European Breakdown Cover | Single-trip and annual (2024)


European Breakdown Cover | Single-trip and annual (1)

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    Skip to main content [Accesskey 'S'] Go to home page [Accesskey '1']Are you a business customer?

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    European breakdown cover from only £4.63 a day*

    Get peace of mind driving in Europe with our breakdown cover.

    Get a quote

    European Breakdown Cover | Single-trip and annual (2)

    24/7 English-speaking helpline

    European Breakdown Cover | Single-trip and annual (3)

    5-star rated by Defaqto

    European Breakdown Cover | Single-trip and annual (4)

    On average customers save around £650 in repair and recovery

    Where are you going?

    Whether you need breakdown cover for France, Spain, Germany or another European country, we’re never far away.

    Check your destination is one of the 44 countries we cover – and find the right level of cover for your trip.

    About our European Breakdown Cover

    Our cover ensures driving in Europe is never a worry – if your vehicle breaks down we'll help. We give you unique access to over 60,000 repairers and recovery operators in 44 countries across Europe.

    • We'll cover you from the moment you leave home, to the moment you get back – whether you're driving in France, Ireland or up to 44 countries across the continent.
    • We cover vehicles of any age including cars, vans, motorcycles, campervans and caravans. We even cover towing behind.
    • We offer alternative accommodation and travel arrangements, recovery of your vehicle back to the UK, and up to £50,000 in legal costs.
    • Don’t forget to purchase your cover before you travel abroad. Otherwise, it won’t be valid.
    • You’ll get a confirmation email with your policy number after you buy – so you can travel worry free. We’ll send your full policy details by post.

    What we offer

    We offer up to £50,000 in legal costs, £1,500 for alternative travel and £500 for emergency hotel costs. Optional Parts and Labour Cover for up to £500 helps with garage and repair bills.

    • AA members get 10% off
    • Recovery of your vehicle back to the UK
    • Single trip or annual multi-trip cover
    • Country zones to help you choose the right level of cover

    Build your cover

    We recently broke down in France and used our European breakdown cover with the AA.All the staff involved kept us up to date and dealt with everything in an impressively efficient manner.

    Caroline and Trevor, Cumbria

    August 2020

    Our European essentials

    European driving kits

    Everything you need for your European trip – from breakdown kits and headlight beam converters to high vis vests, emergency triangles and more.

    Travel insurance

    We’ll tailor your cover to suit your needs – so all you need to do is enjoy your trip.

    Get a quote

    Currency cards

    Get your money abroad the safe and easy way with a travel currency card.

    Find out more

    Related advice and links

    • Driving rules in France
    • How to find and use EV Charge points in Europe
    • What do I need when driving in Europe?
    • Driving offences abroad
    • Hiring a car abroad
    • Driving abroad advice
    • Country by country advice

    European Breakdown Cover | Single-trip and annual (6)

    European Breakdown Cover | Single-trip and annual (7) Broken down in Europe?

    If you already have European cover, call 24/7 on 0044 (0) 121 336 6289

    If you already have European cover, call 24/7 on 0044 (0) 121 336 6289

    Call now

    Which European countries do you cover?

    We cover 44 European countries and give you the option to choose from 3 geographical zones. So you only pay for the cover you need – whether you’re making a quick hop across the Channel or planning a pan-European adventure.

    Zone 1: Includes France and Germany
    Andorra, Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, Republic of Ireland.

    Zone 2: Includes Spain and Italy
    Andorra, Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, Portugal, Republic of Ireland, San Marino, Spain (excluding Ceuta & Melilla), Switzerland, Vatican City.

    Zone 3: Includes Switzerland and Romania
    Albania, Andorra, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Kosovo, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Mediterranean islands (European. exc. Canary Islands), Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Republic of Ireland, Romania, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey in Europe (plus Üsküdar), Ukraine, Vatican City.

    All Zones
    If you purchase "All Zones" you'll be covered in all countries in Zones 1, 2 and 3.

    If you break down in Belarus, Ukraine or Bosnia-Herzegovina we won’t be able to help in the usual way.
    You’d still need to contact us to register your claim, but you’ll need to arrange for your vehicle to be repaired at your own cost. This includes having your vehicle transported back to the UK if it can’t be fixed. Keep a copy of your receipts and provide them to us when you return to the UK. We’ll then assess your claim and provide a refund where applicable.

    All other countries we cover remain unaffected.

    Are the Channel Islands and Isle of Man included with European Breakdown Cover?

    It depends on your final destination.

    If you’re visiting the Channel Islands or Isle of Man, they are not included with our European Breakdown Cover. You’ll need our UK breakdown cover instead.

    If you’re leaving from or passing through the Channel Islands or Isle of Man on your way to Europe, they are included with our European Breakdown Cover – but only when you're travelling between your home and the seaport you're departing from/returning to.

    What's included?
    • Defaqto 5-star rated cover
    • Unlimited overall claim limit (per trip with annual cover)
    • Full roadside assistance
    • Up to £1,500 for alternative travel and up to £500 for emergency hotel costs
    • We’ll help you reach your destination or get you and your car back home
    • Hire car before, during and after your trip to keep you on the move
    • Option to add Parts and Labour to your policy – get help with garage and repair bills, up to £500 (you can claim up to 3 times in your policy year with annual cover)
    • European Breakdown Cover is available for Annual, Single Trip and Single Trip Group policies.
    What should I do if I've changed my vehicle?

    Before you travel, make sure to call0800 107 6220 and tell us the new number plate.

    What vehicles do you cover?

    We cover cars, light vans, campervans, motor caravans, minibuses, caravans, trailers and motorcycles (over 200cc) provided they meet the following restrictions:

    • Maximum vehicle weight: 3.5 tonnes (3500 kgs) gross vehicle laden weight
    • Maximum vehicle length: 7m (23 ft)
    • Maximum vehicle width: 2.3m (7ft 6in)
    • Maximum vehicle height: 3m (9ft 10in)

    Vehicles must:

    • Have a current MOT certificate (if required)
    • Be taxed (not SORNed)
    • Have valid insurance for driving overseas
    • Be used for private purposes only
    What if I can’t see the cover I need online?

    Only our Single Trip (without towing) and Annual policies are sold on our website right now.

    Call us on 0800 072 3279 to purchase Single Trip cover with towing, a Group policy or if you want to discuss a one way trip.

    Can I get help if I've broken down abroad without cover?

    If you're broken down now but don't have cover with us, we may be able to help.

    Call us on 0044 (0)121 336 6289 – we'll provide a quote for one-off breakdown assistance. It'll likely cost more than our regular cover.

    Just so you know, this is for 1 single call-out only and you won't be covered afterwards.

    How do I use my Silver or Gold AA membership to get a discount on European Breakdown Cover?

    If you’re a Silver or Gold UK AA member, you can benefit from either 1 or 2 free days of European Breakdown Cover or up to 10% off our Annual European Breakdown Cover. If you wish to use this benefit, you must call us on 0800 072 3279 before you travel.

    Please note that free days can only be used a maximum of 3 times within the UK membership policy year and the annual discount can only be used once within the UK membership policy year.

    Will it be more expensive to buy new vehicle parts in Europe?

    Car parts purchased abroad may be more expensive and repairs may take longer if a new part is required.

    Will staff in garages in Europe speak English?

    Our 24/7 English-speaking helpline can be reached on 0044 (0)121 336 6289. However, we cannot guarantee that our repair and recovery operators in Europe will have English-speaking staff available. Opening hours may also differ to UK garages.

    I need to make 2 or more trips a year – what kind of cover can I get?

    Planning on making at least 2 trips to Europe within a 12-month period? If so, you'll probably be interested in our annual policy.This provides cover for unlimited trips abroad (up to 364 days in length) and up to 3 claims a year.

    How can I make a claim?

    Need to make a claim after your trip?

    If you already hold European Breakdown Cover with us and needed to pay and claim during your trip, we're here to help. Just download and fill out the form below.

    This can be emailed to: [emailprotected] along with copies of the relevant receipts etc.

    Or, you can post it to: Overseas Claims, Fanum House, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG21 4EA

    European Breakdown Cover claims form

    Policy documents

    Terms and conditions apply:

    European Breakdown Cover terms and conditions

    Good to know

    * Price is correct at June 2024 and is based on an AA member taking out AA European Breakdown Cover online for an 8-day trip within Zone 1, in a car less than a year old.

    ** Service provision in some parts of Ukraine is not possible. Where service is available, garages require cash payments to provide assistance. We can reimburse this on your return in line with the terms and conditions of the policy.

    About the price

    Prices shown include an introductory discount. Annual prices may be higher on renewal after the first year. Prices are for new customers only.

    How do you use my data?

    To find out how we use your data, please read our website privacy noticeand our specific roadside product privacy notice.

    For more information, there's also our cookie policy and website terms and conditions.

    AA European Breakdown Cover is arranged by Automobile Association Insurance Services Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). You can check their register online.

    Registered office: Fanum House, Basing View, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 4EA. Registered in England and Wales number 2414212.

    Buy European Breakdown Cover

    0330 053 1321

    We're open 9am to 6pm, Monday to Friday; 9am to 5pm, Saturday.

    0330 053 1321

    Broken down in Europe?

    0044 (0) 121 336 6289

    If you're having difficulty accessing this number on your network, please use the following alternatives:

    • French landlines – 0825 098 876 or 0472 171 200
    • UK mobiles or other EU countries–
      00 3382 509 8876 or 00 3347 217 1200

    Get help now

  • European Breakdown Cover | Single-trip and annual (2024)


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    Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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    Author information

    Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

    Birthday: 1998-02-19

    Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

    Phone: +17844167847676

    Job: Forward IT Agent

    Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

    Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.