dark purples to black. Flowers are full double. WOW! 1 gal. $ 20.00 H. ‘PEPPERMINT ICE’- This has single white to pink flowers with a pink rim around the petals.

1 gal $ 20.00 H. ‘PICOTEE PEARL’- Is a white single with a center ruff of petals. Most of the center petals have a pink margin. 1 gal. $ 20.00 H. ‘RED SAPPHIRE’- Has rich red double flowers. The colors are bright and lovely in February-April. 1 gal. $ 20.00 H. ‘ROSE QUARTZ’- Is a double white with rich pink margins on all the flowers. 1 gal. $ 20.00 H. ‘RUBY WINE’- Very rich ruby pink purple single flowers on lovely evergreen plants. 1 gal. $ 20.00 H. ‘SPARKLING DIAMOND’- This double hellebore is snow white. We have seen double H. niger, but this is a much more garden worthy plant. 1 gal $ 20.00 H. ‘SUNFLARE’- Glorious!! We saw H. ‘Sunflare’ for the first time when Ernie and Marietta asked us to send several plants to photograph. The yellow double flowers have a beautiful red margin on the edge of the flowers. I don’t know how many we will sell, but I think we will plant many in our own garden! 1 gal. $ 20.0

HELLEBORUS HYBRIDIS - These are mixed seedling plants. Flowers can be purple, pink, white, and some yellow. We don’t color sort so we just pick the best plants and if you order several you will get a range of colors when in bloom. 1 gal. $ 15.00 H. STERNII VARIEGATED- We received these plants from Ernie and Marietta (see Helleborus Winter Jewels). This form has pretty deep green leaves with nice splashed pink and white. 1 gal. $ 20.00 HEMEROCALLIS H. ‘CORKY’- Looks like what a daylily should look like. The small golden flowers appear in July on 18” dark purple stems. Has a real grace about the plant. So different from modern hybrids. 1 gal. $ 15.00 HOLBOELLIA ANGUSTIFOLIA- is a tough evergreen vine that will grow in shade (fairly deep shade) or full sun. There are no holdfasts so must be tied for support. Strange little purple flowers in spring are sweetly fragrant. 2 gal. $ 34.00 HYDRANGEA H. CHINENSIS- We found this lovely plant at Far Reaches Farm (Port Townsend, WA) The glossy foliage makes a great background for the large sterile flowers and fertile lace cap type flowers. 1 gal. $ 25.00 H. MACROPHYLLA ‘LANARTH WHITE’- is a lace cap hydrangea with white sterile flowers and small blue fertile flowers. Our plant is 5-6’ tall and in all day shade, where it really lightens up the area. 2 gal. $ 25.00

H. MACROPHYLLA ‘LEMON ZEST’- Has brilliant golden leaves all summer. The large leaves truly glow. The flowers are pink in our acidic soil. Not the greatest combination, but can cut off the flowers. 1 gal. $ 25.00

H. PANICULATA ‘WHITE MOTH’- is a beautiful large shrub. Our plant is 12’x 10’ with regular pruning. The flowers are 12”x12” and are white in late summer. Spectacular big flowers each summer. 1 gal. $ 32.00

H. PANICULATA ‘YAKU-JESSER’- is a paniculata variety that has white foliage with deep green blotches. The overall effect is of a white foliaged hydrangea. Flowers white in July-August. 1 gal. $ 25.00 H. PETIOLARIS 'MIRANDA’- This climbing hydrangea has small, dark green leaves that are widely margined with golden yellow. In the spring and early summer the plant has a golden glow to it. We have Guy Mitchum to thank for this fine vine for the shaded garden. 1 gal. $ 22.00 H. PETIOLARIS 'PLATT’S DWARF'- The original plant at Jane Platt's garden was a very small deciduous vine. 1 gal. $ 22.00

H. PETIOLARIS ‘WINTER GLOW’- This evergreen climbing hydrangea has glossy green leaves throughout the year. The white lace cap flowers appear in early summer. 1 gal. $ 22.00

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H. ‘PIA’ - A cute dwarf mop head hydrangea with pink flowers. We have grown this small plant for years and it’s so nice to have a hydrangea only get 18”x18”. No freeze damage at 5-6 degrees. 1 gal. $ 20.00 H. ‘PISTACHIO’ - We liked this new hydrangea immediately. The low mop head has green and pink flowers in July. 2 gal. $ 26.00

H. ‘PREZIOSA’- This moderate sized (4’-5’) hydrangea has varying colored flowers. A single plant can have pink, blue and lavender flowers all summer. 1 gal. $ 18.00

H. QUERCIFOLIA ‘QUEEN OF HEARTS’- is one of the oak leaf hydrangeas that opens its flowers white and changes to a rosy pink. This long season plant will have flowers summer-fall, then beautiful fall foliage late in the season. 1 gal. $ 22.00 H. QUERCIFOLIA ‘SNOW QUEEN’- Still one of the finest of the oak leaf hydrangeas. The large white flowers appear in July and eventually turn tan in fall. The fall foliage is purple, red and yellow. The bark peels in the large stems. 1 gal $ 22.00

H. SARGENTIANA- is a beautiful large growing (6’-8’) hydrangea that is rarely grown. Occasionally we see H. aspera macrophylla tagged as a sargentiana. But, they are different. The leaves of H. sargentiana are very hairy and broad. The flowers are lavender in summer. Only a few available. 1 gal. $ 40.00

H. SERRATA ‘BLUE DECKLE’- Has light blue lace cap flowers in summer. The 2’-3’ shrub will be covered with the pretty flowers. 1 gal. $ 25.00

H. SERRATA ‘TIARA’- is a low grower 2’x 2’ with attractive blue lace cap flowers in summer. 1 gal. $ 22.00 ILEX I. ‘DWARF PAGODA’ - These plants are 4 years old and are about 3”-4” tall. We take cuttings off our 40+ year- old plant. The healthiest large cuttings must be ignored, as they will actually grow too large. These plants are not a moneymaker, but we enjoy them so much we continue to grow them. 1 gal. $ 18.00 I. CRENATA 'SKY PENCIL’- Everyone seems to be looking for vertical plants that are evergreen, but not coniferous. Our original plants are 8’ tall by 1’ wide. 1 gal. $ 15.00 ILLICUM I. FLORIDANUM- Florida anise shrub. Tough as nails, this native to the south has been unharmed at -12°F. The deep green leathery leaves look somewhat like kalmia. The maroon flowers are star shaped 1’ across. Will grow in full sun or partial shade. 1 gal. $ 22.00

I. ‘PINK STARS’- An anise shrub that has dark evergreen leaves. The flowers are white tinged pink in April. This hardy shrub is subtle but beautiful year round. 1 gal. $ 25.00

JUNIPERUS J. HORZONTALIS ‘PANCAKE’ - As the name says J. horizontalis is flat growing to 2-3” x 18” across. Wants full sun and good drainage to get the best blue green color. 1 gal. $ 20.00 KALMIA LATIFOLIA

K. ‘FIRECRACKER’- This multi parent kalmia comes from Richard Jaynes. One of the many parents is K. ‘Sharon Rose’ that we listed in the 80’s from Wright’s Nursery. Bright red buds open to pink inside. 1 gal. $ 22.00 K. ‘RASPBERRY GLOW’- is one of the red budded Mt. Laurels. The deep red flowers open to dark pink flowers. Nice deep green foliage backs the pink flowers. 1 gal. $ 22.00 KERRIA K. ‘GOLDEN GUINEA’- We found this plant in the 1980’s in Boskoop, Holland. The 2”single vibrant golden yellow flowers are striking. The plant will get to 6’ on an open graceful plant. 1 gal. $ 25.00 K. JAPONICA ‘ALBIFLORA’- Came to us from J.C. Raulston as a care package many years ago. The creamy white flowers are single in early spring. This plant is an open shrub 3-4’ tall. 1 gal. $ 25.00 KIRINGSHOMA KOREANA This beautiful perennial comes from Korea. This shade lover has light green leaves that are somewhat like maple leaves. In August, the plants will cover themselves with thickened yellow shuttleco*ck like flowers. 1 gal. $ 16.00 LARIX KAEMPFERI

L.‘PEVE TUNNIS’- is a small ground hugging deciduous conifer. This larch will have rich green foliage in summer then in fall it will turn a beautiful golden yellow. 3 gal. $ 80.00 LESPEDEZA L. ‘WHITE FOUNTAIN’- We saw this lovely pea shrub at Chanticleer, Wayne, PA. Several plants were in the parking lot and made a stunning show in September. The arching stems literally cascade with the amount of white flowers. We don’t get many flowers, but the deep green lush foliage is worth growing by its self. Limited 1 gal. $ 24.00 LEUCOTHOE

L. ‘CURLY RED’- A smaller growing (18”x18”) leucothoe that has attractive glossy green leaves that are twisted. During the growing season the leaves will be red, turning deep green. 1 gal. $ 22.00 L. DAVISIAE - The sierra laurel is a tough 12” ground cover. The deep green foliage is heavily veined. So makes a pretty loose growing shrubby ground cover. Have seen L. davisiae in fairly dry, well drained soil. Our plants grow under Tsuga mertensiana with Cyclamen coum growing with the Leucothoe. 1 gal. $ 20.00 L. KEISKEI- This pieris relative is a slow growing evergreen shrub. The small (2') shrub has bronze new growth and dark green waxy foliage on arching stems. The white flowers are typical of most leucothoe species. 1 gal. $ 28.00

Gossler Farms Nursery...3 GOSSLER FARMS NURSERY Open WEDNESDAY THROUGH SATURDAY Year Round or by appointment 9:00 to 4:00 IF COMING A DISTANCE, CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT DURING … - [PDF Document] (26)


L. ‘RAINBOW’- This 5’-6’ shrub has 3” long leaves splashed with golden yellow and pink. The stems are deep purple red. Flowers are white racemes similar to Pieris japonica. Our plant grows in full sun, but probably best in the shade. 1 gal. $ 22.00 L. ‘SCARLETTA’- Has deep evergreen leaves. The new growth (spring-fall) is vibrant red purple. The leaves are very glossy on a 2’x2’ shrub for the shade garden. 1 gal. $ 22.00 LONICERA L. ‘FRAGRANTISSIMA’- The fragrant honeysuckle forms a large shrub (10’). The shrub has deep green foliage all summer. The deciduous shrub will have small white honeysuckle flowers. The fragrance is glorious and can be detected 100 ft. away. Will look like a vine as a young plant, but will make an upright shrub in time. 1 gal. $ 20.00 L. NITIDA 'TWIGGY'- An 18" shrublet with tiny green to goldish foliage. Several year old plants will only be 12" x 12". L. nitida 'Twiggy' looks like a very tiny version of L 'Baggesens Gold', but much smaller. 1 gal. $ 18.00 L. ‘PURPUSII’- (Winter Beauty) is a winter blooming honeysuckle. Our plants start sporadically blooming in December and continue until March. The white flowers are fairly small, but cover the bare (deciduous) stems. The flowers have a sweet fragrance. In summer, grow a clematis throughout the dark green foliage. 1 gal. $ 24.00 OPEN: YEAR ROUND WEDNESDAY THROUGH SATURDAY…9-5….. OTHER DAYS CALL AHEAD. Gossler Farms Nursery 541-746-3922


MAGNOLIA ‘APOLLO’- Has rich pink-purple flowers on a 30’tree. The tepals are somewhat pointed. M. Apollo will bloom as a very young plant and in time will cover itself with great amounts of flowers. 2 gal. $ 80.00

MAGNOLIA ‘ATLAS’- This New Zealand hybrid has rich purple pink flowers in March. The flowers are moderate size but are produced in great numbers. 1 gal. $ 90.00 MAGNOLIA ‘BIONDII’- is the first Magnolia to bloom. Usually in late February. The small white flowers seem to miss the frost many years. This is a mass effect bloom. The flowers are small, but appear by the hundreds. 2 gal. $ 85.00

MAGNOLIA ‘BIG DUDE’- This Phil Savage hybrid can have huge pink white flowers. Young vigorous plants can have 9” flowers. Very hardy. 1 gal. $ 100.00 MAGNOLIA ‘BLACK TULIP’- (‘M Vulcan x M. ‘Iolanthe’) - One of the darkest of all magnolia hybrids. This Mark Jury hybrid from New Zealand will get 30-40’ tall fairly quickly. The black-purple flowers are a tulip shape and appear in March. 2 gal. $ 110.00

MAGNOLIA ‘BLUSHING BELLE’- (M. ‘Caerhays Belle’ x M. ‘Yellow Bird’). Looks similar to M ‘Caerhays Belle,’ but is much hardier and narrow growing. This superb plant from Dennis Ledvina, Green Bay, WI, is a step forward for more northerly growers. 2 gal. $ 110.00

MAGNOLIA ‘BURGUNDY STAR’- is a smaller flowering magnolia (6”) with rich purple flowers. The pointed tepals are very attractive. Limited number available. 2 gal. $ 95.00 MAGNOLIA ‘BURNCOOSE’- We got our original scion wood from Dr. Corbin’s garden in Portland. This large growing hybrid is very vigorous. The flowers are 10-12” across and the richest pink purple. The color is truly striking in March. 2 gal. $110.00 MAGNOLIA ‘BUTTERFLIES’- is a Phil Savage hybrid so its got to be wonderful. Phil would only name his very best magnolias. If they had problems, they were eliminated. M. ‘Butterflies’ has small (3-4”) rich golden flowers covering the bare branches in March. 2 gal. $ 90.00 MAGNOLIA ‘CAERHAYS BELLE’- After 40 years of growing this glorious tree, it’s still one of our favorites. The 24” plants will be 10’-12’ in 3 or 4 years and will bloom as a 3 to 4 year old plant with amazing pink flowers 10”-12” across. The plant will be covered with the large flowers. 2 gal. $110.00 MAGNOLIA ‘CHARLES COATES’- This hybrid has fairly large foliage and creamy white scented flowers in May-June. Makes a shrubby irregular plant similar to M. ‘Wiesneri’. 2 gal. $ 90.00

MAGNOLIA ‘CORAL LAKES’- is a very hardy peachy yellow magnolia. Our flowers are fairly small but have great color. 1 gal. $ 100.00 MAGNOLIA DAWSONIANA ‘CLARKE’- Our own selection of M. dawsoniana We got our plant from the Clarke Nursery in San Jose, California in the late 50’s. This is by far the best of the M. dawsoniana cultivars as it has thousands of lovely, pink 6” flowers that look somehat like orchids. 2 gal. $ 90.00 MAGNOLIA 'DAYBREAK'- This rich pink magnolia has a lovely peachy orange flush. Truly a different color to add to the garden. 2 gal. $ 100.00

MAGNOLIA DENUDATA- This is always one of our favorite magnolias. The flowers are such a perfect form. Each flower looks like it was painted in Chinese porcelain, which it was. The creamy white flowers are carried in great abundance. The mature form of the tree is very graceful.

1 gal. $ 90.00 MAGNOLIA ‘ELIZABETH’- We are still amazed at the sales of this yellow magnolia. We have sold M. ‘Elizabeth’ for 40+ years. This is still one of the finest of any yellow magnolia. 2 gal. $ 70.00

MAGNOLIA ‘EMMA COOK’- M. denudata x M. stellata ‘Waterlily’. This plant looks similar to M. denudata but has many more tepals. The flowers have a slight pink blush when they open. 1 gal. $ 75.00

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MAGNOLIA ‘FELIX’ (M. FELIX JURY)- A WOW PLANT! M. ‘Felix’ has large (10”) flowers that are a rich pink without any purple. The tepals are somewhat crimped and of very heavy substance. Our neighbor’s 6’ plant had 10 flowers this spring. Fast growing and blooming young. This is a great magnolia. 1 gal. $ 120.00 MAGNOLIA ‘FRANK’S MASTERPIECE’- This Frank Gaylon hybrid has very dark red purple flowers 8” across. The deep flower color outside the tepals is contrasted with the rich pink inside the tepals . Only 10 available. 2 gal. $ 110.00 MAGNOLIA ‘GALAXY’- This superb National Arboretum hybrid is a rough, tough plant. It will take heavy clay, grow in parking strips and dry areas once established. Our mature (25 year) plant is 25-30’ tall. The purple flowers over the plant in late March. Very adaptable from Southern California to Michigan. 2 gal. $ 80.00 MAGNOLIA ‘GENIE’- We initially got M.’Genie’ because it was a small grower (10’x4’ over 10 years). But we were amazed at how rich the flower color is. The flowers have rounded tepals and beautiful purple reddish color. 2 gal. $ 90.00 MAGNOLIA ‘GOLDEN RAIN’ - This Dennis Ledvina hybrid has arching yellow flowers. They are not fully pendant, but attractively arching. M. accuminata x Norman Gould has pretty purple new foliage.

2 gal. $ 80.00 MAGNOLIA GRAND. ‘BRACKEN’S BROWN BEAUTY’- is a smaller growing m. grandiflora that is much hardier than M. g. ‘Little Gem’. We have given up on growing M. ‘Little Gem’ as it continues to grow into fall, then gets frozen. M. g ‘Brackens Brown Beauty stops growing in fall. So, seems much hardier. The small leaves will have dark indumentum on a small tree. 1 gal. $ 55.00 MAGNOLIA ‘HONEY TULIP’- This New Zealand hybrid has large tulip shaped flowers that are glowing yellow. We saw pictures and instantly wanted to own this plant. 2 gal. $ 100.00 MAGNOLIA ‘IOLANTHE’- One of the first of the New Zealand hybrid magnolias. M. ‘Iolanthe’ is a campbellii hybrid, but it will bloom at 2’-3’ tall. The white flowers have a pink blush to them in March. Will grow 2-3 feet per year when young. 1 gal. $ 80.00 MAGNOLIA ‘IVORY JEWELL’- M. ‘Woodsman’ x M. ‘Big Dude’—Another of Dennis Ledvina’s beautiful magnolias. The white flowers are large and handsomely formed. The flowers are white with a slight pink blush. 1 gal. $ 90.00

M. ‘JC WILLIAMS’- M. campbellii x sargentiana ‘Robusta’ comes form Caerhays Castle in Cornwall. The flowers are rich deep pink. Haven’t seen it bloom here but have a 6’-8’ plant, so any time. 3 gal. $ 120.00

MAGNOLIA ‘JOLLY ROGER’- The same parentage as M. ‘Marjory Gossler’. This Phil Savage hybrid was growing in a church parking lot in Detroit. I kept thinking I need to get my namesake planted. But where in our full garden? Large white flowers with pink markings. 1 gal. $ 100.00

MAGNOLIA ‘JUDY ZUK’- is a Brooklyn Botanical Garden hybrid. The flowers are yellow and have a purple base to the tepals. When we had this plant two years ago they sold out quickly. So order early. 2 gal. $ 85.00 MAGNOLIA ‘LILIFLORA O’NEILL’- We have a small number of this plant again. Our original plant came from Joe McDaniel back in ’72. The plant is now 12x12’ and blooms for months. The main bloom of deep purple flowers is in April with a scattering of flowers through the summer. Very hardy with deep green foliage and the pretty deep purple flowers. 1 gal. $ 70.00 MAGNOLIA LOEBNERI ‘MERRILL’- (M. loebneri ‘Dr. Merrill’) – Came from the Arnold Arboretum decades ago. We even had this plant in our catalog 50 years ago. Doesn’t seem to be in the nursery trade anymore. The tree is an upright grower to 25’-30’ with white flowers that are broad for a M. loebneri variety. 2 gal. $ 60.00 MAGNOLIA LOEBNERI ‘SPRING SNOW’- is a Joe McDaniel selection. The flowers look like a large M. stellata and are sparkling white. The hundreds of flowers cover our 20’ tree each March. 2 gal. $ 60.00 MAGNOLIA ‘MACROPHYLLA’- The largest leafed American tree. We have had 3’ leaves on young plants. This is a big (50’) tree of great presence. M.macrophylla will not be ignored in any garden. Our original plant wasn’t hurt by 12 F. The flowers are 12-15” across in early summer. 1 gal. $ 50.00 MAGNOLIA ‘MANCHU FAN’- This Gresham hybrid has large white flowers. The tepals are broad with a light purple blush. 2 gal. $ 70.00

MAGNOLIA ‘MARILYN’- Has a shrubby tree like form. The flowers are deep rich purple in late March. Only a few available. 1 gal. $ 75.00 MAGNOLIA ‘MARJORY GOSSLER’- M. sargentiana ‘Blood Moon’x denudata). We sent pollen to Phil Savage and he sent back scion-wood. This plant makes a large 40’ tree. the flowers have a pink blush to begin, but quickly turn white. Very hardy even in Detroit. It was a great honor that Phil named it for Marj. 1 gal. $ 90.00

MAGNOLIA ‘MIGHTY MOUSE’- When we went to the magnolia convention in Switzerland (early 90’s) I ordered 40 different magnolias from Otto Eisenhut and got all we ordered (Wow!) All lived except M. ‘Mighty Mouse’. I finally found a plant and we have had it grafted. Very cute little M. lilifora flowers and plant. Very few available. 1 gal. $ 100.00

MAGNOLIA OFFICIANLIS ‘BILOBA’- We haven’t had this plant for years. The large leaves are heart shpaed. Our tree is 40’ tall and makes a spectacular foliage tree. Flowers white in May-June. 1 gal. $ 100.00

MAGNOLIA ‘ORCHID’- Very similar to the Kosar Devos hybrids in size and flower. The large shrub (12’ after 40 years) has painted tepals that are mid purple in late March-April. 1 gal. $ 50.00

Gossler Farms Nursery...3 GOSSLER FARMS NURSERY Open WEDNESDAY THROUGH SATURDAY Year Round or by appointment 9:00 to 4:00 IF COMING A DISTANCE, CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT DURING … - [PDF Document] (28)


MAGNOLIA ‘PALLASIDE PINK’- From Pallaside, CO. which is 4700’ elevation. It is said to bloom consistently at that elevation in the Rockies. The flowers are pink-purple and seems to be very hardy. 2 gal. $ 60.00 MAGNOLIA ‘PAUL COOK’- Many years this hybrid is one of the finest of all magnolias in our garden. The 10-12” flowers are a soft pink and even though there aren’t as many flowers on the plant as other hybrids, they are very beautiful. 2 gal. $ 90.00 MAGNOLIA ‘PEPPERMINT STICK’- This Gresham hybrid of M liliflora ‘Nigra’ x M. veitchii has white flowers with a rich pink flush to the base of the tepals. 1 gal. $ 75.00

MAGNOLIA ‘PHELAN BRIGHT’- This Gresham hybrid has large white flowers in March. The tree will get to 30’+. We are happy to have this plant in stock again. Named for our friend Phelan Bright, Hammond, Louisiana. 1 gal. $ 100.00 MAGNOLIA ‘PIET VAN VEEN’- is a M. campbellii hybrid that blooms young. Our plant had multiple flowers after 4-5 years. The flowers are a rich light pink. Our plant was damaged by 0°F. But, came back strong. 1 gal. $ 110.00 MAGNOLIA ‘RANDI’- This Kosar Devos hybrid is the smallest of the group. our original 45 year old plant is 10-12- tall. The flowers are also smaller and are rich purple. A good plant for the small garden. 1 gal. $ 40.00 MAGNOLIA ‘RED BARON’- This hybrid of M. accuminata x M. ‘Big Dude’ from Dennis Ledvina has rich red purple flowers. Since Dennis hybridized M. ‘Red Baron’ we assume it’s very hardy. 2 gal. $ 95.00 MAGNOLIA SALICIFOLIA ‘ELSIE FRYE’- Our original plant is 20+ tall after 40 years. This upright grower has small dark green leaves. The white 3-4” flowers are each beautiful in their own right. The pointed tepals and pink rimmed stamens are pretty. The plant is also a mass display each March. 2 gal. $ 80.00 MAGNOLIA SALICIFOLIA ‘IUFER’-Very similar to M. sal. ‘Elsie Frye’. The big difference is the stamens are showier. Came to us through Ernie Iufer (Ufer). A lovely tree for the smaller garden. 2 gal. $ 80.00 MAGNOLIA SARGENTIANA ‘BLOOD MOON’- Named for an opera, this form was growing in Strybing Arboretum(San Francisco Botanical Garden). The flowers are A rich, clear pink and are 8”-10” across. A very beautiful Magnolia. 2 gal. $ 110.00 MAGNOLIA SARGENTIANA ROBUSTA ‘JANE PLATT’- We received our original plant from Jane Platt in about 1970. This glorious huge pink flowering magnolia seems a little bit hardier than M. campbellii. One spring our tree was amazing because the 30’ plant had about 200 lovely light pink blooms. 1 gal. $ 110.00 MAGNOLIA ‘SERENE’- Our upright tree is now 25’x 15’ and has rich purple flowers in late March. Fast growing with lots of flowers. 1 gal. $ 80.00

MAGNOLIA SIEBOLDII - Our most recommended magnolia, especially for the small garden. This excellent large shrub-small tree flowers late April - August 1. The flowers are ivory white with red stamens. The pendant flowers are followed by brilliant pink seedpods like little lanterns. Overall, one of the most beautiful plants we grow. 1 gal. $ 50.00

MAGNOLIA SIEBOLDII ‘ANGEL EYES’- From a batch of magnolia sieboldii comes this new cultivar. The tree is much more vertical than M. sieboldii and the stamens seem larger and showier than M. sieboldii. 2 gal. $ 110.00 MAGNOLIA ‘SINENSIS’- We have not had M. Sinensis in ages. this small grower looks like sieboldii but blooms in a more concentrated season than M. Sieboldii. We got our original plant from Ernie Iufer in the early 60’s. 2 gal. $ 90.00

MAGNOLIA ‘STAR WARS’- This is a truly great magnolia. The rich purple flowers have pointed tepals with an upright form. The upright tree not only has large crops of beautiful flowers, but has attractive dark green foliage. 1 gal. $ 90.00

MAGNOLIA ‘WIESNERI’- (M.‘Watsonii’) is a rare and glorious natural hybrid of M. hypoleuca and M. sieboldii. This Japanese magnolia is a large shrub that bloom in May-June. The up facing 6” flowers are creamy white with maroon stamens. The individual flowers are amazingly beautiful and are heavily scented. 1 gal. $ 90.00 2 gal. $ 110.00 MAGNOLIA‘WHITE GIANT’- is a very large flowered soulangiana type magnolia. The 8”-10” flowers are bowl shaped in March-April. 1 gal. $ 90.00 MAGNOLIA SOULANGEANA MAGNOLIA ‘DEEP PURPLE DREAM’- a (M. soulangeana ‘Lennei’ seedling) from Tom Dodd’s nursery in Chunchula, AL. Said to be one of the darkest magnolia flowers. The inside of the tepals are pinkish. 1 gal. $ 85.00 MAGNOLIA ‘LENNEI’- is a very old hybrid from Italy. One of the earliest hybrid magnolias. The 6” flowers are dark purple and are bowl shaped. Still an attractive plant after all these years. 1 gal. $ 75.00 MAGNOLIA ‘PURPLEANA’- We have had this plant since the 1960’s. We found our plant in Portland. It’s a slow upright grower to about 12’. The small soulangiana flowers are light purple by the hundreds. 1 gal. $ 75.00 MAGNOLIA ‘SAN JOSE’- We had this lovely saucer magnolia on our catalog cover years ago and were too good at selling it as we sold every plant. Dumb, I had to go buy a large plant in Seattle. The flowers are huge white with a strong pink outside the tepals. M. ‘San Jose’ was named by the Clarke Nursery in San Jose, California. 2 gal. $ 90.00 GOSSLER FARMS NURSERY 1200 WEAVER ROAD SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 541-746-3922

Gossler Farms Nursery...3 GOSSLER FARMS NURSERY Open WEDNESDAY THROUGH SATURDAY Year Round or by appointment 9:00 to 4:00 IF COMING A DISTANCE, CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT DURING … - [PDF Document] (29)


MAGNOLIA ‘SPECTRUM’- This National Arboretum hybrid is a large grower. Our tree is 40’x30’ after 40 years. The flowers are very rich purple and are similar to M. ‘Galaxy’(sister seedling). 1 gal. $ 90.00 MAGNOLIA ‘SUNSET SWIRL’- Has extra tepals and is a swirl of peachy pink. This Ledvina bybrid of M ‘Daybreak’x M. ‘Pink Royalty’ is hardy to at least zone 5. 2 gal. $ 80.00 MAGNOLIA ‘ SUSAN’- The best of the Kosar-DeVos hybrids! We have grown this group since the early 70’s. The rich purple flowers cover the plant for at least a month in April. This is a hardy plant that stays small (12’-14’) and has pretty flowers. What more can a gardener ask for. 1 gal. $ 60.00 MAGNOLIA ‘TINA DURIO’- This Gresham hybrid starts blooming when young. But, the flowers are small (4”). When mature, the flowers are 8” and have large white tepals. 1 gal. $ 90.00 MAGNOLIA STELLATA-

MAGNOLIA STELLATA ‘CHRYSANTHUMFLORA’- Similar to M. s ‘Jane Platt’ but flowers are smaller and a lighter color than M. s ‘Jane Platt’. We haven’t offered it before and don’t have a large supply. 1 gal. $ 80.00 MAGNOLIA ROSEA ‘JANE PLATT’- One of the finest plants we ever found. We named this glorious plant for our friend and mentor back in the 80’s. This star magnolia can have 60 tepals that are a pretty light pink. We are thrilled that M. ‘Jane Platt’ received an Award of Garden Merit from the Royal Horticultural Society. Only a few plants available so order early. 1 gal. $ 80.00 MAGNOLIA ‘WATERLILY’- This M. stellata cultivar has double the number of tepals that the species has. The white flowers have a pink flush when they open. The plant will get 15-20’ and have a huge mass of flowers. 1 gal. $ 40.00 MAGNOLIA ‘THOMPSONIANA’- The first named magnolia hybrid is a cross of M. virginiana and M. tripetala. Our original plant is 25’ tall and was planted in the 50’s. The lemon scented flowers appear in May-July. 2 gal. $ 80.00

MAGNOLIA VIRGINIANA DWARF- Not totally dwarf, but small (10’-12’). Interestingly we can root cuttings of this plant, but haven’t had any luck with the other M. virginiana cultivars. The leaves are 2”x1/2” and flowers are 1” across with a pleasant lemon fragrance. 1 gal. $ 95.00 MAGNOLIA VIRGINIANA ‘GREEN SHADOW’- Comes from seedlngs from Joe McDaniel sent to Don Shadow from Tennessee. This great evergreen tree will get 25’x15’. We sell many plants of M. virginiana in the Willamette Valley because of the wet soils. M. virginiana does very well in wet areas. The white flowers are 2” across and appear most of our summer. 1 gal. $ 60.00 MAGNOLIA 'VULCAN' - An incredible glowing red-purple. The first blooms will be an odd purple and we worried it wasn't the correct plant, but it changed drastically with age. Hardy to probably 0° F. The flowers can be up to 12" across in March. 1 gal. $ 80.00

MAGNOLIA ‘WADA’S MEMORY’- Sent by K. Wada from Japan to the University of Washington. This fast upright grower will grow 2-3 ‘ per year. Hardy to -20° F. and also capable of withstanding the heat of Southern California. The 4-6” white flowers appear by the thousands in March. The new leaves are purple and change to dark green in summer. One of the few magnolias with pretty yellow fall foliage. 1 gal. $ 70.00 MAGNOLIA ‘WOODSMAN’- Hybridized by Joe McDaniel using M. acuminata and M. lilifora. This magnolia is interesting (weird) in that it is purple, green and yellow all in the same flower. Not Roger’s favorite, but Marj and many others think it’s attractive. 2 gal. $ 75.00 MAGNOLIA ‘YELLOW FEVER’ - Don’t like the name, but it’s a pretty soft yellow in late March-April. Will get 30-40 feet tall in time. 2 gal. $ 70.00

F r o m M a h o n i a o n MAHONIA

M. ‘ARTHUR MENZIES’-This west coast hybrid has large sprays of fragrant yellow flowers. Any of the mahonias are wonderful large shrubs. 1 gal. $ 38.00 M. ‘CHARITY’- One of the M. media hybrids (japonica x lomarifolia). One of our finest winter; actually year round shrubs. The evergreen foliage gets up to 18” long and 12” wide. Our big plants of the media hybrids are 12’ tall and make an architectural form. The flowers begin to show color (bright yellow) in late November and continue until February. The fruit turns bluish-purple in the late spring. When the birds discover the fruit they immediately devour them. 1 gal. $ 38.00

M. ‘WINTER SUN’- is one of the English hybrid mahonias. In more shade the leaves get much larger and more architectural. Flowers are yellow clusters in January followed by purple blue fruit that the cedar waxwings come to devour. 1 gal. $ 38.00 METASEQUOIA M. G. ‘HAMLET’S BROOM’- is a little dense shrubby dawn redwood. The light green leaves will turn pretty yellow before falling. 1 gal. $ 50.00

MUSA BAJOO- is a hardy banana from Japan and Korea. We have had plants below 0°F. This year (so far cool) our neighbor has a cluster of fruit on a 15’ spectacular plant. The leaves can get huge with lots of sun. 2 gal. $ 40.00 NANDINA N. ‘BONFIRE’- Will get to 3’ tall. The new foliage is rich purple and turns mid green as it ages. In the containers the purple growth has held through the summer. Much more garden adapted at 3’ not like the species at 8’ plus. 1 gal. $ 20.00 N. DOMESTICA ‘FILIMENTOSA’- Nandinas are used all over the west and south as an easy utilitarian plant. The difference here is the size and texture. N. d. ‘Filimentosa’ will get to 18”. The evergreen leaves are thread like and thin. 2 gal. $ 40.00

Gossler Farms Nursery...3 GOSSLER FARMS NURSERY Open WEDNESDAY THROUGH SATURDAY Year Round or by appointment 9:00 to 4:00 IF COMING A DISTANCE, CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT DURING … - [PDF Document] (30)


NYSSA N. ‘TUPELO TOWER’- is a much more upright tree 30’x 20’ wide. The rich green leaves will turn glowing red in fall. Great for smaller spaces. 2 gal. $ 60.00

N. ‘WILDFIRE’- This great tree has color from early spring-fall. The new growth is vibrant red all summer. As the leaves mature they turn deep green. Our 20’ tree has red new growth most of the summer. In fall, it turns to the most brilliant scarlet red conceivable. Will grow in very wet places. 2 gal. $ 60.00 N. ‘ZYDECO TWIST’- This tupelo has contorted irregular stems. The adaptable tree comes from the SE U.S. The contorted stems add an extra bonus with its superb orange, red and yellow fall color. 1 gal. $ 60.00 OMPHALOIDES O. ’CHERRY INGRAM’ - Named for English gardener Collingwood Ingram (of flowering cherry fame). This low growing perennial gets up to 1' tall in bloom with small brilliant blue flowers. In early March-April O. 'Cherry Ingram' is a perfect companion for Corylopsis pauciflora. The plants will slowly grow into mats of flowers and foliage. 1 gal $ 14.00 OPHIOPOGON O. JAPONICA ‘NANA’- is the dwarf lilyturf. This 2” cutie has evergreen narrow grass like leaves. Nice among stepping stones or between rocks. 1 gal. $ 15.00 O. NIGRESCENS - Black Mondo Grass. The black color is actually a sunburn of maximum proportions. It will be green, if put in full shade. Ophiopogon nigrescens is a low growing grassy looking plant. It is great with cyclamen or snowdrops for a great contrast. 1 gal. $ 15.00 OSMANTHUS O. ‘BURKWODII’- This hybrid blooms in spring with amazing white small flowers covering the shrub. It will get 4’-6’ in time and is a real showstopper each spring. 1 gal. $ 20.00 O. FORTUNEI 'SAN JOSE’- We never seem to have enough of this evergreen shrub. O. 'San Jose' gets to 15' and is an upright grower. Has been hardy to -12° F. here. The evergreen leaves are holly-like, but don't have sharp points like the holly. The tiny whitish flowers in fall have a wonderful apricot fragrance. O. 'San Jose' will make a superb hedge. 1 gal. $ 22.00 O. FRAGRANS- Has creamy yellow orange flowers in November. The flowers are small, but incredibly fragrant in November. The smell of apricots is intoxicating. The plant is evergreen and can get 12’-15’ tall. 1 gal. $ 50.00 O. H. 'GOSHIKI '- This evergreen shrub grows 4'-5' tall and wide in time. The foliage is holly like and is marbled with yellow on a dark green background. 1 gal. $ 20.00 O. H. ‘JIM PORTER’- Will get 12’-14’ tall with broad deeply toothed spiny foliage. The deep green leaves are very attractive. In November, the small flowers will smell of apricots. 1 gal. $ 25.00 O. H. ‘PURPUREUS‘ - This will make a 6’ x 6’ shrub with deep green foliage year round. In spring and early summer (through July) the new foliage is deep purple. 1 gal. $ 22.00

O. H. 'OGON' - Has golden holly-like leaves throughout the year. Our plant sulked until the magnolia overhead grew. Seems to do best in shade as the color will be best and the plant will thrive. 1 gal. $ 22.00 O. H. ‘ROTUNDIFOLIUS’- This 4’ mounding evergreen is a tough irregular shrub. The foliage is rounded and perhaps 1” long. The foliage is deep green. 1 gal. $ 22.00 O. H.' SASABA' - O. 'Sasaba' is an outstanding plant. The sharply pointed evergreen leaves look somewhat like a small bamboo. We have seen 5’-6' upright shrubs of O. 'Sasaba' at Brookside Gardens, MD and were very impressed. The plants we are offering are 3 year olds and seem to take off and grow faster after this age. 1 gal. $ 25.00 2 gal. $ 32.00 OXYDENDRUM O. ARBOREUM- Sourwood comes from the Appalachians. Our original tree planted in ’81 is 30’x 8’ and has beautiful pendulous flowers similar to Pieris Japonica. In October the foliage is bright red, the plant is on fire. We also have 6’ plants at the nursery only. 1 gal. $ 25.00 PAEONEA P. ‘DELAVAYI’- This plant looks very much like P. ludlowii var. 'Lutea' but, rather than the brilliant yellow flowers, P. delavayi will have deep maroon flowers. The 6-8' shrub will have multiple trunks and spectacular green foliage all summer. In the fall the leaves will turn bright yellow. The plant is very hardy as well as being a beautiful shrub. 1 gal. $ 22.00 P. LUDLOWII 'LUTEA’- This tree peony has single golden yellow flowers. The plant can get to 8' tall in 20 years. The foliage is typical tree peony form but is longer and narrow. These plants are seedlings so may take 2-3 years to bloom but will have uniform gold, yellow flowers. 1 gal. $ 22.00 2 gal. $ 28.00 PHILADELPHUS

P. CORONARIUS ‘AUREUS’- The golden mock orange has small white flowers in June. The golden foliage is a great focal point for the shrub border. 1 gal. $ 25.00 PHORMIUM P. ‘ALLISON BLACKMAN’- Has yellow and green leaves that are spear shaped. Along with the major colors, there is chocolate brown giving the plant a distinctive look. 1 gal. $ 20.00 P. ‘GUARDSMAN’- Very limited. I have looked for this plant for 30 years. I would see them in wholesale nurseries but they were building stock. This fabulous phormium is large 6’-8’ and has red and purple foliage. Perhaps the most striking of all the phormiums. 1 gal. $ 25.00 P. ‘MAORI MAIDEN’- is a fine textured pink purple New Zealand flax.Very handsome in containers with annuals. 1 gal. $ 20.00 P. ‘MARGARET JONES’- Has narrow foliage with vibrant peachy pink leaves with green accents. 1 gal. $ 20.00

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P. ‘PINK STRIPE’- Has a gray green center to the blades with a nice pink margin. Will get 5’-6’ tall. 1 gal. $ 20.00 P. ‘WAITERA GOLD’- is a variegated New Zealand flax with broad yellow margins and deep green centers to the plant. Seems to be fairly short. 1 gal. $ 20.00 P. ‘WINGS OF GOLD’- Has gold and green leaves on a very upright grower. Will get 2’-3’ tall. 1 gal. $ 20.00 PICEA P. ABIES ‘GOLD DRIFT’- This strongly weeping spruce will need a stake to keep an upright form. The plant named by Robert Fincham has golden needles and will need afternoon shade so it doesn’t burn. 1 gal. $ 42.00 P. ABIES ‘PUSCH’- This fun small plant has the cutest pink-purple cones even on young plants. The little cones will turn tan through the rest of the season. This arching plant makes a nice container plant for the garden. 1 gal. $ 52.00 2 gal. $ 90.00 P. GLAUCA ‘PIXIE DUST’- is an extremely small dense growing Alberta spruce. This plant comes from Iseli Nursery, Boring Or. Will only get to 18” in many years. 1 gal. $ 65.00 2 gal. $ 75.00 P. OMORIKA PENDULA ‘BRUNS’- Eventually a 20’x 2’ strongly weeping blue green spruce. Makes a striking tall evergreen conifer. 1 gal. $ 45.00 P. ORIENTALIS ‘BERGMAN’S GEM’- Eventually 10’-12’ tall. This mid green spruce will have a layered form. A really pretty specimen plant. 1 gal. $ 48.00 P. ORIENTALIS ‘VAN SPEYBROCK’- This 10’x 3’ spruce will form a narrow upright light green conifer. Found by Van Speybrock Nursery, OR. 1 gal. $ 42.00 P. ORIENTALIS ‘SKYLANDS’ - This golden needled spruce creates a moderate sized evergreen tree. We have seen 15’-20’ trees. The needles are short and cover the branches. Best color in winter. 2 gal. $ 45.00 P. PUNGENS ‘EARLY CONES’- I saw this plant in August at Talon Buchholz’s nursery and was amazed. The blue needles appear on a horizontal branch structure. The cones cover the plant even on small specimens. Only 5 plants available! 2 gal. $ 75.00 PINUS P. CONTORTA ‘CHIEF JOSEPH’- This beautiful pine has been one of our standard plants in the catalog for years. It is from eastern Oregon. This plant will green all summer. In late fall, when we get cooler (frosts) weather, it turn glorious gold. In winter, it positively glows. Can’t send to California or Hawaii. In containers, protect from afternoon sun, as it will burn. 1 gal. $ 85.00 3 gal. $ 225.00 6 gal. $ 350.00 P. MUGO ‘AMBER GOLD’- A dwarf form with golden winter foliage. Will stay under 2’ tall in many years. 1 gal. $ 35.00

P. MUGO ‘CARSTEN’- A broad growing mugo pine with golden foliage in winter. P. mugo ‘Carsten’ will be wider than tall. Bright color in winter. Will really show up in the garden. 1 gal. $ 35.00 P. MUGO ‘JACOBSEN’- is a really small slow growing irregular mugo pine. Will get 18x18” in many years with deep green needles. 1 gal. $ 40.00 P. MUGO ‘ZUNDERT’- Comes from S. Van Wijnatten from the Netherlands. This 3x3’ mugo pine has light golden yellow foliage all winter. In spring it turns deep green. 1 gal. $ 35.00 PLEIONE

P. ‘ALISHAN’- a white lip with purple and yellow highlights. The narrow petals are soft purple. 3” pot $ 20.00

P. ‘GOLDEN GATE’- This P. confusa hybrid has a soft lemon yellow flower. WOW! Very few available. 3” pot $ 45.00

P. ‘TOLIMA’- A vibrant purple flower in March with some orange markings on the lip. 3” pot $ 20.00

P. ‘TONGARIO’- Has vibrant purple pink around flowers in March-April. We find best to keep in pots and dry during winter. In spring, increase watering as new foliage and flowers appear. Keep moist all summer and slowly dry in fall (not parched). 3” pot $ 20.00 PODOCARPUS P. MACROPHYLLUS- This conifer is one of the few that can be grown in lots of shade all the way to full sun. This upright plant has broad deep green needles. Great in large containers. 1 gal. $ 32.00 PODOPHYLLUM

P. DELAVAYI HYBRIDS- These plants came from Ernie and Marietta Obyrne (Northwest Garden Nursery). In spring, the leaves emerge with varying amounts of purple spots. The leaves will get to 12” across and will have maroon flowers and small apricot looking fruit in late summer. 1 gal. $ 25.00 P. PLEIANTHUM- An over the top foliage plant. This perennial has 6”-12”rounded glossy deep green leaves all summer. In late spring the deep purple flowers appear under the huge foliage. By late summer the apricot shaped and colored fruit appear. 1 gal. $ 25.00 PULMONARIA P. ‘BENEDICTION’- Named for Loie Benedict, a Seattle area gardener. Never got to see her garden. But, this great plant was named for her. The deep blue flowers are the best we have ever grown. 1 gal. $ 15.00 PONCIRUS P. ‘FLYING DRAGON’- Contorted hardy citrus. This interesting (weird) shrub or small tree always draws comments. The deep green stems have 2” sharp, curved thorns. In spring, the white flowers smell like citrus. In summer, there will be small citrus fruit. A great container plant. 2 gal. $ 32.00

Gossler Farms Nursery...3 GOSSLER FARMS NURSERY Open WEDNESDAY THROUGH SATURDAY Year Round or by appointment 9:00 to 4:00 IF COMING A DISTANCE, CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT DURING … - [PDF Document] (32)


QUERCUS Q. DENTATA ‘C.F. MILLER’- Named for Carl Ferris Miller that gardened in South Korea. This Manchurian Korean native is a super oak. When we think of an oak leaf, C.F. Miller is the standard. Our 30’ tree is really beautiful with its deep green leaves followed by coppery yellow fall color. Very hardy and attractive. 1 gal. $ 60.00 Q. MACROLEPIS ‘HEMELRIJK SILVER’- This oak came from Rhodes and was found by Robert & Jelena DeBelder. Don’t know the eventual size, but assume it’s not huge (seems to grow 6”-12” per season). We gave our original plants to friends and they grew it much better than we did. The foliage is jagged and has silver hairs spring-summer. The caps that hold the acorns are somewhat like green chrysanthums. A very beautiful and fun plant. Can’t be sent to California. 1 gal. $ 60.00 RHAMNUS R. FRANGULA ASPLENIFOLIA- This buckthorn is attractive year round. During winter, the stems are dark gray-black with small white spots on a 12-14’ shrub. The leaves are very narrow dark green and have a crumpled look. In fall, the foliage turns bright yellow. Can grow in very cold climates. 2 gal. $ 20.00 RHODODENDRON For more complete descriptions see Greer's, Guidebook to Available Rhododendrons.

R. ‘BOW BELLS’- Has been around for decades and is still a very pretty plant. The smallish evergreen leaves are 1 ½” x 1 ½” have purple new growth changing to deep green the rest of the year. The medium pink flowers will cover the plant in April. 2 gal. $ 32.00 R. ‘CAESUM’- is a small growing rhododendron from China. The lush green foliage is said to be somewhat deciduous, but our plant has held the foliage. The small flowers are yellow in March-April. Worth growing for the foliage alone. 1 gal. $ 24.00

R. CALOSTROTUM ‘GIGHA’- This greenish gray foliaged shrublet is one of the more interesting rhododendrons. The flat 1” flowers are light purple pink. 1 gal. $ 28.00 R. ‘CARMEN’ X YAKUSHIMANUM- This small shrub has shiny deep green leaves. The indumentum is like R. yakushimanum, but the flowers are red bells. 1 gal. $ 22.00 R. ‘COASTAL SPICE’ - One of Jim Gerdeman’s hybrids from Yachats, OR. This maddenii hybrid is white with a yellow and pink markings. The nutmeg scent is wonderful. 1 gal. $ 22.00

R. CAMPYLOGYNUM ‘JADE’- Small pinkish bells cover this small plant. At 10 years, our plant is 6” x12”. The glossy green leaves are a pretty backdrop to the small flowers. 1 gal. $ 25.00 R. ‘CORNELL PINK’- This upright deciduous rhododendron blooms leafless in late February-early March. The light pink flowers are so welcome early in spring. Blooms with the earliest magnolias. 1 gal. $ 25.00

R. ‘CRANE’- is one of the Cox hybrid rhododendrons from Scotland. Beautiful deep green leaves in a small 3-4’ shrub in many years. Said to be very hardy with lots of white flowers in early spring. 1 gal. $ 22.00 R. ‘ELSIE FRYE’- One of our oldest maddeni hybrids. We have had R.’Elsie Frye’ since the mid 60’s. We grow our old plants in large containers in the shade house (plastic cover in winter and some heat to keep to 15-18° F, The large white and pink flowers scented of nutmeg. Superb. 1 gal. $ 24.00

R. ‘EVERRED’- We may finally have enough of this fabulous plant (200). This Cox hybrid from Scotland has dark red bell flowers in March. But wait, the foliage is dark purple in winter and dark purple green all summer. The indumentum under the leaves is deep rich purple. Plants will probably get 2’x2’. 1 gal. $ 22.00 R. 'FRAGRANTISSIMUM’- This hybrid with large white flowers in April. The truss will have only 3 or 4 flowers, but they are large and have a superb nutmeg scent. R. 'Fragrantissimum' isn't hardy here, but will do very well in a container to move inside during cold weather. 1 gal. $ 25.00

R. ‘FROST HEXE’- Somewhat daphne looking with its small foliage. This 18”x18” shrublet will have bright purple small flowers in early spring. 1 gal. $ 22.00

R. ‘GOLFER’- Plants don’t get any better than R. ‘Golfer’! This 4’x4’ shrub has apple blossom pink flowers in April. The foliage is deep green. In spring-summer, the new foliage is covered with silver indumentum. Most of our rhododendrons are grown for the foliage and R. ‘Golfer’ is among the best for foliage. 1 gal. $ 24.00

R. ‘IMPIDITUM’- This little cutie will get to 18”x18” in many years. The leaves are ½”x ¼” so tiny deep green year round. The tiny purple trusses are perhaps 1” across. This plant was available in the 60’s-70’s in practically every nursery in the Northwest. So it’s nice to see it available again. 1 gal. $ 22.00

R. ‘INSIGNE’- has silvery coppery colored thin indumentum. The deep green leaves are very thick and it makes a pretty domed shaped plant. 1 gal. $ 25.00 R. ‘KAZAN’- This evergreen Azalea has small deep green leaves on a bushy little shrub (12”x18”). The tight growing plant will color itself with peachy orange flowers. 1 gal. $ 22.00 R. ‘LARAMIE’- Has broad deep green leaves that are beautiful in their own way. But, add gorgeous light tan indumentum and this is a great plant year round. Flowers are light pink white. 2 gal. $ 26.00 R. MACROSEPALUM ‘LINEARIFOLIUM’ -When people see this fabulous foliage plant they never guess it’s a rhododendron. This is possibly the most unusual rhododendron. The leaves are 1/4” wide x 3” long. In late spring the lavender flowers have the same form as the foliage. 1 gal. $ 24.00

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R. MAKINOI X PACHYSANTHUM- We have grown this hybrid for several years. The broad leaves have light colored indumentum. The leaves are long and broad. Somewhere between both parents. No flowers yet. But, who cares when the foliage is this great. 1 gal. $ 26.00 R. ‘MILKY WAY’- Was Ledum groenlandicum. The botanists have decided it is a rhododendron. This dwarf evergreen has small white trusses in spring. The narrow leaves have a slight indumentum as they emerge. 1 gal. $ 24.00

R. ‘OCCENDTALE’- is our native southern Oregon and western California native. It grows in seeps along the river. The white flowers have yellow and pink highlights in May. I enjoy the fragrance that is musty and slightly skunky (in a good way). We haven’t ever offered this native before but finally found some seedlings this summer. So, will vary some in flower color. 1 gal. $ 24.00 R. ORBICULARE ‘EDINBURGH’- These are spectacular large plants of this superb rhododendron. The leaves are like lily pads (they are round to oval). The pink trusses are outward facing bells in April. Only a few available. 6 gal. $ 80.00 R. PACHYSANTHUM- I know we say great foliage and wonderful plant too many times. R. pachysanthum has incredible coppery indumentum most of the summer. Have seen old plants 6’ but our 20 year olds are 2’x 2’. 1 gal. $ 28.00

R. ‘PERCY WISEMAN’- (R. yakusimum x R. ‘Fabia Tangerine’). The flowers can be pink peach yellow and white all in the same season. This 4’x4’ shrub will make quite a show each year. 1 gal. $ 22.00 R. ‘PINK SNOWFLAKES’- This R. racemosum hybrid is small growing (to 18”x12”). The soft pink flowers cover the plant in March-early April. The new growth is burnished purple. 1 gal. $ 20.00 R. ‘PINTAIL’- This Cox hybrid has bright warm pink flowers on a 2’ evergreen shrub in March. 1 gal. $ 22.00 R. PJM ‘ELITE STAR’- PP 27,780-This extraordinary hardy evergreen rhododendron is a great landscape plant. This plant will grow in south facing sun. The foliage is deep green and will turn purple in the fall. The small lavender pink trusses cover the plant. 1 gal. $ 20.00

R. ‘PLOVER’- (edgeworthii x dendrocharis). This small open plant has huge pink blooms for the size of the plant. One of the Cox hybrids from Scotland. Said to be one of their best. 1 gal. $ 24.00 R. ‘POWDER SNOW’- Has broad deep green leaves with lovely soft an silver indumentum on top of the leaves all summer. The indumentum is thick and beautiful all year. 1 gal. $ 25.00 R. PSEUDOCHYSANTHUM ‘EXBURY’- One of the most beautiful foliage plants we grow! Our oldest plant is about 25 year old and is 4’ x 2’. The flowers are apple blossom pink. After the flowers, the new foliage has beautiful silver tomentum through the summer. The deep green leaves are pointed and are amazing year round. 1 gal. $ 25.00

R. ‘PTARMIGAN’- is one of the Cox hybrids from Scotland. We first saw this pretty small plant at Rhodoland, Vida, OR in the late ‘60’s. The plant will probably get 12”x12” and has white flowers. 1 gal. $ 20.00 R. RACEMOSUM ‘WRIGHT’ - is an upright plant (4-5’ in time). The stems are deep purple year round. The foliage is dark green. In late March the small rich pink flowers cover the plants head to toe. If the plant thins out, just cut down to 6” after flowering and the plant will renew itself. 1 gal. $ 22.00 R. SARGENTIANUM’- is a very small (12”) rhododendron species from China. The small leaves and plant are a great backdrop to the cream to light yellow flowers. Rarely available. Used to be more available. Good to see it again. 1 gal. $ 22.00 R. SCHLIPPENBACHII ‘SID’S ROYAL PINK’- The royal azalea is a 6’ shrub. This deciduous plant has very pretty light pink flowers in early spring. Hardy. Even in New England. 1 gal. $ 24.00 R. UNIQUE VARIEGATED- Rarely offered. This plant has typical creamy yellow flowers in April. The difference is the margins of the leaves are creamy yellow contrasting with the deep green leaves. 1 gal. $ 25.00 R. ‘WINE AND ROSES’- is one of the great foliage plants we grow. The indumentum is vibrant purple pink. Even if it never bloomed it would be wonderful, but it has rose red flowers in spring. 1 gal. $ 24.00 R. WILLIAMSIANUM- Our plants are 20 years old and are 18”x 48” wide. The plants are so beautiful with their oval leaves. The new growth is bronze-purple changing to deep green. The large bell- shaped flowers are light pink in April. 1 gal. $ 24.00

R. YAKUSHIMANUM X CRINIGERUM- Has pretty tanish indumentums and deeply veined leaves. By late summer the leaves will turn deep green. Flowers will be light pink-white. 1 gal. $ 26.00 R. YAKUSHIMANUM ‘KEN JANECK’- Will eventually get to a fairly large plant (6’x 8’). The plant covers itself with pink flowers in April. The foliage is large (for R. yakushimanum) and fairly wide. Lovely. 1 gal. $ 24.00 R. ‘YAK PAC’- We like the plant not the name. Our plant is 2’ x 3’ and gets the best from both parents. The foliage is truly outstanding year round. Plants don’t get much better than R. ‘Yac Pac’. 1 gal. $ 24.00 R. ‘YELLOW DANE’- is one of the Cox hybrids from Scotland. This 12-18’ shrublet has deep green leaves. The flowers are small bright yellow trusses in April. 1 gal. $ 22.00 RIBES

R. SANGUINEUM ‘KING EDWARD VII’- is a vibrant red blooming native plant from the northwest. Plants are small now (6”-12”). But within 2 years will be 6’x3’. The flowers cover the plants in early spring. 1 gal. $ 22.00 R. X GORDONIANUM- This hybrid of R. sanguineum x R ordoratum was done in 1837. (Learn something new, didn’t know it was named that long ago). The plant will get 6’-8’ and have reddish peachy flowers in March. Not available too often, but nice. 1 gal. $ 24.00

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ROBINIA PSEUDOACACIA 'FRISIA' - The golden leafed black locust has brilliant yellow foliage all summer with no green at the center of the tree. This year we have 1’-2’ plants which will be great to ship. R. 'Frisia' grows 4-6 feet per year. 1 gal. $ 34.00 RODGERSIA R. ‘BRONZE FORM’- Has dark purple new growth in spring turning green in summer. R. ‘Bronze Form’ will eventually get 3-4’ across and 1 ½’ tall. 1 gal. $ 16.00 R. HENRECI- Has deeply veined leaves that get 18” tall and make a pretty patch of foliage in the woodland garden. The flowers are a range of pink in June. We leave the faded flower stalks all winter as they are very handsome. 1 gal. $ 16.00 R. ‘ROTLAUB’- A fairly large leafed perennial. In spring, the leaves have purple tints. Late spring, the 2” white flowers make a nice show. In fall, R. ‘Rotlaub’ turns lovely yellow. 1 gal. $ 16.00 ROSA ROSA ‘ALATISSIMO’- This single rich red rose is an upright grower. Our plant is tied to a trellis and blooms from May-September. 1 gal. $ 22.00 ROSA SERICEA ‘PTERACANTHA’- The wing thorn rose has glorious red thorns that the sun will shine through. We let our plants grow a year then cut down to 1’. That way we get the biggest red thorns each year. White flowers are small (1”) but don’t appear when cut back each year. 1 gal. $ 22.00

RUBUS TRIDEL ‘BENENDEN’- This is one of Cherry Ingram’s great plants. This hybrid blackberry has no fruit (its sterile), no thorns and non-running. The shrub will get 10’ tall and be covered with 2” white flowers in late spring. This attractive woodland plant makes a great cut flower. 1 gal. $ 20.00

RUSCUS ‘WHEELER’S VARIETY’- The butchersbroom is a moderate grower (18”) and will form a thicket of deep green pointed leaves. The red fruit are vibrant against the small deep green leaves. 1 gal. $ 25.00 SALIX S. BOYDII- One of the smallest shrublets we grow. Our 8 year old plant 6”x 3”. This cute plant has ¼” oval foliage that is deep green with deep veins. We only recommend in a container or small rock garden. These plants are only 8” tall. Extraordinary. 2 gal. $ 60.00 S. ALBA ‘BRINTZENSIS’- This willow has brilliant glowing red orange stems in winter. If left alone, this plant will get 30’. We cut our plant down to 4’ every winter. The fast growing stems make a warm winter show. 1 gal. $ 20.00 S. ELEAGNOS VAR. ‘ROSMARINIFOLIA’ - This willow has the narrowest leaves imaginable. The deep green leaves will be ¼”x4”. This plant will make a small tree in time. We however prune our plant hard every spring so it will get 6-8’. 1 gal. $ 20.00 S. FARGESII- is one of the un willows. If people see this shrub they don’t realize it’s a willow. The dark green, shiny leaves are deeply veined and very attractive. Our 30 year old plant is 6’x6’ and has beautiful purplish stems all winter. 1 gal. $ 30.00

S. IRRORATA ‘ROSEMARY VEREY’- Has gray silver colored stems in winter. The leaves are typical narrow and long. Will probably get to 30’. But, as a cut back plant, ours gets 6’-8’ when cut back to 2’ in spring. 1 gal. $ 24.00 S. ‘SWIZZLE STICK’- is a contorted willow that has red stems in winter. This fast grower can be stooled to keep the plant smaller. Very exciting and hardy in the garden. Nice in cut flower arrangements. 1 gal. $ 20.00 SAMBUCUS S. ‘BLACK LACE’- is a blackish purple cut leafed elderberry. The pink flowers in June are really nice combined with the deep purple foliage. 1 gal. $ 22.00 SARCOCOCCA S. ‘DIGNYA’- This shrub has long deep green leaves on a 2’ plant. The stems are purple year round. The plant grows great in shade and blooms in January-February with sweetly scented white flowers. 1 gal. $ 20.00 S. ORIENTALIS- is a 2’-3’ suckering shrub. The glossy evergreen leaves are attractive all year in January-March. The small white flowers have a wonderful fragrance. 1 gal. $ 22.00 SCHIZOSTYLIS S. ‘OREGON SUNSET’- is one of our discoveries. Back in the 1980’s in the middle of our patch of S. ‘Mrs. Haggarty’ a red flowered plant appeared. We named it S. ‘Oregon Sunset’. The plant is vigorous to 18” and has vibrant red flowers In August-October. 1 gal. $ 10.00

S. ‘PALLIDIFLORA’- This South African bulb has pretty very light pink white flowers in fall. They usually bloom September-November. 1 gal. $ 12.00 S. ‘SNOW MAIDEN’- The white flowers appear in August and continue through fall. 1 gal. $ 10.00 S. 'SUNRISE'- Has bright pink flowers on 18" stems late August - November. 1 gal. $ 10.00 SCHLIFFERA

S. ‘DELAVAYI’- Only a few available. This large evergreen shrub has fantastic glossy divided leaves. Our plant is now 3’ x 4’and is mostly foliage. Has been hardy here for 5-6 years. Makes a spectacular foliage plant for afternoon shade. 2 gal. $ 55.00 SCIADOPITYS S. VERTICILLIATA - The umbrella pine. These seedlings or cuttings will make a nice evergreen tree. These are a good alternative for the more expensive cultivars. 1 gal. $ 50.00

S. VERTICILLIATA ‘GREEN STAR’- Deep green needles are shorter and broader than S. verticilliata. Seems to be slower growing than the species. 1 gal. $ 60.00

S. VERTICILLIATA ‘PICOLA’- is a very bushy small umbrella pine. The congested stems and foliage makes a nice pyramidal shrub. 1 gal. $ 60.00 S. VERTICILLIATA ‘WINTER GREEN’- Has deep green needles year round. S.verticilliata can turn yellowish in winter, where as S. ‘Wintergreen’ will hold its color. 2 gal. $ 90.00

Gossler Farms Nursery...3 GOSSLER FARMS NURSERY Open WEDNESDAY THROUGH SATURDAY Year Round or by appointment 9:00 to 4:00 IF COMING A DISTANCE, CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT DURING … - [PDF Document] (35)


SISYRINCHIUM S. ‘AUNT MAY’-This bulb is an 18” perennial evergreen. The leaves are light green with creamy wide margins. The light yellow flowers appear in upright stalks in spring. 1 gal. $ 18.00 SEQUOIA

S. ALBO SPICA- Our 40 year old plants is 6’x 6’ with pruning a couple of times per year. The new growth is white to contrast with the medium green older leaves. Limited availability. 2 gal. $ 50.00 S. SEMP. ‘KELLY’S PROSTRATE’- is a beautiful prostrate grower. Our plant is 1’x 6’ across. The needles are fairly broad. We rarely have to trim upright growing stems. Very pretty on a wall where it can weep over. - 1 gal. $ 42.00 SPIREA

S. ‘OGON’- This spirea has narrow golden yellow leaves March-October. Our plant is 4’ x 4’. The foliage is loose and will be pretty with broader leafed evergreens. 1 gal. $ 20.00 STACHYURUS

S. PREACOX- Spike winter tail.- This unusual plant has long spiky soft yellow flowers in spring. We have taken awhile to site correctly to protect. Have seen large 12’ x 15’ plants in Portland. The flower stems are very stiff so if they are turned upside down they will stay upright. Actually it’s a pretty architectural plant. 1 gal. $ 32.00

S. PRAECOX ‘MAGIPE’- We finally have plants again. We take cuttings every year but only a few root. Not difficult once rooted. This large shrub has beautiful variegated leaves that are mid- green with yellow margins. 1 gal. $ 40.00 S. SALICIFOLIUS - We look at this plant strictly for its narrow (long leaves). Our plant in the garden has 6" long and 1/2" wide leaves on an irregular open plant. The flowers are four inch spikes of yellow in early spring. 1 gal. $ 25.00 STEWARTIA S. MALACODENDRON- Our southeastern native stewartia. The 2” white flowers appear in May-June. The flowers have deep purple stamens making beautiful individual flowers on a 10-12’ open shrub. We haven’t had S. malacodendron available for several years. Very rare! 1 gal. $ 65.00 S. MONADELPHA - One of the most beautiful trees in our garden. S. monodelpha has incredible flaking, tan, orange bark. The dark green foliage turns brilliant orange, purple and red. Each plant of S. monadelpha has a different fall color. The flowers are small, white and camellia looking. 1 gal. $ 45.00 S. PSEUDOCAMELLIA - This stewartia is probably the finest for general cultivation. The bark flakes off like a sycamore and has patches of creamy gray, brown, and orange. The flowers are white and have orange stamens. The green foliage turns flaming crimson and yellow in fall. This is a small 20'-40' tree of the greatest qualities. Larger sizes available at nursery. 2 gal. $ 60.00 3 gal. $ 75.00

S. PSEUDOCAMELLIA ‘PEWTER’- Guy Mitchum found this beautiful form of an already glorious tree. The deep green leaves have a silver sheen to them. These plants will create a real showstopper in the woodland garden. Flowers and bark are also lovely. 2 gal. $ 45.00 S. PSEUDOCAMELLIA ‘PILLAR BELLA’- is a columnar form. The original 15 year old plant is 12’x 3’. This plant makes a nice addition to the small garden. It is a narrow plant with some height. Flowers are similar size to S. pseudo. ‘Ballet’ but, a much narrower tree; also from plantsman, Crispin Silva. 1 gal. $ 75.00

S. PSEUDOCAMELLIA ‘SKYWARD’- is an upright 20’ x 10’ tree that will go in a much narrower space. Typical white flowers in summer. Great fall foliage and bark year round. This is a selection made by Crispin Silva that has a good eye for interesting plants. 1 gal. $ 85.00

S. PSEUDOCAMELLIA ‘VARIEGATA’- This amazing plant has a spattered cream color on a green leaf. We had plants several years ago. This plant is basically unavailable anywhere else. Very Limited! 1 gal. $ 200.00 S. ROSTRATA- The “beaked stewartia”. Our plant came from Brian Mulligan in the 80’s and is 30’ x 14’. The flowers are white in May – June followed by beautiful maroon seedpods. The fall color is dark red-purple. This plant is rare in China. 1 gal. $ 70.00

S. ‘SCARLET SENTINEL’- Stewartia ovata x S. koreana has everything going for it. This upright plant will have beautiful red fall color. The white flowers have reddish pink stamens in May-June. Seldom offered and not many available. Lovely! 1 gal. $ 125.00 S. SINENSIS ‘GARDENS GUARDIAN’ - Comes to us from Crispin Silva. He discovered this seedling 10-12 years ago. The original plant is 6’x 2’ and a full bushy plant. The flowers are typical S. sinensis and fall color is brilliant red-orange. This new Stewartia can be grown in very small gardens. 1 gal. $ 80.00 STYRAX S. JAPONICA ‘EVENING LIGHT’ - (PPAF) - When I first saw this plant it was immediate lust. In full sun the foliage is so dark purple it’s black. The flowers are stunning against the dark foliage. When grown in shade the foliage is more purplish. 1 gal. $ 80.00 2 gal. $ 100.00 S. JAPONICA 'FRAGRANT FOUNTAIN'- P.P.A.F.- We have had Styrax japonica 'Carillon' for many years and it's a beautiful small tree. The only problem is our 30-year old plant is 12' X 12'. So it takes up a lot of room in a small garden, however beautiful it is. This excellent plant will grow upright with a terminal leader; but all the stems are strongly weeping. We have seen trees that are less then 2' wide. The flowers are the typical white stars in May and June. We only have a small supply available. 2 gal. $ 80.00 SYCOPSIS S. SINENSIS ‘NARROW LEAF’- The narrow foliage is ½ x 3” and is deep green. Will make a handsome shrub with striking foliage and small red flowers.

1 gal. $ 25.00

Gossler Farms Nursery...3 GOSSLER FARMS NURSERY Open WEDNESDAY THROUGH SATURDAY Year Round or by appointment 9:00 to 4:00 IF COMING A DISTANCE, CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT DURING … - [PDF Document] (36)


TAXODIUM T. . ‘PEVE MINARET’- This plant will make a small upright tree in time. The needles occur in clump form. The light green leaves will turn lovely golden yellow before falling. 1 gal. $ 45.00 T. ‘GEE WIZZ’- is a dense, slow growing bald cypress (5’-6’). This dwarf plant has an arching form that is broader than tall. Found by Gary Gee in Mississippi. 1 gal. $ 45.00 TAXUS T. ‘BEAN POLE’ - This yew is as narrow as a beanpole. The 8’ plant will get to 1’ wide. The deep green needles on the upright plant make quite a statement in the garden. 1 gal. $ 32.00 T. CUSPIDATA ‘REZEK’S GOLD’- is an arching shrub with beautiful gold needles with a moderate size. A bright gold plant that can be a real focal point. 2 gal. $ 32.00 T. ‘WATNONG GOLD’- Vibrant gold foliage year round. This broad growing yew will make a bright evergreen shrub. 1 gal. $ 35.00 TRACHELOSPERMUM

T. ‘ORIDO NISHIKI’- Has brilliant yellow orange and dark green leaves. Sounds weird but this star jasmine has yellow and green leaves year round. Then spring through summer the new growth will be orange copper color. A wonderful container plant as the foliage spills out. 1 gal. $ 25.00 T. ‘PINK SHOWERS’- The star jasmine has evergreen glossy foliage. This vine will cover itself with very soft pink, fragrant flowers. 2 gal. $ 30.00 TRACHYCARPUS

T. FORTUNEI- The windmill palm from China screams tropics but is hardy to 0°F or colder. Our mature 30’ plants have survived -12°F. These plants are seedlings from our hardy form. 1 gal. $ 25.00 TROCHODENDRON T. ARAILOIDES- Japanese wheel tree makes a beautiful small tree. This subtle plant has glossy deep green leaves. Hardier than we thought, as it grows well in New York. The small flowers are green clusters. 1 gal. $ 35.00 Amazing large plants 10 gal. $ 200.00 TSUGA T. DIVERSIFOLIA ‘LOOWIT’- is a low growing hemlock . Seems to be wider than tall. These plants are 3-4 years old and are 4”x 6”. Very cute little hemlock. 2 gal. $ 70.00 T. MERTENSIANA- Our mountain hemlock from high in the Cascade Mountains. We don't see this plant until about 6000' feet. The mountain hemlock will be one of the last windblown trees at the tree line. The irregular stems are covered with gray green needles. This plant is a slow grower and makes a superb specimen plant or grouping in our valley gardens. We have had a plant for 50 years and it's 30' X 8' and it makes a stunning focal point. 3 gal. $ 65.00

T. MERTENSIANA ‘BUMP’S BLUE’- The mountain hemlock is our most beautiful native conifer. This high elevation (6,000 ft.?) conifer is amazingly windswept. Dr. Bump (Forest Grove, OR) discovered this blue needled form. Very limited numbers available. 1 gal. $ 50.00 VACCINIUM V. ‘CABERNET SPLASH’- Comes from V. ‘Toro’. It has deep purple growth when the foliage emerges. Through the summer, the leaves keep an attractive purple cast. Produces lots of medium size fruit in summer. 1 gal. $ 20.00

V. GLAUCO ALBUM- This handsome low growing shrub has blue green leaves all summer with deep veins. The plants will get to 18” all and 36” across. In fall, the evergreen leaves turn deep purple. 1 gal. $ 20.00 V. ‘SUNSHINE BLUE’- For years we have grown this superb plant for its blue foliage all spring-fall. In late fall (December) the orange, red and yellow fall color appears. During summer we get a month and half of sweet fruit. V. ‘Sunshine Blue’ is cold hardy as well as being able to fruit in Southern California. If you only have room for one blueberry, V ‘Sunshine Blue’ should be the one. Flowers are soft pink in small clusters. 1 gal. $ 16.00 VIBURNUM V. ‘CHARLES LAMONT’- By far the best of the winter flowering viburnums. This plant has the same parents as V. ‘Dawn’ but is drastically heavier flowering. The light pink flowers cover the 10’ shrub in February-March. Limited number this year. 1 gal. $ 30.00

V. ODORATISSIMUM ‘AWABUKI’- Came to us from JC Raulston many years ago. The plant is upright growing (10’-12’) and 4’-5’ wide. This hardy evergreen plant has shiny foliage. Doesn’t need summer water here once established. 1 gal. $ 20.00 V. OPULUS 'AUREUM' - This viburnum has golden leaves from April-October. The leaves are a nice golden color to back up the white lace cap flowers in June. 1 gal. $ 20.00 V. ‘PINK SENSATION’- We still think this is the best of the pink V. tomentosum varieties. We got our original cuttings from Connie Hansen, Lincoln City, OR. The lovely pink flowers are backed by deep purple new foliage. 1 gal. $ 25.00

V. PRAGENSE ‘DECKER’ This evergreen viburnum gets 8’-10’ x 4’-5’ wide. The foliage is narrow with deep veins creating a nice upright evergreen. 1 gal. $ 22.00 V. PROPINQUUM- This glossy foliaged evergreen makes a beautiful mound 4’-5’ tall. The leaves are narrow and are very deep green. Flowers are white followed by black fruit in fall. 1 gal. $ 22.00 V. ‘SUMMER SNOWFLAKE’- Blooms non -stop from April until November. This University of British Columbia selection originally said to get 4’-6’ (Ha!) Our plant is 12’-14’. The white flowers are lace cap form and will last for weeks. Very hardy! 1 gal. $ 22.00

Gossler Farms Nursery...3 GOSSLER FARMS NURSERY Open WEDNESDAY THROUGH SATURDAY Year Round or by appointment 9:00 to 4:00 IF COMING A DISTANCE, CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT DURING … - [PDF Document] (37)


WISTERIA W. FRUTESCENS‘AMETHYST FALLS’- We have not planted any other wisteria, as they can be overwhelming. This small slow grower will bloom very young. The lavender flowers are only 6”-8” but have an attractive form. 1 gal. $ 25.00 YUCCA Y. ‘GOLDEN SWORD’- This yucca has lots of gold on the foliage. So, from a distance, the plant looks golden. A very hardy perennial for full sun to semi shade. 1 gal. $ 16.00 YPSILANDRA

Y. ‘THIBETICA’- This Chinese native has deep green long leaves on a 6”-12” plant. In spring it will have petty clusters of white flowers. 1 gal. $ 16.00 ZENOBIA Z. P. 'BLUE SKY'- This zenobia has dusty blue foliage all summer and fall. The foliage will change color to gold, orange and red in December and January. The flowers are white bells in June. 1 gal. $ 24.00 Z. P. ‘RASPBERRY’- We got this plant from Heronswood in the 90’s.. The deep green glossy foliage is pretty all summer. In November-December the leaves turn shades of yellow, orange and red. In June the bell shaped flowers are a lovely light pink. 1 gal. $ 24.00

GOSSLER FARMS NURSERY 1200 Weaver Rd. Springfield, OR 97478 541-746-3922 We also have an expanded range of perennials mostly for the shade garden. The plants include epimediums, primulas, ferns and other beautiful spring flowering plants. Website: gossslerfarms.com Email: [emailprotected]


Gossler Farms Nursery...3 GOSSLER FARMS NURSERY Open WEDNESDAY THROUGH SATURDAY Year Round or by appointment 9:00 to 4:00 IF COMING A DISTANCE, CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT DURING … - [PDF Document] (38)

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Open year round: WEDNESDAY THROUGH SATURDAY or by appointment 9:00 to 4:00 IF COMING A DISTANCE, CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT DURING THE YEAR TO BE SURE SOMEONE IS AVAILABLE TO ASSIST -----------------------------------------

GARDEN COACHING OPPORTUNITYRoger has been offering coaching services to those who want assistance with their gardens. This service comes with a 10% discount on all plants purchased for the next month after the visit. Roger will offer design ideas and counseling along with suggestions on what plants will work best in your particular situation. He can also perform plant identi cation for those plants already in your landscape. Each visit will be followed by a written list of instructions and he will always be available for follow up here at the nursery.

The following is provided graciously by one of his current clients.

“Inviting Roger into our garden to be a ‘garden coach’ was one of our best horticultural investments. He has an almost endless amount of information regarding plant growth and habit. His depth and knowledge on what to plant where, why, when and how was a great help to us. And, perhaps most important, it was wonderful fun. A visit from Roger would leave us quite excited about new plant possibilities. In a few words and wild hand gestures, he could turn an ugly shady corner bed into a colorful hydrangea planting that would be beautiful and hide the shed wall and fence. We will continue to use the garden coach service and we know that each visit from Roger will be enjoyable and full of new information.”

Sincerely, Nancy Beck

If you are interested in Roger’s services please contact us and we have a brochure explaining all the details. Also feel free to call and talk to Roger anytime and he can set up a visit.

Gossler Farms Nursery...3 GOSSLER FARMS NURSERY Open WEDNESDAY THROUGH SATURDAY Year Round or by appointment 9:00 to 4:00 IF COMING A DISTANCE, CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT DURING … - [PDF Document] (39)


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1200 Weaver RoadSpringfield, Oregon 97478-9691(541) 746-3922 • Fax (541) 744-7924




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Shipping ChargesTotal Price before Shipping$ 300.00 - $ 025.00 = $ 115.00$ 325.00 - $ 075.00 = $ 022.00$ 375.00 - $ 150.00 = $ 034.00$ 150.00 - $ 300.00 = $ 065.00$ 300.00 - $ 500.00 = $ 145.00




2nd or 3rd DAY UPS, OR WHOLESALE(10% Packing + Ship at Cost)



Gossler Farms Nursery...3 GOSSLER FARMS NURSERY Open WEDNESDAY THROUGH SATURDAY Year Round or by appointment 9:00 to 4:00 IF COMING A DISTANCE, CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT DURING … - [PDF Document] (40)


TERMS, PLANTS, PRICING AND SHIPPING: We really care about our plants customers and pricing. So the following is to help explain some of the changes for this coming season. Plants: Most are cuttings grown from our stock so we know the correct variety. We have grown them at least a year and list varieties in the catalog available at press time and try to indicate if only a few are available. The plants are evaluated as to hardiness, beautiful flowers, foliage, fruit, etc. The plants are taken out of the containers and tied into plastic bags, then secured into the boxes. We do not ship bare root plants. Price: It is a difficult decision, so we try to be fair so not only the wealthy can afford them (we are collectors too). The availability, propagation, container growing, as well as nursery costs must come into play. Since shipping costs have risen drastically over the last few years and the boxes for our plants are much larger than other nurseries and therefore much more expensive. We are adjusting our shipping charges after more than 30 years. The following table will be used to calculate our shipping rates. Our minimum has raised but on the larger orders it will work out to less than in the past in many cases. Minimum shipping charge will now be: $15.00 $ 0 to $ 25.00 $ 15.00 $ 25.00 to $ 75.00 $ 22.00 $ 75.00 to $ 150.00 $ 34.00 $ 150.00 to $ 300.00 $ 65.00 $ 300.00 to $ 500.00 $145.00 Plants are guaranteed true to name and are carefully selected quality plants. Our plants are regularly inspected by the Oregon Agriculture Department. Since we cannot control planting or growing conditions after shipment we cannot be responsible for loss. We can supply a wholesale catalog upon request to nurseries and landscapers. Gossler Farms Nursery 1200 Weaver Road Springfield, OR 97478 -9663 Phone: 541-746-3922 (We check our messages regularly) Fax: 541-744-7924 WEBSITE……………… www.gosslerfarms.com

Gossler Farms Nursery...3 GOSSLER FARMS NURSERY Open WEDNESDAY THROUGH SATURDAY Year Round or by appointment 9:00 to 4:00 IF COMING A DISTANCE, CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT DURING … - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.