Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (2024)

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If you want quick and simple dessert in the evening, two ingredient cake recipes are a great way to make one spending only a few minutes in the kitchen.

Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (2)

Two Ingredient Cake Recipes

I love these 2 ingredient cakes! This recipe is one I haven’t seen before. It doesn’t call for any eggs, oil or water.

Two Ingredient Cake Recipe Using Ice Cream

1 pint of ice cream, very soft
1 cake mix

Use any combination of ice cream or cake mix that you want. Mix them and bake according to box directions. Frost or drizzle with glaze.

If you missed my other post for a 2 ingredient cake, here it is again.

Two Ingredient Cake Recipe Using Pop

1 can pop (soda)
1 cake mix

Mix and bake according to directions.

You can use 7-Up with a white cake or lemon cake, cherry co*ke with chocolate cake. Try any combination you want!

Hmm. Orange or strawberry pop with white cake might be good! Top with mandarin oranges or strawberries and whipped topping.

If you use diet pop, you would have a low-calorie dessert.

You can make EASY and delicious meals at home in less time than eating out! You’ll save a ton of money on food and your family will thank you!

Click here to get our Dining On A Dime Cookbooks 25% Off NOW! They’re filled with tasty recipes and tips to make your life easier!

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Reader Interactions


  1. Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (7)cindy

    Here’s another 2 ingredient cake.
    1 cake mix I like chocolate or carrot or spice cake.
    1 small can of pumpkin
    mix together, bake as directed.
    I like to use in mini muffin tin.


    • Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (8)BB

      You can also add raisins and/or nuts to this. And, pumpkin pie spice. Not two ingredients this way, but very easy. :)


  2. Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (9)Nancy

    3 ingredients gets you cookies!
    1 cake mix
    2 eggs
    1/2 cup oil

    I like to add mini chocolate chips to a cherry chip cake mix, or, peanut butter chips to a chocolate cake mix.


  3. Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (10)Sandi

    My favorite is a can of fruit with the juices, such as fruit co*cktail or peaches, and a dry cake mix. I save some dry mix to sprinkle on top, and bake as directed.


    • Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (11)Nancy

      Can add chopped nuts and some melted butter to the top. You’re making me hungry!


      • Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (12)Jill

        I don’t think it would hurt to add nuts and butter. For sure you can add the nuts but try a little butter.


        • Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (13)joann guel

          Do you bake the cake as it says on the box and than you add the ice cream.and bake is that how???


          • Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (14)Jill

            You just mix the ice cream and the dry cake mix together, pour in a pan and bake at the temperature that is on the cake mix box and the amount of time it says too.

    • Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (15)Ernie F

      Do you mix the cake mix with the fruit juice first? Or just pour the fruit and juice over the cake mix?


      • Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (16)Jill

        Ernie you pour the fruit – juice and all into the pan then you sprinkle the cake mix over the fruit.


    • Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (17)Linda

      What size can?


      • Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (18)Jill

        12 oz can of pop


  4. Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (19)Bea

    I like the can of fruit and cake mix idea. Sounds so good.


  5. Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (20)Anne

    What a great idea!!! I was given a 2 gallon container of frozen vanilla ice cream (yogurt?)that my family does not like. I have been wondering what to do with it. I did not know what I was going to do with it and did not want to throw it away.


    • Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (21)Jill

      Anne another thing you might use the ice cream for is to make up some jello and in place of the cold water whisk in the same amount of ice cream instead. This use to be one of my kids favorite desserts. It is good anytime but is especially nice during summer when you don’t want a hot kitchen. You can use any flavor of jello you want. So easy.


  6. Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (22)Carrie

    seriously? how does this bake? seems like it would be a lot of liquid?


  7. Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (24)Sheri

    We have a favorite simple cake. Triple Chocolate Cake. Make up a box of cooked chocolate pudding. Mix into the chocolate cake mix. Pour into prepared pan. Sprinkle half cup chocolate chips and cook as directed on the box.

    This can be done with Lemon Cake, Lemon Pudding and Vanilla chips. And other combinations. My daughter-in-law requests it for my grandchildren’s birthdays.

    Very moist cakes!


    • Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (25)Kathy

      Is that all you do, is just the two , pudding and cake mix?


      • Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (26)Jill

        You use the softened ice cream for the first recipe and the cake mix and pop (soda) and cake mix for the second recipe. The ice cream and pop are the liquid for the recipe. These cakes have a little bit different texture but they are really really good.


    • Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (27)Dawn

      What size pudding mix


      • Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (28)Jill

        Dawn which recipe were you wondering about the pudding mix? Normally the recipe calls for the small I think 3 oz box and if it calls for a larger box it will state it.


        • Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (29)Dawn

          Thank you very much going to make it tonight


  8. Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (30)Bea

    Sherri, Those cakes sound so good.


  9. Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (31)Diana

    Got company coming need a quick reply?! Jill does the jello ice cream recipe just mean the little packets of flavoured gelatin crystals because I think there’s also a company that do instant puddings by the same name. And for the choc cake recipe in the comments think its triple choc – does bake as instructions on box mean add all the eggs etc that the cake box says?
    Thanks :)


    • Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (32)Jill

      Diana it is just Jello or you can use an off brand gelatin (packets of flavored gelatin crystals). When they say bake as instructions on box that means the temperature settings (usually 350 degrees about) and the amount of time it takes to bake.


  10. Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (33)Sheri

    The pudding replaces the eggs, oil and anything else the box states. You cook the cake for the same time and the same temperature as on the box.

    Cake mix, cooked pudding and chips are you need to go in the prepared pan.


    • Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (34)Kathy

      Thanks for the tip then :-)


  11. Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (35)Pam

    I made this cake recipe yesterday using a yellow cake mix and dulce de leche flavored ice cream. Squeezed caramel flavored ice cream syrup as a glaze over the top. Used a bundt pan. Batter was very thick and cake texture was almost like a pound cake. Will try lemon cake and ice cream next time, should have more flavor.


    • Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (36)Jill

      You are right Pam. The texture is different from your regular box mix. They usually seem to be more moist and a little denser. These recipes are good for beginning cooks or when teaching someone to cook, to see that using the right or different ingredients does change the way a cake turns out.


  12. Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (37)SEPHORA

    Sheri, do you make the pudding according to instructions and when chocolate pudding is ready in a bowl you just mix it with chocolate cake mix? Is that all? Sorry, because my mother tongue is Portuguese and maybe I misunderstood something… I need to understand it fully because I WANT TO MAKE this triple chocolate cake.. why is it called triple? Do I have to cook the pudding? You say “cooked” chocolate pudding.. sorry for so many questions… thanks! Sephora :-) from Brazil.


    • Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (38)Jill

      Sephora in case Sheri doesn’t see this, what you do is make your pudding stir in the dry cake mix, sprinkle with the chocolate chips and bake at the temperature and amount of time it says on the back of the cake mix box. We have 2 kinds of pudding mix one is instant that your just mix with milk and let set to thicken and the other kind you can cook to thicken. Either one will work for this recipe. I use instant most of the time because it is faster and easier and they both taste the same. Why it is called triple is because it has 3 things of chocolate to make it – the cake mix, the pudding and the chips.
      Hope this helps let me know it you have other questions.


      • Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (39)Sheri

        Thank you Jill! You got it right! I had never thought to use instant pudding! My family has been using this recipe since the 70’s.

        My daughter-in-law didn’t understand my directions and made up the cake mix the regular way and added the cooked pudding, then sprinkled the chips on top. Man! That cake was really good! Of course, it was a big gooey and really rich! Yum!

        In case it was not clear, the chips are sprinkled on top. Sometimes we decorate the cake after it comes out with a dusting of powdered sugar and serve it with ice cream or whipped cream.


        • Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (40)Jill

          Didn’t think till you mentioned it but this cake would be moist enough and good enough not to have to use frosting. Thanks for mentioning that.


  13. Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (41)SEPHORA

    I would like to post a recipe from Brazil – carrot cake, but our carrot cakes are YELLOW or orange, colour, with chocolate frost on top… totally different from brwon carrot cakes here … Jill: can I post it or not??


    • Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (42)Jill

      Sephora just post the recipe where you post your comment and I will put it up. We would all love to see it.


  14. Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (43)SEPHORA

    How can I email you a photo of the cake first to see if you approve it? Thanks, Jill! Sephora.


  15. Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (45)Liz

    I made the cake mix and soda cake the other day – Vanilla cake mix and a can of Lemon/Lime (didn’t use a whole can – just guessed it)
    I didn’t think it was going to work as when I was beating it, it seemed too runny.
    Put it in the oven and just kept my eye on it – wasn’t the prettiest looking cake but tasted divine- sooooooo moist! Beautiful flavour.
    Looking forward to trying other flavours – I am from Australia so unsure if you have similar flavours there (also call it soft drink not soda!)


    • Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (46)Jill

      It’s funny you mentioned that you call it soft drink Liz. First I love learning what you guys call the different things but also I just watched a thing last week on TV and they had a map of the US and had divided it into sections showing how when you are from different sections here you call a soft drink things like pop, soda, soft drink and down South they call it all a co*ke. Even if you are drinking 7 Up or Dr. Pepper it is still called a co*ke. : ) : )

      You said your batter was runny. I wonder if your cake mixes are the same size. If it helps ours are about 16 oz. Have a great week end.


  16. Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (47)Stella

    Those cakes sound so good! I’ve tried the recipe with pop before, it works really well! very moist.

    Kinda off the subject, but here’s a simple, no bake, 4 ingredient key lime pie.

    2 small pgks sugar free lime jello
    2 (8 oz) containers key lime yogurt
    8 oz cool whip
    1 (9″) graham cracker crust

    mix the dry jellos with the yogurts and cool whip. pour into crust and refrig overnight. awesome!!


  17. Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (48)SEPHORA

    Thank you Jill!! So, I prepare the pudding and when it is ready, done I mix it with the dry cake mix?


    • Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (49)Jill

      That is right.


  18. Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (50)Amy

    I’m trying the triple chocolate as cupcakes tonight to see if I like them enough to make them for my son’s birthday next month! I have to say, if the batter is any indication, these are amazing! I’ll post a picture on my blog for you to see how they turn out. Thanks for the recipes!


  19. Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (51)Ginny

    Has anyone tried 3-2-1 cake ??? I just received an e-maiil from my friend.
    1 box Angel Food Cake Mix
    1 box Cake Mix (any flavor)
    Put in ziploc bag both cake mixes and mix well.
    Each individual cake:
    3 TBLS cake mix combination
    2 TBLS water….mix in small microwave safe container
    Microwave for 1 minute
    Top with fresh fruit/whipped cream
    Keep remaining mixture in bag and use whenever you want a treat.
    Try cake mix flavors: pineapple,lemon,carrot,and so on. MUST use Angel Food Mix the other mix can be any flavor.


    • Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (52)Jill

      Yes we have Ginny. We posted it on here a couple of weeks ago but thanks for giving it to us again for those who missed it.


  20. Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (53)rose

    i made a cake with the mix and sprite .. the cake was fluffy but spongey at the same time .. i thought it tasted extremely sweet .. i only used half the mix tho .. i bought some club soda for the rest of the mix .. i will make that one in a few days ..


    • Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (54)Jill

      Don’t forget you can use diet pop for this recipe. My neighbor has used this and said that I think it was weight watchers recommended it if you use the diet pop (soda, soft drink).


  21. Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (55)rose

    well i finished 1 box of cake mix .. half was made with sprite and the mix and the other half was with the club soda and the mix ..
    i think we like the club soda the best .. it wasnt as sweet as the one that was made with the sprite .. both came out fluffy tho..
    this is def a keeper ..
    thanks for sharing everyone! ..
    my experiment cake mix was with the confetti cake and pink lemonade cake mixes ..
    also .. just wanted to tell u, publix (our supermarket here in central fl) sells the birthday cake ice cream (its actually like the confetti cake mix cake) . my son is in heaven .. he loves that cake and now the ice cream too! . yes his b-day is in april and yes, i will be making him another cake for him to celebrate .. . :D ..
    thanks again for sharing the ideas .. this was fun! .. :D


  22. Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (56)rose

    oh ok .. then i will try that for the rest of the pink lemonade cake then jill and let u know how that went .. or maybe make a chocolate cake with the diet co*ke .. and share with my daughter, son in law and friend .. this should be interesting . .thanks again jill :D ..


    • Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (57)Jill

      My grandkids and I have been having fun with this recipe too Rose. When they were over last week we tried chocolate w/Pepsi. It was so yummy and the kids loved it. They’re teens so for them to be impressed and think it was fun and “cool” you know it had to be good and fun to make.
      Sounds like you must be settling in ok and enjoying your new place too.


  23. Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (58)rose

    i know i have made a chocolate cake using co*ke instead of water .. but i had added eggs and the apple sauce instead of oil .. that came out pretty good .. i was trying to duplicate the coca cola cake that cracker barrel makes .. it didnt taste the same but it still came out pretty good .. i think they make theirs from scratch tho ..
    i know my son said this cake with the club soda came out yummy and not as sweet as when i used sprite .. i think the next cake i will make with diet co*ke .. and it will be chocolate ..
    i’ll let u know the outcome of it and what the kids think .. :D ..
    this is alot of fun too jill .. and i like it bc well . its only 2 ingredients .. i normally dont like recipes that use alot of ingredients .. it gets to be too much and well my dishes never come out looking (and probably tasting too) just like the recipe .. the simpler the better is best for me :D


  24. Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (59)Maria

    Hi! I’m interested to know how much the boxes of “just add water” kind of cake mix cost in the U.S. I hail from Europe, and here the imported packs of brownie mix (for one patch) are sold at over 5 euros ie. some 7 dollars a piece. For cupcake mix it costs some 3-4 euros. We don’t have our own brands and needless to say, making your own is so much cheaper – but I sometimes miss having the comfort.

    If you get them radically cheaper than we do, congrats. And I’m sure this recipe with the ice cream is great.

    Another thing I’m wondering about is the “shortening” sometimes used in American recipes. We do not get it here (but if we did, I’m sure it would cost a fortune).


    • Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (60)Jill

      Maria I just bought a cake mix yesterday and it was one dollar. I don’t know what that would be in Euros but sounds like it is much cheaper here for us. I know it isn’t quite the same but I have talked about it in several articles and that is to make up your own “cake mixes” by taking your favorite from scratch recipe and measuring up all the dry ingredients for it then place it in jars, containers or a plastic bag. You could do several at one time and then when you are tired or need something fast just pull out your bag of “homemade” mix and add the wet ingredients. That really is all our cake mixes are because you always have to add the eggs, water and oil then to the dry mix.

      Shortening here is just solid vegetable oil. Years ago they use to use lard in the same way. Most of our recipes which call for shortening you can use margarine (solid not whipped) in place of the shortening. Hope this helped a little. Holler if you have any more questions.


  25. Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (61)Linda

    One of my favorite cake recipes is:
    1 box angel food cake mix
    1 15 ounce can crushed pineapple.
    1 cup crushed peacans.

    Mix together and let sit for about 10 min prior to baking as instructions on the box say.


  26. Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (62)Linda

    There are only 3 ingredients in this cake. AND the nuts are optional.


  27. Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (63)Gayla T

    Have you heard about the 123 Cake? In a large gallon size zip top bag mix one flavored cake mix like chocolate, strawberry or carrot with an angel food cake mix. Seal bag and shake, shake, shake. Using a cup or custard type cup that is microwave safe, add 3 level Tablespoons cake mix, 2 teaspoons water and microwave on high for 1 minute. That’s where the 123 came from although it could be called the 321 cake. Careful when it comes out of the mike as it is really not. We top it with a teaspoon of canned frosting and it is yummy. We eat it right out of the cup. Store the mix in the fridge and we also keep the can of frosting in there. We didn’t think the chocolate was chocolaty enough so I added about 3/4 cup of cocoa. The kids love it for dessert or a snack and there’s no prep time. The 9 year old does the measuring, the 7 y/o stirs it up and puts it in the microwave and the 3 y/o pushes the button. I take it out because it’s hot. I also put on the frosting or a dab of ice cream and that cools it off so they can eat it. It’s really yummy. The purpose of the angelfood cake mix is that it supplies the eggs. What surprised me is that the kids like the carrot w/cream cheese frosting the best. We have 3 kinds going in the fridge and 3 cans of frosting and we are having a good time with it. This week is spring break and we have done it three times and it’s the only cake I’ve made since we mixed them up about a month ago. It seems like it is going a long way too and when done they are only eating about 3/4 cup of finished cake. They go home to mommy on the weekend and I’m alone and I’ve made it for myself twice when I wanted a little something sweet so it’s not just kid food. The angel food cake mix is about $2.50 but the other mixes I get on sale and frosting usually with a coupon so it’s not expensive either. I say a teaspoon of frosting but it’s a heaping teaspoon or at least not leveled off but that’s not a ton of calories either.


  28. Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (64)barb~

    Oh, Jill!

    I just laughed hearing you describe all the different words people have for “pop!” From Soda to soft drink, and yes, “co*ke.” I am from the center of the country-Kansas City, and grew up in Lawrence, Ks-home of The University of Kansas. I grew up saying “co*ke” almost all the time. Friends and I would say (and, still do!), do you want to go get a co*ke?” Maybe none of us would acutally GET a coca cola when we got there! LOL! When my mom would go to the store she would say, “Do we need any pop”, or does anyone want some kind of “co*ke?” “Sodas” were something made with seltzer water and chocolate flavoring at the drug store. My folks grew up going to the drug store after school, putting a nickel in slot machine to hear a favorite song-all the while sipping a “soda” ona round bar stool at the “soda counter.” The “soda shops” were all but gone by the time I made it to high school. We had the first “drive-Ins” where you could buy a hambuger for 12 cents (!!!!), fries, and of course, a “co*ke.” :) McDonalds came along shortly after and has continued to rule for a very long time! That reminds me-I probably “deserve a break today!” You do, too, Jill!!! LOL!!

    Happy Friday to everyone! God Bless!


    • Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (65)Jill

      So true Barb. I’m surprised I didn’t grow up even weirder and more confused then my kids already think I am. My dad was in the service so we not only lived in so many places that I learned to call “soft drinks” : ) by the regional name but we also had friends from all over who each called it something different.


  29. Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (66)maggie

    When I was a young, my dad used to get gas on Sunday morning after church and we were allowed to get a “co*ke” that we could take home and have after dinner (mid-day meal in my family). Supper was the evening meal.
    Dad would ask us “who wants a cooler and some nabs” (peanut butter crackers in the individual packs)as he was driving into the station. Of course, we always said yes. Mom had a co*ke (small green bottle), my sisters had RC (large 12 oz bottle – the biggest size), I had a Brown Cow (chocolate drink) and my brother had pepsi. I don’t think dad got anything. He had coffee when we got home.
    Isn’t it funny what triggers a memory. I had forgotten about this until I saw the names people called soft drinks.


    • Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (67)Jill

      That is so true Maggie. As I was reading your comment I was thinking of the times when we would be taking a trip (which we did all the time) and stopping at a gas station to get a bottle (glass)of pop. We would get to go in and pick a bottle of pop out of the coolers where they were hanging in ice that was slightly melted. I have yet to this day taste anything better then that especially since we usually had been traveling most of the day in 100 degree plus weather with no air conditioning of course. No one had it back then. You can imagine how good that icy cold pop tasted.


  30. Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (68)Maggie

    Remember, Jill, they used to be in a metal box hanging by their necks and you had to slide them along until they got to the place that was big enough for them to be lifted out. We used to visit my Uncle Willie and his wife, Lillie Mae in N. C. who lived on a cotton and peanut farm and we’d stop for our “coolers” before the trip. Mom would bring bologna, cheese slices and Wonder bread and we would make sandwiches and eat them in the car.


    • Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (69)Kathy

      Oh, I remember those metal boxes so well. lol


  31. Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (70)Glo

    Hi, I luv your website and have tried making several of the cake recipes… But I do have a question regarding the cake and chocolate pudding recipe …. Make cake dropped in the center is it , because I added the Chocolate chips to the batter ( didn’t realize till I read further comments that they were decoration) help!! Glo


  32. Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (71)jean

    i had been told of a recipe using just self rising flour and ice cream. just don’t remeber how much of each i remeber someone making a chocolate one and another a coconut one with some coconut on top it was made in a loaf pan anyone have the reatio?


  33. Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (72)Mary Anderson

    Here’s another really easy cake: 1 cake mix, 1 can cherry pie filling and 3 eggs. Mix all together and bake. Very moist and guests will think you worked really hard! Bake @ 350 until it tests done with toothpick.


  34. Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (73)Melodie

    I tried the diet soda cake, it is great comes out light and moist!!! Possibilities are endless. Here are a few more recipes for those of us trying to take off a few pounds!(or are out of other ingredients.)

    1 box moist-style cake mix (15.25 – 18.25 oz.) *180 calories for 1/12 piece
    1 cup fat-free plain Greek yogurt
    Add 1 cup of water

    Comes out velvety! Super moist, like a brownie-cake.

    1 box moist-style cake mix (15.25 – 18.25 oz.) *181 calories for 1/12 piece
    1 cup fat-free liquid egg substitute (like Egg Beaters Original)
    Add 1 cup of water

    Comes out Light and fluffy

    1 box moist-style cake mix (15.25 – 18.25 oz.) *179 calories for 1/12 piece
    1 cup no-sugar-added applesauce
    Add 1 cup of water

    Comes out VERY moist and fluffy


  35. Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (74)Mary Jane

    I don’t buy cake mixes, but who knew that there was such an easy recipe? Cool.


  36. Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (75)Jim Armstrong

    Root Beer and chocolate cake mix.


  37. Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (76)Malinda

    What size can of pumpkin/ pie mix or puree?


    • Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (77)Jill

      15 oz can Malinda.


  38. Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (78)Cheryl

    I’ve done the pop cake once about a year ago. It turned out surprisingly well, very moist, so I recommend giving it a try. I called one of my friends, who’s a wonderful baker, and she asked me to bring a piece over and she gave it the thumbs up too. The only reason I haven’t baked another is because I don’t normally keep pop in the house (I make my own iced tea) and nor do I usually have cake mixes because I’ll bake them from scratch. But sometimes it all comes together. I find pop and cake mix on sale and into the buggy it goes!


    • Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (79)Corine Barnes

      Various teas also make good water substitutes in cakes…like peach, mint, oolong…


  39. Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (80)amy mcc

    Wow, love the jello + ice cream idea. I cannot believe this actually works – cake mix with ice cream or cake mix with soda. I mean, I totally believe you, but it just sounds like magic!
    That instant key lime pie sounds fabulous! I love key lime pie but it is way too fattening. And I am thinking this one you can do with the fat free cool whip, sugar free jello, and light yogurt. I hope my family doesn’t expect me to share!!!
    These were such fun posts to read – all the memories of soda in glass bottles.
    Once I made corn muffins, from a mx, and used yogurt in the mix. They came out REALLY light and spongy and tasted more like pound cake, but kind of grainy from the corn meal. Very enjoyable.
    I want to go home from work right now and make all of these!


    • Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (81)Jill

      Lol Amy I love your comments – they make me want to try my own recipes all over again. :)


  40. Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (82)amy mcc

    Ooooo, I am thinking many variations on the key lime pie: lemon jello and lemon yogurt. Strawberry. Orange. Layers of different flavors.


  41. Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (83)Peggy

    Hi, can you use sherbet instead of ice cream? There’s a slight difference in consistency so I wasn’t sure.


    • Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (84)Jill

      Yes you can


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Easy Two Ingredient Cake Recipes (2024)


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