IPL Hair removal has become very common over the years. Due to these under-qualified IPL practitioners using unsafe IPL systems or systems that just don’t work, there are many myths and urban legends surrounding IPL hair removal.
To lay these to rest our fully qualified team of nurses and doctors here at Lumina Aesthetics Clinic have put together their top 10 IPL hair removal myths:
Myth 1: IPL hair removal is painful
If you’ve ever waxed or had threading, then IPL hair removal will be a walk-in-the-park!
The IPL removes hair It has a unique sapphire cooling spot. Intense Pulse Light (IPL) is produced when an electric current is passed through xenon gas. This causes some warming sensation in the skin but using proper cooling equipment during the treatment this effect is removed within seconds.
Myth 2: IPL hair removal doesn't work on dark skin
It is true that lots of IPL systems don't work on darker skin, however, the Exilite IPL works well on darker skin and is designed for, and has excellent results on, all skin types – Let’s have treatment only at Lumina Aesthetics Clinic.
Myth 3: Takes years of treatments to work
Again not true. As long as you’re using a powerful IPL such as Exilite then you can see results - even after one session.
For permanent hair reduction, it can typically be seen within 4-6 months. This is approximately 4-6 treatments.
Myth 4: IPL hair removal is expensive
Compared to a lifetime of shaving cream and razors, electric shavers and epilators, waxing and threading IPL hair removal is remarkably cost-effective.
The effects of IPL hair removal can last a lifetime so it is definitely a worthwhile investment.
Myth 5: IPL hair removal isn't safe
With a team lead by dermatologists and nurses, it is very rare for problems to occur. We prevent these problems by encouraging thorough reading and understanding of the pre-treatment guidelines, as there are a number of things you should avoid before your treatment.
Myth 6: Can’t be performed on face/sensitive areas
This is absolutely busted as the IPL can be used on any part of the skin.
Some of the most popular treatments are IPL treatment on the upper lip, underarms and bikini area.
Myth 7: IPL hair removal doesn’t last
Guaranteed permanent reduction in hair depends on the type of IPL used. People can expect to see a reduction using a medical IPL such as our Exilite.
Myth 8: Can’t go swimming afterwards
While not without a seed of truth this one is also busted. We would recommend waiting 24-48 hours after your session before going for a swim. If you have extremely sensitive skin and notice that the side effects from your session last longer than usual we would recommend waiting until your skin has fully recovered before going for a swim. You should avoid direct sunlight and activities that will heat your skin up for up to 72 hours after treatment.
If you have any further questions regarding swimming after IPL Hair Removal, contact Lumina’s patient care coordinator.
Myth 9: You can’t have fake tan on
This one is true. You can’t have a fake tan on while having a treatment. However, you can use fake tan in-between treatments provided the tan has worn off before your next treatment.
We also advise that you wait for any natural tan from your holidays to fade before treatment.
Myth 10: IPL hair removal causes ingrown hairs
IPL hair removal is in fact the recommended treatment for ingrown hairs for conditions such as folliculitis and razor bumps (pseudofolliculitis barbae).
After we explore Myths from IPL Hair Removal, this blog will show you do’s and don’t’s before, during and after IPL Hair Removal. 😉
Before IPL hair removal
Firstly, before you undergo IPL hair removal treatment, you must not expose the treated area to the sun or a sunbed. A sunscreen of SPF 30, or preferably a total sunblock of SPF 50, should be applied whenever exposed to the sun is unavoidable.
You must avoid plucking, waxing, or bleaching the hair for six weeks prior to treatment. Preserving the root and the pigment of the hair is imperative for the success of the IPL treatment.
You should not shave the area to be treated the day or night before your appointment, Lumina’s nurse will help to shave your hair before the procedure. It will allow the light to go directly to the hair follicle.
During IPL hair removal
During the procedure certain safety considerations are important. The patient and any other person in the IPL room need protective eyewear to prevent the risk of damage to the retina. A jet of chilled air is used with the light to minimize epidermal damage and increase patient comfort. The use of a local anesthetic is optional.
After IPL hair removal
Immediately following treatment the area may show erythema (redness and some swelling) around the follicles which looks similar to large goosebumps.
Around 2 or 3 weeks after an IPL hair removal treatment 10 to 20% of the treated hairs will fall out. During the healing phase, the area must be treated delicately. Do not rub or scratch. If a crust develops let it fall off on its own. Apply a thin layer of aloe vera ointment to the treated area several times a day to keep it moist. Pat the area dry. Do not shave the area if is swollen or crusting.
Apply ice when swelling occurs. Wrap the ice in a clean soft cloth. Discomfort or stinging may be relieved with Paracetamol. Do not take Ibuprofen or Aspirin as these medicines may react to the IPL light. If you need to apply make-up on the area you must apply and remove it delicately. Excess rubbing can open the treated area and increase the chance of scarring. Avoid sports and strenuous exercise for two days following the treatment for IPL hair removal. Walking is encouraged though.
Avoid very hot baths, showers, steam baths or saunas, and don’t swim in strongly chlorinated water for two or three days as we mentioned above on myths number 8. Don’t use bleaching creams or perfume products for 24 to 48 hours. Avoid exfoliating or peeling for one week. Try to avoid wearing tight clothing for two or three days. And if there are signs of infection like pus, tenderness or fever, contact the clinic. Post-treatment skin care instructions must be followed to prevent any complications.
If you are interested in having IPL Hair Removal, book your FREE consultation with Lumina’s doctor here ..